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[Merged] Celebrity Ghost Hunter Ryan Buell Arrested for Fraud

I will update Paranormal State Illustrated website before posting more

I will focus my time to update my Paranormal State Illustrated website to a responsive theme, with new content-- some of which I've mentioned in this thread. As a result, I likely won't be posting here until the updated website is online.

Having a responsive theme website will make Paranormal State Illustrated easily viewed on devices such as smart phones, tablets, laptops, and desk top computers. Currently, the site isn't easily viewed on smart phones and tablets because the software used to create the site is so old and never had the ability to create a responsive website.

My self-imposed deadline to upload the updated website is noon, (EST), 16 Nov 2016. The site won't be complete, but it will contain relevant information I can link to.

Unfortunately, I don't have earth-shattering evidence about how fake the TV show, Paranormal State, was. I tried but failed.

To those who have read my lengthy posts-- thank you. I look forward to posting again, soon.

-Ernie Marsh
Posted Saturday, 12 Nov 2016.
Due to technical difficulty and the fact my ParanormalStateIllustrated.com website isn't as far along as expected, I regret I will not upload the new, responsive-theme site on Wednesday, 16 November 2016. The responsive theme would make the website easy to view on smart phones.

But I hope you will check back for exclusive information.

I wish Ryan and his family well.

Progress through loss

Updating with trial (and other) information you won't get anywhere else
I'm updating this thread and will write about my experiences regarding Buell's trial, and other related issues. The information about the case I'll be referencing involves (but is not limited to) CP-14-CR-0001570-2016, Criminal Docket in the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, Pennsylvania, involving allegations against Ryan Daniel Buell, pertaining to (but not limited to), of 1 / Theft Of Leased Property, 2 / Receiving Stolen Property, and, 3 / Theft Of Services-Acquis Of Service. I find some of the issues surrounding this case and my interaction with some of those involved, to be disturbing.

In short about the Buell criminal case
I didn't write earlier because I questioned my writing ability (I still do), and I was shutout-and-shutdown by court personnel, two reporters, and Buell’s attorney. I felt marginalized after a District Attorney's office employee asked if I was paid media, after I asked to talk with the assistant DA (prosecuting Buell’s case) because I drove from Pittsburgh-area to Bellefonte, PA, for a scheduled March 7, 2017 trial that didn't happen. I was looking for answers.

March 7, 2017 trial issues
I was confused because I believe I saw 'family' of Ryan Buell's at the hotel I stayed at the night of March 6, 2017, in State College, PA. And, on March 7, I believe I saw Buell's defense attorney, standing in the vestibule outside Courtroom 1, less than an hour before Buell's 9:00 a.m. scheduled trial, talking with (who I believe were at least six) friends and family, of Ryan Buell. Right before the All Rise for judge was announced to start court, a female court employee walks out from the well, comes over to where I'm sitting, and asks, Are you from Pittsburgh? Yes, I said. Buell's trial was rescheduled for March 20th. I didn't have time to ask her how that could be, because right when she finished telling me, all rise! bellowed, and she returned to the well, where she was in charge of the cardboard box that held the case files.

May 18, 2017 I was told to leave the Centre County Courthouse
And, there's what happened on May 18, 2017, when I drove from Pittsburgh-area to the Centre County Courthouse, in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, to find again, no trial. I spent that morning listening to every case the judge heard in Courtroom 2. Buell's case was on the docket, but wasn't called. Buell's attorney did however, unannounced, walked up and had a sidebar with the judge. I couldn't hear what they said. A document was signed, and Buell's attorney went and sat down in the space that looked like a jury box. Buell wasn't there, and the case wasn't announced or publicly presented. A Centre Daily Times reporter sat behind and to my right, in the spectator section. That reporter would later be with me when Buell's attorney asked me to leave the courthouse. Buell's attorney was sitting on steps outside Courtroom 2, flanked by two attorneys. Buell's attorney told me, (I paraphrase), Yes, it's public space, and yes, you could stay, but I'm asking you to leave. The Centre Daily Times reporter never reported that situation.

I gave information to two reporters who initially covered Buell's arrest. I felt they'd use that information and have a large readership, with way more people learning from them, then how many people read what I post on this Forum. They stopped reporting on the Buell trial.

I plan to post something that I used to feel embarrassed, stigmatized, and marginalized, about, and I'll talk about it's relevance. This likely will be interesting for certain Centre County Courthouse employees, and a Pennsylvania State Trooper. Heck, I still feel a bit embarrassed, but I'm moving forward, and disclosure is in order.

I'll include why I feel it's in the public interest to have this information publicly posted.

Goal directed activities rising from death, betrayal, and anger
Reporting could prove (unjustly) troublesome. But due to an event that took an ever-more-painful turn last summer (2020) where I lost somebody I loved...the experience has been transformative. I won't be silent.

Today, March 9, 2021, is my 58th birthday. As goal directed activities, from this day forward, I plan write (more clear and concise, and yeah, I know I've got a long road to travel), and to make videos, in the public interest. The issues are complex (not just regarding this thread). But I'll start here, with this Forum thread. Please be patient, as I'm a work in progress, and I'm not good at everything, but, I'm doing what I can.

Posted Tuesday, March 9, 2021, at about 5:54 p.m. (EST), by Ernie Marsh.
It is unclear to me why you have this interest in Buell now, and in particular the interest in the old court case that had nothing to do with his activities as a ghost hunter.
It is unclear to me why you have this interest in Buell now, and in particular the interest in the old court case that had nothing to do with his activities as a ghost hunter.

Hi steenkh, good questions. It's not just about Buell.

I will answer tomorrow, Thursday.

Thank you,

Ernie Marsh
It is unclear to me why you have this interest in Buell now, and in particular the interest in the old court case that had nothing to do with his activities as a ghost hunter.

steenkh, a week ago I was online and read an article about someone connected to Ryan Buell. That person (connected to Buell) was recently hired, and started their new role, in January. It's hard for me to understand that that person was hired by that employer, for the office they work in, with the job title mentioned in the article. Ironies abound.

Writing about Buell is my effort to bring to light potential fraud and other wrongdoings.

My writing is about how contacts come into play; how people know each other, network, and enable things to happen– behind the scenes–hidden from public view.

Buell is just one person in a system of selling misinformation; be it chasing ghosts or spirits that aren't proven to exist, or, the misinformation can be about almost anything. An example of misinformation can be portraying something one way, when it’s actually another way. It’s about selling smoke and mirrors that can lead people to believe in things that don't exist, or aren't what they appear to be. It’s about the interplay of people in those systems, where each person clings to a part of a tangled web.

So I write in the pursuit of truth, transparency, context, and accuracy, and to seek if there’s ever justice.
When this show was on I was still interested in ghosts and watched ghost hunters. Being a believer at the time I remember watching this show and finding it unbelievable, disrespectful, and almost completely unwatchable. It wasn't long after that ghost hunters got exposed for the first time for faking things on a live show and with the help of forums like this I saw the light.

I am still interested in this story in particular because I am an alumni of Penn State and this story got lost behind the Sandusky story. But it's still a black mark on the college.
Writing about Buell is my effort to bring to light potential fraud and other wrongdoings.
But as I understand it, the current court case is not about fraud, ghost hunting, etc. is it still relevant from a skeptic POV?
Buell is a recovering addict (and good for him). He is still active in paranormal events up and down the east coast according to his Twitter page.

This is his blog: http://www.ryanbuell.org/blog

ErnieM's story about getting the runaround at the court houses s interesting and I want to see where he goes with it.
Writing about Buell is my effort to bring to light potential fraud and other wrongdoings.

