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Can't read the Swift articles!


Aug 9, 2006

I am baffled and frustrated. Why can't I see the commentary? Is it just me? I checked with two different browsers, I get nothing. Is this an error or is it me?

Is this the right place to ask? Where would one report this?
Very strange. It is not just you. Several pages of swift are like this

All produce a page with the normal headings and links down the side but no content. I do not get any errors.

As for the right place to report this, I do not know the answer, if any. Maybe Jeff Wagg needs to know. Will let him know.

Edit. Add this page http://www.randi.org/joom/contact-2.html
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Same here with IE8 beta 1 (with or without IE7 compatibility...)

Looks like page generation has been broken...anything with "joom" in adress is broken apparently.(I think it is very large part of site :( )
I had to go to the forums dirrectly to get here, so the linking there seems messed up as well. Always gave me incorrect login but no count or anything you get at the forum proper
Wierder than that, we have two televisions on the same station but one is about three seconds ahead of the other.
I'm blaming that idiot, Ben Stein.
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