But as I understand it, the current court case is not about fraud, ghost hunting, etc. is it still relevant from a skeptic POV?

steenkh, I believe this is still relevant from a skeptic POV, for many reasons. There are similarities to other situations I've researched (other than Buell or Paranormal State)–about key information that never was reported by mainstream media–and the implications of keeping that information hidden from view. I want to show how hard, if not impossible, it can be, to get critical and key information. One example which I won't give specifics on, deals with the circumstances surrounding the June 26, 2020, death of my dad. My dad, Raymond Eugene Marsh, would've turned 88 today, on March 21, 2021. Some of the people I told? No one listened or made it look like I was a problem-maker; I was shutdown, shutout, and smeared. I was surprised how simple it is to be excluded, denied information, and painted in a false negative light, by someone who holds power and abuses that power.

I want to show examples on how to (better) document information-seeking efforts, from documentation mistakes I made. But I note– not all failures of my inability to get information were mistakes–there were instances where people in power simply refused to provide answers, or to give information.

I'm writing now because earlier this month (as it relates to Buell and this thread) I learned new information– that Penn State University hired someone connected to Ryan Daniel Buell. This has to deal with potential similarities to what's been mentioned as a Penn State culture of silence. New-hire has a spouse; both are Penn State alumni. I'm having a difficult time describing the connections of who's who, so I'll talk about it in a future post.

Buell never fully disclosed how the Penn State University Paranormal Research Society (PRS), student organization, formed, or if the PRS EVER met the criteria for Provisional Status, let alone, Permanent Status.

The A&E TV series, Paranormal State, may be fraudulent from the viewpoint that the Penn State University Paranormal Research Society student organization may not have been granted Permanent Status. Also, Ryan Buell could not have been the "Director" (according to Penn State's, Policies and Rules for Student Organizations) of the Penn State Paranormal Research Society, as seen on TV, because Buell wasn't a full-time student during the times filming season one episodes in Fall semester 2006, Spring 2007, and Fall 2007. The Penn State new-hire I mentioned above, likely would have known this about Ryan Buell.

For clarity, I think the court case, CP-14-CR-0001570-2016, Criminal Docket in the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, Pennsylvania, has been resolved, and is not, "current." That case wasn't about the Conversations with the Dead Tour, but deals with the criminal case where Buell was extradited from Florence County, in South Carolina, because of a rented 2016 Kia Sportage SUV from Hertz, Eagle Automotive LLC, that Buell didn't return the SUV when it was due back.

Yes, the Buell case is still relevant from a skeptic POV. I have to overcome my problematic writing to make this clear. Please keep asking questions. Some of this is complex. I likely have to make numerous iterations before I make clear and concise...sense.

Posted Sunday, March 21, 2021, at about 7:22 p.m. EDT, by Ernie Marsh
I've followed this since I live in the SC area where Buell now resides, very interesting information.
If something isn't clear, please don't hesitate to ask.

Your writing seems very good and concise to me.

Thank you, mgidm86, your words mean a lot to me.

For years I communicated with a significant number of people about a situation (other than Ryan Daniel Buell's) to report egregious harm, but the harm never stopped. I spoke out but was repeatedly shutout and shutdown. Night and day, I wondered if my words failed; maybe I didn't write clearly, or maybe I didn't speak clearly. Years passed. I tried to stop the harm, but couldn't. I failed. Through pain and loss, I learned what it's like to be helpless to stop crooked authority where power and control can be maintained and manipulated by broken systems and evil people.

Please note, I'm not saying all people are evil, nor am I saying all people in power/authority are crooked and manipulative.

mgidm86, thank you for saying my writing seems very good and concise to you. I will try my best to explain how and why I believe it's in the public interest to talk about Ryan Daniel Buell's situations.

I need to present a lot of information to connect the dots. Due to the breadth and depth of topics, my posts may seem scattershot. So if you, mgidm86, or anyone, have a question or questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I will start by answering posts from ISF members xterra, Jodie, Axxman300, steenkh, and kali1137. This will take some time, but you all raised significant issues and I want to put those issues into context.
ErnieM's story about getting the runaround at the court houses s interesting and I want to see where he goes with it.

My impression is that the real life court system is a miserable pile of bureaucracy, paperwork, and rescheduled hearings. Without being privy to the conversations between the actual participants (attorneys, judges, plaintiffs, defendants, etc.), it's impossible to arrive at any concrete conclusions about what's going on.
My impression is that the real life court system is a miserable pile of bureaucracy, paperwork, and rescheduled hearings. Without being privy to the conversations between the actual participants (attorneys, judges, plaintiffs, defendants, etc.), it's impossible to arrive at any concrete conclusions about what's going on.

I'm sure there is a lot to this part of the story. Pennsylvania politics is frustrating because depending on which county you're in you can be in the 21st Century or under some blend of Hessian/British-inspired rule, and everything in between.
It's impossible for me to make a clear and concise (brief) post about Ryan Buell's trial because there are so many events that happened before, during, and after the court proceedings, that I feel played a role in how various events unfolded. My information is based on my firsthand account.

I will include information that spans the course of 21 years, as I feel it's important as to what's unfolded, and how the information is or should be, current, even though Buell's arrest took place in 2016. I will point out instances of how and why Buell's situation is current, and, of skeptical POV interest.

To help ensure an understanding of Buell's arrest and court proceedings, as it pertains to Axxman300's OP, I will need to detail and put into context, the ABC11 Eyewitness News Troubleshooter Diane Wilson online article (which includes a video), "Celebrity ghost hunter Ryan Buell arrested," that Axxman300 linked to.

(Unknown) officials deemed Buell's case a non-media case
For future reference, as I was told by an employee in the Prothonotary's Office at the Centre County Courthouse in 2017, Buell's case was considered a non-media case. In contrast, the trial of Jerry Sandusky (at the Centre County Courthouse, same courtroom Buell's case was to have been held), Sandusky's case was considered a media case.

I was told by a Centre County Courthouse administration employee that the court doesn't have criteria that make a case a media, or non-media case. The Administration employee told me their understanding, that it is an overwhelming interest, by media, and, determined by various county and state officials, that make a case a media, or a non-media, case. I wasn't told any individual, specific criteria, that would make a case a media, or non-media case. Just some generalities.

Ryan Buell was a Penn State alum, and was on a national TV show. But Buell's case, in the officials' eyes, didn't fit the criteria of a media case to be publicized on the Centre County "Court Media Information" webpage.

A media case would be a case that shows overwhelming interest, to certain county and state officials, I was told. I haven't been able to find out who the officials were who determination Buell's trial to be a non-media case.

My post about the significance of the ABC11 Eyewitness News Diane Wilson article & video mentioned by Axxman300 should come next.
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I imagine that if the family requests it not be a media case that might have some sway, Ryan's father is in law enforcement. That might have been a professional courtesy extended to him
ErnieM's story about getting the runaround at the court houses s interesting and I want to see where he goes with it.

My impression is that the real life court system is a miserable pile of bureaucracy, paperwork, and rescheduled hearings. Without being privy to the conversations between the actual participants (attorneys, judges, plaintiffs, defendants, etc.), it's impossible to arrive at any concrete conclusions about what's going on.

I post because I want to show how broken systems shield people, institutions, and agencies, etc., and to show the harm caused by the lack of transparency, traceability, and accountability.

Some of the broken systems relevant to Ryan Daniel Buell's case include, but are not limited to:
  • courts
  • media outlets
  • the legal profession
  • Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA, but known as Right-to-Know Law in Pennsylvania)
  • the Federal Trade Commission
  • Penn State University
I didn't post for a while because I felt shame of embarrassment, and fear of retaliation.

I shared some information I got from Penn State about Ryan Buell's Penn State Paranormal Research Society student organization, with two reporters who first reported on Buell's arrest. The reporters didn't use the information, and both reporters stopped reporting on Buell's theft case.

The Centre County Courthouse prosecuting ADA wouldn't speak with me.I asked to speak with the Assistant District Attorney prosecuting Buell's case on March 7, 2017, at the Centre County Courthouse. Buell's trial didn't happen that day even though it was on the docket. So I walked into the DA's office. After being asked if I was paid media, the woman behind the bullet-proof glass went and asked the ADA. The prosecuting ADA was in his cubby-hole of an office, his chair was back against a wall while seated at a desk. But the ADA wouldn't talk with me.

I asked questions from the District Court Administrator of Centre County; they answered some questions, but didn't answer others. In a email dated March 17, 2017 at 2:54 p.m., they said I should contact the defendant's attorney. The District Court Administrator said they weren't involved in the case/progression.

Buell's attorney never returned my calls. And on May 18, 2017, Buell's attorney was outside Courtroom #2 sitting on some steps, flanked by two attorneys, standing, one to his left, and one to his right. This happened in the presence of the Centre Daily Times reporter (who reported on Buell's arrest): Buell's attorney said I freaked-out a lot of people, and, I paraphrase, Yes, it's public space, and yes, I could stay, but he (Buell's attorney) wants me to leave.

For context, I followed a trial in another jurisdiction in Pennsylvania. It shares some striking similarities of broken systems. I won't say specifics about the other case...I'm still working through it, but many things are disturbing.

I will post in response to ISF member posts. I need to make at least 12 posts to respond to existing posts. I feel there are many things that need to be put into context. I'll report what the media outlets haven't. I'll report on first-hand information.

I post what is in the public's interest and is relevant.

Posted Friday, December 17, 2021, 5:05 p.m. (EST), by Ernie Marsh.
My full legal name is Raymond Ernest Marsh.
My friends and most people call me Ernie.
I live in South Park, Pennsylvania.
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Posted Friday, December 24, 2021

My posts will likely appear scattershot as I describe situations that occurred before, during, and after Ryan Buell's arrest and subsequent court case as mentioned in the OP. Things are complicated.

I believe the information I'll present are relevant, significant, and important as to how Ryan was treated as a defendant at the Centre County Courthouse, and how I was treated as someone who wanted to report on Buell's case and related circumstances.

There's a lot to cover and I don't know how to best show what's going on, hence my posts may seem scattershot. My posts will cover variety of ways to show: chronology, people, places, and things, that are in the public interest.

New information has come to light since Buell's criminal case first became public.

I will show what mainstream media outlets didn't or won't cover. Some of the media outlets include, but are not limited to, the Penn State University student run Daily Collegian, the Centre Daily Times (State College, Pennsylvania), and WTVD ABC 11 Eyewitness News in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina area. I shared information with two reporters from two media outlets, They apparently did nothing with the information I gave them, and they stopped reporting on Buell's case.


Why do I put my name, date & time on some of my posts?
I do this to say who I am, and to help verify, if needed, that it was me, who posted what and when.

Earlier, I said I would update my website, ParanormalStateIllustrated.com, before making more posts.
I haven't updated my website yet.

(1) I need to make a new website using different software because the current website isn't mobile-friendly (a responsive theme website), and the software hasn't been supported for years. (2) I have documents (I legally obtained), but there may be copyright issues if I post the files. (3) Sometimes I have a problematic issue of getting certain things done in a timely manner.
I imagine that if the family requests it not be a media case that might have some sway, Ryan's father is in law enforcement. That might have been a professional courtesy extended to him

Whether a case was/is deemed a media case (such a Jerry Sandusky's case), or a non-media case (as in Ryan Daniel Buell's criminal case which started as Docket Number MJ-49101-CR-0000274-2016 and subsequently known as CP-14-CR-1570-2016), gave the Centre County District Attorney's office control over what information could/would be publicly posted.

Buell's case files were for a time, only locally-available
To get public court files on Buell's non-media case, you had to go to the Centre County Courthouse Prothonotary's Office and use the computer system to access the files, or pay (I have to check the document, but it was more than $300) for access to the Centre County court's online service. Had the Centre County Courthouse officials used the nationally-available system PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records), users such as court staff; members of the bar; city, state, and federal employees; the news media; and the general public, could have searched Buell's case and paid just the document fees. I got some of Buell's public court files because I drove about two hours and 45 minutes from the Pittsburgh-area to Centre County, Pennsylvania, and used the Centre County Courthouses online computer system in the Prothonotary's Office, and paid 50 cents a page.

Why is this significant?
Keeping files local in Centre County, controlled how Buell's public court case information was available.

Buell was a student at Penn State University in State College, PA, during a portion of the time when Jerry Sandusky maintained an office at the University and Sandusky sexually abused young boys.

A then-Penn State university spokesman said in a Daily Collegian Online article about the A&E filming first scenes of the Penn State Paranormal Research Society reality TV show:

"It looks like a high-quality show," he said. "It'll be great exposure for the university. There's no way we could afford to buy that much air time on a major network."

I have not been able to find out who the decision-makers were that decided that Buell's case would be a non-media case.


I can't say if there was a professional courtesy extended that resulted in Buell's case being a non-media case. But I can say this:

Buell's biological dad is a law enforcement officer.

Buell's biological dads' wife is a judge.

Buell's uncle, a Penn State graduate, was a Special Agent at Drug Enforcement Agency. Penn State hired Buell's uncle in January 2021. Buell's uncle is married to Shelly Bonavita Lundberg's sister. Shelly Bonavita Lundberg is Ryan Daniel Buell's biological mother. The uncle's wife is a Penn State graduate. Ryan Buell lived at his aunt and uncle's home when Buell enrolled at Penn State McKeesport campus (that campus name changed to Penn State Greater Allegheny, in 2007).

The then-DEA special agent never returned my Friday, November 21, 2014, 2:14 p.m. phone call when I called him at the DEA's Pittsburgh, PA, field office, when I introduced myself and asked questions if he was Ryan's uncle, and to verify if Ryan lived with him in 2001.

I also sent an email to Buell's aunt & uncle in September 2016 to ask about Ryan, but I never heard back.

Backstory: I got an email from someone that was supposedly close to Buell's aunt and uncle. They emailed me that Ryan's aunt said Ryan didn't have pancreatic cancer. The email sender wrote that Ryan's aunt was helping organizing (Ryan's) conferences. I couldn't verify who sent the email, and I never went to have drinks with the person as they asked me to do, and they told me to stop contacting them, after I asked about Ryan's cousin. Ryan's cousin was the one who joined the Penn State PRS, and is related to Shelly's mom, and Shelly's moms' sister who's married to the former DEA special agent.

Ryan has a cousin, a Penn State graduate, who joined the Penn State Paranormal Research Society after the Society was turned down for "Provisional Status." Student organization files show the Penn State PRS had problems meeting the minimum members needed for a student organization to be recognized. Ryan's cousins' name appeared on a Penn State PRS membership list when they (Ryan's cousin) may have already graduated and left Penn State.

According to Penn State student organization files, the Penn State Paranormal Research Society was never granted Permanent Status. An internal email, dated Friday, March 28, 2008, 1:07 p.m. from Student Activities and sent "To" eleven people, states the the Paranormal Research Society was placed on "Inactive status." So the A&E TV series Paranormal State portrayed the group as a Penn State club for years, when in fact there was no active club.

Some of the judges that were on the court docket for Ryan Daniel Buell's case were Penn State graduates.

Some of the judges recused themselves from the Jerry Sandusky criminal case, according to a December 21, 2011, Centre Daily Times article, CASE AGAINST SANDUSKY: Judge bars release of victim's name to the public.

“to avoid any appearance of conflict of interest due to real or perceived connections” to Sandusky, the Second Mile charity Sandusky founded, or Penn State, the release states.

A June 29, 2012, Daily Collegian article, Centre County Judge Grine recuses himself from Sandusky case, states that

No explanation for the recusal was available Thursday and no official motion had been filed, according to court administrators.

Some of the judges that appear in the news articles above, did not recuse themselves from Ryan Daniel Buell's criminal case, but did recuse themselves from the Jerry Sandusky criminal case.
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Buell is a recovering addict (and good for him). He is still active in paranormal events up and down the east coast according to his Twitter page.

This is his blog: http://www.ryanbuell.org/blog

ErnieM's story about getting the runaround at the court houses s interesting and I want to see where he goes with it.

Axxman300, everyone,

Almost six years have passed since Ryan Daniel Buell was arrested and charged with Theft Of Leased Property, Receiving Stolen Property, and Theft Of Services-Acquisition Of Services, in the case of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Ryan Daniel Buell, Docket No: CP-14-CR-0001570-2016, in the Court of Common Pleas, Centre County, Pennsylvania.

I question myself over-and-over again if I should make public what I know about Buell's case, from my first-hand knowledge.

While I got the runaround at the Centre County Courthouse, there's more to that. I believe the information is relevant, and current.

I've done a crappy job at describing things.

I intend to do a better job presenting relevant information.

Please be patient, as this is complicated.

Ernie Marsh
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It is unclear to me why you have this interest in Buell now, and in particular the interest in the old court case that had nothing to do with his activities as a ghost hunter.

Hi steenkh,

Your question is complex and complicated.

Some 'recent' information has become public about some Centre County judges and former District Attorney. I need to describe what I experienced first-hand. This will take many posts, and I hope to complete this by the weekend.

The most recent information, in June/July 2022, involved one of the judges in Ryan Daniel Buell's case; Judge Pamela A. Ruest. Sarah Rafacz, of Spotlight PA State College, wrote a story, "Judge agrees to Penn State’s request to seal entire case concerning search warrants involving student victims." That article isn't about Buell's case, but it's about Judge Ruest who sealed an entire case: "At the request of Penn State, a Centre County judge has agreed to seal a case that includes search warrants involving crime victims who attend the university, shielding this information from the public and the press."

Paula Knudsen Burke, a Pennsylvania attorney for the nonprofit Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, filed a motion on behalf of Spotlight PA, and the Centre Daily Times, and WJAC-TV "asking Centre County Court of Common Pleas to unseal the records and allow the news outlets to intervene in the matter."

I stopped posting for a while because of the level of difficulty for many reasons. Thinking about Buell's case and circumstances is triggering and traumatic as it reminds me of another situation involving a case in another jurisdiction (not in Centre County) that played out about the same time, and later, than Buell's criminal case proceeding. It's not just about Buell or his criminal case, but it's about broken systems and people I talked to–people of power and authority– people I talked to and got no where. I told people facts and tried to put things into context... and they did nothing to help. So I have a level of learned helplessness, and a fear that people in power control pretty much everything and can stop things from coming to light. But I'm at a point now that I know I can't stop living my life and making things public.

I've been hesitant to write about Buell's criminal case for a number of reasons.

One big reason is I don't have surveillance video I asked for. I asked that certain video surveillance files of the Centre County Courthouse recorded on Thursday, May 18, 2017, be saved and archived. Long story short, I spoke with the Custodian of Records for the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know law who was responsible for the Centre County Courthouse video and in a phone call was told if I submitted a request, my request would be denied for security reasons. The Custodian, a law enforcement officer, needed time to review the surveillance footage to see if what I described was on camera. I never called the law enforcement officer back, and they never called me back. I never submitted a written request; I never submitted a Pennsylvania Right-to-Know request for the video. I regret not doing that. I should've written so there would've been documentation, and, perhaps I would have been given a better answer than being told I'd be denied the footage because of security reasons. What security reasons?

Friday, May 19, 2017 3:30 PM, I emailed a court administration person and asked that certain video locations recorded between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m, in the Courthouse at 102 S Allegheny St, Bellefonte, PA 16823, be saved and archived. I received an email back which to paraphrase, said the Centre County Courthouse Administrator's office doesn't keep the video. The court administration person gave me the name of the law enforcement agency that maintains the video.

My email listed specific camera locations, which included cameras inside Courtroom 2. I sat in a particular place, that while I was visible to cameras, the writing in my notebook wasn't able to be surveilled. I will talk about certain issues I observed first-hand. I need to talk about what happened to me in the courthouse.

Courtroom 2 was where Judge Pamela A. Ruest was on the morning of May 18, 2017, and where according to the online listing on the Unified Judicial System of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, there was a "Non-Jury Trial" that was "Scheduled" on the Calendar Events to start at 8:30 a.m. Ryan Daniel Buell's criminal case, Docket Number CP-14-CR-0001570-2016, from Originating Docket No: MJ-49101-CR-0000274-2016, OTN: T 839455-1, Date Filed 10/05/2016, Initiation Date: 09/14/2016, Complaint/incident #: SCP201606172, Judge Assigned: Ruest, Pamela A., was to take place.

I paid to stay at a hotel the night before what was to be Buell's non-jury trial before Judge Ruest. But on May 18, 2017, Buell's attorney walked up, unannounced, and had a sidebar with Judge Pamela Ruest. A document was signed and Buell's attorney walked back to where he was sitting. I saw Buell's attorney eyes meet the then-Centre County ADA who was prosecuting Buell's case for the Commonwealth of PA. The ADA smirked as Buell's attorney walked back to his seat. Buell's case was never announced.

After all the cases were presented for the day, and everyone was leaving, I called out to Judge Ruest as she walked back to the door in the Well area. What happened to Ryan Buell's case, it wasn't called?, I asked.

Long story short: Judge Ruest said she doesn't keep her schedule. This is in contrast to then-President Judge Thomas King Kistler who knew his schedule because I talked to his secretary and she and Judge Kistler knew Ryan Daniel Buell was to have a non-jury trial before Judge Kistler on March 7, 2017, in Courtroom 1, but that never happened. With that in mind, a court administration person in the courtroom 2 on May 18, 2017, said Buell's name was crossed off the list of that day's cases. I went to the Court Administration room across the hall from Courtroom 2 and was told they didn't know anything about Buell's case but so-and-so who was likely still in Courtroom 2 should know. But as I recall, that person was in Courtroom 2 and claimed not to know how/why Buell's non-jury trial didn't happen in front of Judge Ruest on May 18, 2017.

No continuance by Judge Ruest on Centre County's webia website
I'll have to write more about this, this post is getting long. The context is Judge Ruest likely signed a continuance but didn't tell me. And while a Continuance was shown being signed on May 18, 2017 by Judge Pamela Ruest on the on the Unified Judicial System of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, there was NO LISTING for that continuance when I drove (at a later date) to the Centre County Courthouse to access their online webia system. So I don't have a copy of an alleged continuance allegedly signed on May 18, 2017 by Ruest and Buell's attorney and a then-prosecuting Centre County ADA. The Centre County Prothonotary's Office didn't have the continuance on file when I went to retrieve it.

Buell's attorney would later tell me outside the courtroom 2, outside the eye of surveillance cameras, that while this is a public space, and yes you could stay, I'm asking you to leave.

A Centre Daily Times reporter witnessed the exchange of Buell's attorney asking me to leave the courthouse, and didn't report on it. The CDT reporter knew who I was, as I had called him before, and emailed him. I gave him information about Buell he didn't have. I emailed the CDT reporter the link to this thread. And the Centre Daily Times reporter did nothing. Nothing.

Rafacz, Sarah of Spotlight PA State College. "Judge makes public search warrants involving Penn State student crime victims after university had them sealed." spotlightpa.org. July 14, 2022. (Click for story here) https[colon]//www[dot]spotlightpa.org/statecollege/2022/07/centre-county-court-penn-state-search-warrants/

Posted by Ernie Marsh on Friday, 28 October 2022 at about 2:49 p.m. EDT. My full legal name is Raymond Ernest Marsh. I live in South Park, Pennsylvania, in Allegheny County.

I will be posting more today and this weekend, there's a lot to talk about.
I won't post more info tonight (Fri., Oct 28, 2022)

Computer experienced yet another unexpected shutoff. I started the computer up again and logged in.

Apple's looked into this continuing problem in the past. Apple said it's not Software, not Hardware, not user Error, but something Environmental. My iMac is plugged into a battery backup. Temp and humitdy within parameters. Tried plugging into different outlets in different places in the house, and it still shuts off unexpectedly. I won't go into details but the iMac has had EXTENSIVE testing...and it still unexpectedly shutoff. Whenever.

But I'll post this tonight but needs clarification:

Judge Pamela Ruest signed a Motion for Trial Postponement on March 8, 2017, the day after Buell was to have a non-jury trial in front of then-President Judge Thomas King Kistler.

This is important on several levels and I have to go into further details in later posts. Some of this I've mentioned before, but I left out a number of relevant details.

Sorry for the delays.

-Ernie Marsh
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It is unclear to me why you have this interest in Buell now, and in particular the interest in the old court case that had nothing to do with his activities as a ghost hunter.


"Follow the money" is a catchphrase popularized by the 1976 docudrama film All the President's Men, which suggests political corruption can be brought to light by examining money transfers between parties.

That’s a quote from Wikipedia. I’ll use the “follow the money” concept to try to explain the circumstances surrounding Ryan Daniel Buell, his criminal trial, my attempt to follow his criminal trial, and Buell's activities as a ghost hunter.

This is an oversimplification, but here’s an outline of some key business activities:

06/20/2006. Paranormal Research Society LLC created.
My understanding is Ryan Daniel Buell registered a domestic limited liability company, entity number 3658030, in the state of Pennsylvania on June 20, 2006, using Sergey Poberezhny’s then-permanent residence when he was a Penn State student, as the business address. The PRS LLC appears as status, “active” when I searched today, Wednesday, December 14, 2022.

Fall 2006. Penn State Paranormal Research Society (college student organization) used the benefits of both the student organization (Penn State Paranormal Research Society) and the outside company (I infer was Paranormal Research Society LLC) to best serve their needs to execute their (UNIV-CON) conference on University premises. My understanding is the PRS got and used a bank account for certain financial transactions related to funding for the paranormal-themed, UNIV-CON, event. Income for student organizations was to go to (Penn State University) Associated Student Activities (ASA) Account, not a personal or business account held by or attached personally to Ryan Daniel Buell.

Also, to paraphrase from the letter, University Policy AD-27 states that no individual affiliated with the University can use University facilities in a conduct of a commercial enterprise for his/her own benefit.

Fall 2007. The Penn State PRS (college club), and apparently the Paranormal Research Society LLC (business entity registered with the state of Pennsylvania), may have violated some of the same or similar policies and procedures at their 2007 UNIV-CON conference.

09/26/2017 Buell was arrested on allegations he rented a Kia Sportage SUV using a credit card and did not return the vehicle when it was supposed to be returned.

07/12/2017. PRS Entertainment LLC, created.
Days before apparently making restitution in his (Ryan Daniel Buell's) criminal case Docket Number CP-14-CR-0001570-2016, it appears Buell filed the domestic business entity, PRS Entertainment LLC, entity 6579005, with the Pennsylvania Department of State.

The address used for PRS Entertainment LLC, entity number 6579005, is 1150 First Ave Suite 511 King of Prussia PA 19406. The address is of a Pennsylvania Registered Agent, where according to Bizapedia.com, “There are 43 companies that have an address matching 1150 First Avenue: Suite 511 King Of Prussia, PA 19406.” I’m not implying anything is wrong or illegal with this.

12/27/2017. Filed in South Carolina, PRS Entertainment LLC.
PRS Entertainment LLC, was filed in South Carolina as Entity ID 00891511 as a Foreign Limited Liability Company, which (PRS Entertainment LLC) was incorporated in Pennsylvania, agent Ryan D. Buell.

What’s the difference between LLC and foreign LLC?

Quote from legalzoom.com: When used in the context of American corporate law, a foreign LLC means it conducts business in a state other than the one where it was originally registered. It does not refer to entities headquartered in other countries.

I’m not implying any wrongdoing. I’m just pointing out Ryan Daniel Buell did business as the Paranormal Research Society LLC starting in 2006 registered in Pennsylvania, while he was a Penn State University student, and that in 2017, Buell started a new LLC, PRS Entertainment LLC, shortly before he (Buell) made restitution in his criminal case Docket Number CP-14-CR-0001570-2016.
It is unclear to me why you have this interest in Buell now, and in particular the interest in the old court case that had nothing to do with his activities as a ghost hunter.


I believe BUELL's old court case is all about ghost hunting.

I get the sense BUELL's old court case was and is about protecting the goose that lays the golden eggs and the golden eggs themselves.

More posts are needed to build a more complete picture so you see where I'm going with this; but it's about the people, places, and broken systems, that protect the goose that lays the golden eggs and the golden eggs. The information I post is in the public interest, and will relate to past and/or current events.

Please be patient; this is complex and complicated. It's difficult for me to write for reasons I will detail in future posts. This is traumatic. I haven't been writing as much as I should because it's (been) easier to avoid writing about things because it's been a (bad) way to avoid the pain. I need to face the issues. Write. Make videos again. The painful issues don't go away. So I need to write. I need to write as a cathartic release. I'm in search of a catharsis. What happened in the past happened. I manage it. If you wonder, how can writing about BUELL's trial be painful and what's all this about a catharsis, I answer, it's complex and complicated. I'm doing my best to present my first-hand knowledge and information.

The goose is like the composite of people, places, and things (broken systems), that make golden eggs possible.

Golden eggs are like (and may include but are not limited to): Ryan Buell. Penn State University. A&E Television Network's, Paranormal State. Purported psychic, medium and spiritual advisor Chip Coffey. A&E Television Network's Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal. Purported psychic and medium Sylvia Browne. (Ed and) Lorraine Warren and their case files. The $2+ billion-dollar-and-counting The Conjuring Universe.

The court case is way more than BUELL. It's about people, places, and broken systems, that have been around long before BUELL ever rose to prominence.

This is not just about BUELL; BUELL is just one example of a golden egg.
Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 - Conspiracy Against Rights

Buell is a recovering addict (and good for him). He is still active in paranormal events up and down the east coast according to his Twitter page.

This is his blog: http://www.ryanbuell.org/blog

ErnieM's story about getting the runaround at the court houses s interesting and I want to see where he goes with it.

Axxman300, My first-hand experiences with the Centre County Courthouse are far more egregious than getting a runaround.

I continue to struggle with describing everything, and making information public, but over the years and repeated trauma, I realize that the way to wellness is to face the pain. There are many reasons why the Buell court case(s) should be considered current, even though years have passed. Issues include broken systems, such as court, the media, the legal system, Penn State, and my failure to clearly communicate to affect positive changes, such as transparency, traceability, and accountability.

I often procrastinate to avoid facing pain from trauma. I don't write, or don't write enough. I haven't made new videos to post on YouTube. This is wrong. To get and stay well I need to face the pain, and face the trauma. I realize this. It's a process, and I'm slow at it. I've got a lot of pain, rage, and trauma.

This is not laziness. And it's not just reasons to procrastinate that's kept me from doing things. I've had to keep safe and alive, so I do, and did, things to protect myself. Sometimes I breathe in deep and count to five to start to calm and relax myself. Other things I remove myself from the situation; such as leaving the Centre County Courthouse when Buell's attorney asked me to leave the courthouse.

As a result, a lot of time has passed.

I watched the news about Trump's latest charges. One of the charges is, Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 241 - Conspiracy Against Rights

This statute makes it unlawful for two or more persons to conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person of any state, territory or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him/her by the Constitution or the laws of the United States

I will talk about this and how it relates to what I experienced at the Centre County Courthouse.

If anyone is thinking WTF, Ernie Marsh, what's this got to do with Buell, Buell's criminal proceedings, how I was treated, please be patient as it is taking a while.

This is not just about Buell, but includes (but not limited to) broken systems, and people who abuse their power of authority.

I plan to make more posts, more frequently. I still have to post responses to previous comments. This is complex and complicated. I'll try to give a synopsis soon, too.
Ryan Buell, from the short lived "Paranormal State" might be going away for a while:


To save you time, Buell has been promoting paranormal events and conferences, and then canceling them without refunds.

I watched the show during its brief run on A&E, and as soon as Loraine Warren showed up and became a regular I smelled a rat.

So, he promises to show prospective donors ghosts and then, after they give him money, he ghosts them.

Sounds like he kinda delivers on his promises. :P
My impression is that the real life court system is a miserable pile of bureaucracy, paperwork, and rescheduled hearings. Without being privy to the conversations between the actual participants (attorneys, judges, plaintiffs, defendants, etc.), it's impossible to arrive at any concrete conclusions about what's going on.

I'm sure there is a lot to this part of the story. Pennsylvania politics is frustrating because depending on which county you're in you can be in the 21st Century or under some blend of Hessian/British-inspired rule, and everything in between.

Following Ryan Buell's case was difficult for a variety of reasons. I stopped going to the public proceedings after Buell's attorney asked me to leave the Courthouse, and a Centre Daily Times reporter who witnessed that, didn't report on it. Some reasons for my firsthand experiences include but are not limited to:

  • No court audio recordings when I checked with Office of the Court Reporters
  • No court transcripts when I checked with Office of the Court Reporters
  • Buell not present at various scheduled court dates
  • Then-Prosecuting Assistant District Attorney wouldn't talk with me
  • Buell's attorney didn't return my phone calls
  • Sept 14, 2016 State College Borough Police officer's Affidavit of Probable Cause doesn't name "the manager" of Hertz, Eagle Automotive LLC. The Affidavit also does not give the address of the Hertz rental agency. The Affidavit refers to Ryan Daniel Buell as the 'Defendant," and "the customer." So, while Ryan Daniel Buell's name appears near the top of the Police Criminal Complaint sheet on which the Affidavit appears, Buell's name does not appear IN the Affidavit of Probable Cause portion.
  • Sept 20, 2016 Shelly Bonavita Lundberg (Buell's mom) publishes an OPEN LETTER TO RYAN BUELL FANS on facebook
  • Sept 21, 2016 Troubleshooter Diane Wilson reporting for 11 ABC I-Team, Raleigh (WTVD), NC, reported that "Celebrity ghost hunter Ryan Buell arrested"
  • Sept 22, 2016 (with an update Sept 26) Writer and correspondent for Investigation Discovery's CrimeFeed website, licensed private investigator, host of true crime podcasts, publishes, UPDATE: TV GHOST HUNTER RYAN
  • Sept 25, 2016 I emailed Troubleshooter Diane Wilson a long list of significant information and notes regarding the Penn State Paranormal Research Society.
  • March 7, 2017 Non-Jury trial scheduled in front of then-President Judge Thomas King Kistler didn't happen. A continuance was filed by Judge Pamela Ruest the next day (March 8).
  • March 17, 2017 Court Administrator wouldn't answer my voicemail questions; they emailed me they aren't involved in the the case/progression.
  • MAY 18, 2017 Around 8:15 am and armed security guard told me Buell pleaded guilty and was upstairs talking with Judge Pamela Ruest. A law enforcement officer later (another day) told me Buell was not in the Centre County Courthouse on May 18th, 2017. That means an armed security guard lied to me when they told me Buell pleaded guilty and was on the second floor taking with Judge Ruest.
  • May 18, 2017 Non-Jury Trial scheduled in front of Judge Pamela Ruest didn't happen. Apparently a continuance was signed in secret.
  • MAY 18, 2017 Buell's attorney told me, (I paraphrase), Yes, it's public space, and yes, you could stay, but I'm asking you to leave.
  • May 22, 2017 Judge Jonathan D. Grine grants a Motion For Trial Postponement. Reason stated: "Defendant is in an inpatient treatment facility and is unavailable to appear."
  • [Date] I called law enforcement agent in charge of courthouse surveillance video. I was told if I submitted a Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law request for surveillance video of May 18, 2017 inside Courtroom 2, Judge Pamela Ruest, (and other surveillance cameras covering certain hallways and entrances to the courthouse) that my request would be denied for security reasons.
  • Media outlets, such as WTVD 11 ABC News, and Investigation Discovery, and Penn State’s Daily Collegian, did not follow Ryan Buell's cases in detail
I stopped going to the Centre County Courthouse to attend Buell's court proceedings after Buell's attorney told me (I paraphrase) Yes, it's public space, and yes, you could stay, but I'm asking you to leave. That was May 18, 2017, outside of Courtroom 2, when there was supposed to be a Non-Jury Trial in front of Judge Pamela Alyce Ruest.

I believe I was the target of an entrapment attempt for the purpose of keeping me from personally observing and reporting on Ryan Daniel Buell's court proceedings. I felt threatened and intimidated.

I get the sense that on May 18, 2017, Buell's attorney got Judge Ruest to sign a continuance in secret while I was in Courtroom 2, as the the then-Prosecuting ADA sat back and watched, for Buell's criminal case CP-14-CR-1570-2016. I saw Judge Ruest sign a document that Buell's attorney handed her. The then-prosecuting ADA was not at Judge Ruest's sidebar for the signing.

Buell's attorney sat on steps outside Courtroom 2 about an hour after he left the courtroom. Buell's attorney was flanked by two other attorneys. Buell's attorney asked me to leave while we were in a hallway that was not in view of any surveillance cameras. The Court Administrator knew about this because I sent them an email. A law enforcement agent who I spoke with on the phone, also knew about this situation.

Link to Affidavit of Probable Cause for Ryan Daniel Buell's criminal case CP-14-CR-1570-2016:

Link to Motion for Trial Postponement, dated March 8, 2017, for Ryan Daniel Buell's criminal case CP-14-CR-1570-2016:
What's the significance?
Buell was to appear before then-President Judge Thomas King Kistler for a Non-Jury Trial on the morning of March 7, 2017, in Courtroom 1 at the Centre County Courthouse. The trial didn't take place. I believe I saw Buell's defense attorney, standing in the vestibule outside Courtroom 1, less than an hour before Buell's 9:00 a.m. scheduled trial, talking with (who I believe were at least six) friends and family, of Ryan Buell. It's possible there were more friends and family of Buell's in the vestibule–maybe about a dozen total?

Inside Courtroom 1, right before the "All rise!" bellowed to announce Judge Kistler and to start court, a female court employee looked at her cellphone. It appeared she read a text message. After putting her cellphone away, she walked out from the well, came over to where I was sitting, and asked me, Are you from Pittsburgh? Yes, I said. She told me that Buell's trial was rescheduled for March 20th. I was stunned. How can this happen? Almost immediately after she finished telling me about the rescheduling, the "All rise!" bellowed. As she walked back to the well, where she was in charge of the the case files in the cardboard box that Judge Kistler would hear that day, as if on cue, Judge Kistler walked out of the Attorney's Room and into the well of Courtroom 1.

So Buell's Non-Jury Trial was scheduled on the calendar of events, on the court docket, for March 7, 2017. I had driven to State College on March 6th, to be rested and attend the March 7th trial. I paid to stay at a hotel where I saw family of Ryan Buell's. The March 7, trial didn't happen, and a continuance was signed the day after the scheduled trial, by another judge.

Posted Thursday, August 24, 2023, at 1:28 a.m. (EDT) by Raymond Ernest "Ernie" Marsh
I'm not trying to be rude, but I'm not seeing anything in your accounting, Ernie, that suggests any impropriety at all.

For the inexperienced court watcher the procedures must seem awfully opaque and often confusing, but that doesn't mean some conspiracy is afoot, it just means that court procedure is often quite byzantine and hard for the layman to understand.

You were asked to leave a public hearing, but you had no obligation to do so. I'm guessing they asked you to leave because you've been nosing around in a routine court affair, trying to get comments from both prosecution and defense (which they were wise to refuse) and they assume you're some weird kook who is bound to cause a scene or otherwise derail the normal business of the court. They're probably wary of you because, to be perfectly frank, you keep making requests that sound a bit nutty.

Judges meeting with counsel in their offices to hammer out routine things like continuances outside the view of the public court is common. There's no reason to believe the intention was to keep this secret, but rather than sometimes sort out lesser details more informally. Continuances and other court matters are often recorded and mostly available to the public, but that doesn't mean anyone at the court is going to make it easy for you to stay informed about what's happening.

There's a reason why people need lawyers for legal matters, and no small part of that is navigating the courts because these processes can be very confusing to those not experienced with them. Occam's razor here is that you, as a layman, are simply misinterpreting the routine machinations of a courthouse rather than there being any conspiracy to hide information from the public.

Legal reporting is often very tedious, and often good publications will hire trained, experienced lawyers to cover the courts because these processes are often hard to interpret for those without that specific expertise.
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Please explain whether you have legal standing in this case, and if so, on what basis.

Thank you.

Hi xterra,

I want to make sure I understand your questions, so I hope you can answer a question for me?

Re: "Legal standing" in this case

Are you asking if I was harmed by attending some of Buell's criminal proceedings, therefore have a "legal standing" to prove three elements (1) Injury in Fact; (2) Causation; and (3) Redressability, as a claimant, AND that I am in the process of, or have, brought that cause of action against the other party(s)?

An oversimplification of my posting in this thread is that I have firsthand experiences and am reporting –as a citizen– some of the events that took place during some of Buell's court proceedings, and other firsthand knowledge I have.

I'm disturbed by some things that some people have done, some of which has come to light AFTER Buell's cases in Centre County. Some are the same and/or similar, to what I experienced. Some of the things I experienced were known to certain people at and around the time they happened. Some of the things show a pattern of problematic history.

Thank you,

Ernie Marsh
Are you asking if I was harmed by attending some of Buell's criminal proceedings, therefore have a "legal standing" to prove three elements (1) Injury in Fact; (2) Causation; and (3) Redressability, as a claimant, AND that I am in the process of, or have, brought that cause of action against the other party(s)?
[For reasons unknown to me, the quote function doesn't work, so I had to copy and paste the relevant portion of your posting.]

Yes, that's what I am asking. If your interest in the case is because you are a concerned citizen, rather than someone with legal standing, that might explain the reason you're getting resistance from the court and Buell's attorney.

Similarly, if you're not an accredited reporter, they might push back.

I'm not a lawyer, and don't play one on TV or in movies, so I might be speculating totally from ignorance here.
Are you asking if I was harmed by attending some of Buell's criminal proceedings, therefore have a "legal standing" to prove three elements (1) Injury in Fact; (2) Causation; and (3) Redressability, as a claimant, AND that I am in the process of, or have, brought that cause of action against the other party(s)?
[For reasons unknown to me, the quote function doesn't work, so I had to copy and paste the relevant portion of your posting.]

Yes, that's what I am asking. If your interest in the case is because you are a concerned citizen, rather than someone with legal standing, that might explain the reason you're getting resistance from the court and Buell's attorney.

Similarly, if you're not an accredited reporter, they might push back.

I'm not a lawyer, and don't play one on TV or in movies, so I might be speculating totally from ignorance here.

For a time I may have had legal "standing" in Buell's since-closed criminal case. As I understand it, legal "standing" would mean I have a lawsuit which, I haven't brung. I am not involved in a lawsuit with Ryan Daniel Buell, or any other parties, specific to, or connected to, Buell's criminal case CP-14-CR-1570-2016.

But... I believe I had suffered an "injury in fact" which earlier may have proven "cause" against certain parties, and that the injury would have been able to be redressed by a favorable judicial standing. I did not seek legal counsel in 2017 regarding this matter, and I get the sense that now, six years AFTER what happened in the Centre County Courthouse, any legal remedy today would likely not be possible due to the fact that any statute of limitations would have expired. BUT I want my knowledge and first-hand experiences made public.

I will need to talk about your post in multiple responses in more posts, as you raise many significant issues that need to be detailed. Some information will be repetitive, but it's the only way I can work out the many details. I'm saying I have some serious and significant facts to bring to light, and how it's current, significant, and relevant.
  • my interest because I'm a concerned citizen
  • explanation of legal standing and if it related to me
  • "resistance" from the court and Buell's attorney
I will tie-in comments that ISF member TurkeysGhost made, such as if there was any "impropriety," an "inexperienced court watcher" as it relates to court procedure, Buell's attorney asking me to leave the courthouse, me making requests that sound a "bit nutty," and continuances. Yes, I agree that an inexperienced, lay person, has a hard time navigating court issues.

This is taking me time to convey the seriousness of systemic problematic issues with Penn State University, media reporters (specific and relevant to this case) listed in this thread (such as WTVD Investigative Consumer Reporter Diane Wilson, John Albrecht, Jr. who wrote for Erie Echo, writer and licensed private investigator Catherine Townsend), and the Centre County Court system.

Preface: This post will address some issues raised by ISF member xterra. This is in regards to my interests in Buell's case(s) by reporting as a concerned citizen, not as an accredited reporter, and what xterra referred to as my getting "resistance" and "pushback" from the (Centre County) court and Buell's attorney.

I stand by my belief that what happened to me at the Centre County Courthouse in 2017 appears to be a conspiracy against my civil rights, U.S. Code Provision, 18 U.S.C. § 241, Conspiracy Against Rights.

The quote from xterra's post:

[For reasons unknown to me, the quote function doesn't work, so I had to copy and paste the relevant portion of your posting.]

Yes, that's what I am asking. If your interest in the case is because you are a concerned citizen, rather than someone with legal standing, that might explain the reason you're getting resistance from the court and Buell's attorney.

Similarly, if you're not an accredited reporter, they might push back.

I'm not a lawyer, and don't play one on TV or in movies, so I might be speculating totally from ignorance here.

Three reporters had internet articles linked to in this thread.

Diane Wilson, John Albrecht, Jr., and Catherine Townsend, wrote about either Ryan Daniel Buell's alleged theft case, and/or Buell's assault case.

REPORTER 1: Diane Wilson

Diane Wilson is an Investigative Consumer Reporter for ABC11 Eyewitness News - WTVD, covering the Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina Area. ABC11 WTVD is an affiliate of ABC.

ABC is owned (since 1996) by Walt Disney Company. A&E Networks is owned by Hearst Communications and The Walt Disney Company; each have 50% ownership. My understanding is that NBC Universal had a stake in A&E from 1984-2012, but sold its stake in 2012? A&E Network premiered Paranormal State. Ryan Buell appeared in Paranormal State.

Diane's Sep 21, 2016 article was misleading.

Celebrity ghost hunter Ryan Buell arrested, Diane Wilson's Sep 21, 2016 article, and accompanying video, were misleading and presented information as it related to Conversations with the Dead Tour. That article and video did not say Buell's arrest was for his alleged theft of a 2016 Kia Sportage.

Diane Wilson wrote in a later article (26 Sep 2016), that Buell was alleged to have rented a vehicle in State College, PA, in August, but never returned it. After Wilson's, Celebrity ghost hunter Ryan Buell moved to Pennsylvania, article, my understanding is Diane Wilson never wrote another article about Buell. Wilson did not report on Buell's subsequent alleged assault case, and how that was enmeshed with Buell's alleged theft case.

Wilson only posted a two-page docket that was on the Unified Judicial System of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. That docket listed the three charges against Buell; but you can't tell that:

Charge/Count 1: 18 § 3932 §§ A, Theft of Leased Property
was allegedly for:
"...To Wit: Defendant rented a 2016 Kia Sportage and did not return it on 08/01/2016 as agreed. Numerous attempts were made to contact the Defendant including a "Written Demand to Return Property" certified USPS 08/18/2016"

Charge/Count 2: 18 § 3925 §§ A, Receiving Stolen Property
was allegedly for:
"...To Wit: Defendant rented a vehicle providing an address he does not live at, He did not return the vehicle as agreed and ignored the owner for over a month."

Charge/Count 3: 18 § 3926 §§ A1, Theft of Services - Acquisition of services
was allegedly for:
"...To Wit: Defendant rented a vehicle using a credit card and the vehicle was not returned, The card was declined and service provider received no payment."

To see and understand that the charges were not from issues involving Conversation with the Dead tour, you have to look at the Police Criminal Complaint that shows the details of the alleged three charges against Ryan Daniel Buell as pertaining to Criminal Docket Number MJ-49101-CR-0000274-2016, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Ryan Daniel Buell:

That document I uploaded used to on Centre County Courthouse's, webia system. You could only access that document by either going to the Center County Courthouse, or paying a fee to access their webia system. None of the reporters mentioned above ever produced a single webia document from the Centre County Courthouse.

ABC 11 WTVD investigative reporter Diane Wilson's reporting from Sep 21, 2016 article was misleading.

Please be patient as I add to the series of REPORTERS posts. The information will eventually be tied into why this is should be considered current, significant, and related to Buell's Centre County Court cases, and how I was treated.

REPORTER 2: Catherine Townsend

Catherine Townsend reported for CrimeFeed, Investigation Discovery, which is owned by Discovery, Inc., which is "a global leader in real life entertainment, serving a passionate audience of superfans around the world with content that inspires, informs and entertains." according to ID's About webpage. Discovery, Inc., includes the TV channels Discovery Channel, Investigation Discovery, and Travel Channel.

Discovery, Inc., merged with WarnerMedia and formed a new company, Warner Bros. Discovery.

ISF member Lucian linked to an online article written by then-Investigation Discovery CrimeFeed reporter Catherine Townsend, in post #20.

Amazon.com says, among other things, that:
Catherine Townsend is a writer and licensed private investigator, and,

"...also a writer and correspondent for Investigation Discovery’s CrimeFeed website."

Articles Catherine Townsend wrote about Ryan Buell

September 22, 2016 was "Original Story" relating to theft and stolen property.
Townsend's article appeared one day after ABC11 WTVD reporter Diane Wilson reported Buell as being arrested.
Catherine Townsend wrote a misleading article because she presented information as it related to Conversations with the Dead Tour. Townsend's Sep 22nd article, and subsequent "Update" Sep. 26, 2016 article, never said Buell's arrest was for charges related to Buell's alleged theft of a 2016 Kia Sportage from a Hertz/Eagle Automotive, LLC, in State College, Pennsylvania from August, 2016. [2]

September 26, 2006. Townsend published an updated article that, to paraphrase, Buell's mother wrote on social media that Buell didn't have cancer and to stop enabling her son. The updated article never said Buell's arrest pertained to the alleged theft of a Kia Sportage. The updated article contained two short paragraphs from Buell's mother, Shelly Bonavita Lundberg, that included what appears to be a screenshot from "social media" that in part, read: "...He's ill, but not from cancer. His family knows the REAL story. You all need to stop believing his lies and stop enabling him....PLEASE!!" [2]

April 24, 2017
Townsend reported that Buell was reportedly arrested again, but this time for battery and harassment, and is back in jail. Townsend wrote that Buell was said to be on suicide watch inside the Centre County Correctional Facility in Pennsylvania.

Townsend wrote that Buell was previously "in trouble with the law in September 2016" and Paranormal State fans posted "hundreds" of messages of "social-media" messages alleging Buell "ripped them off."

Catherine Townsend wrote, that for the theft and charges related to stolen property in September, 2016, Buell pleaded guilty to theft of a rental car.[3]

To my knowledge, Catherine Townsend never wrote an article about Ryan Daniel Buell before September 22, 2016, or after April 24, 2017. To my knowledge, Townsend never made public, documents on Centre County Courthouse's Webia system.

Discovery, Inc., Merged on/around May 17, 2021, with Warner Bros., and the merged company is now known as Warner Bros. Discovery.

I will make a future post to detail the significance of company ownership.

Please be patient as I build out the significance and relevance of the reporters and their company's as it relates to Ryan Daniel Buell, likely as to how and why I was treated at the Centre County Courthouse, and to answer an old ISF thread started by a Penn State professor as it related to the Penn State Paranormal Research Society and Penn State's apparent silence on the A&E TV program Paranormal State.


[1] Catherine Townsend: About the Author. (2023, October 25). amazon.com. https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B001IU2QFI/about

[2] Townsend, Catherine. (2016, September 26). "UPDATE: TV GHOST HUNTER RYAN BUELL’S MOM SAYS “HE’S ILL, BUT NOT FROM CANCER”". crimefeed.com [http[colon]//crimefeed.com/2016/09/25338/]. (That CrimeFeed link doesn't take you to the article). Internet Archive link. https<colon>//web.archive.org/web/20171026214138/http://crimefeed<dot>com/2016/09/25338/

Notable: This "Update..." September 26, 2016, article may, or may not, contain the original text as published by Catherine Townsend on September 22, 2016. The article I linked to is an "Update" dated September 26, 2016.

I somewhat-recently emailed Catherine Townsend and asked if she had the original article. I don't know if Catherine got my email. Catherine Townsend did not email me back.

[3] Townsend, Catherine. (2017, April 24). Former Celebrity Ghost Hunter Ryan Buell Is Back In Jail—For Biting. InvestigationDiscovery.com. https[colon]//www.investigationdiscovery.com/crimefeed/bad-behavior/former-celebrity-ghost-hunter-ryan-buell-is-back-in-jailfor-biti
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