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Body Part Donations

If you were desperate, despite your scepticism, would you try something 'woo-woo' ?

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    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Unsure

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Aug 7, 2002
Tomorrow, after a long period of neglect, Im going to go give blood. I was also thinking about registering as a marrow donor.
I am idly interested to know how many peeps here are blood donors, but more interested in how many (if any), peeps on this forum are registered bone marrow donors and if so, have ever actually donated or know someone who has.

For my information.. thanks. :)
You probably should have enabled mutiple choices in your poll.

I donate blood. In fact I donated some just this week. I'm O negative, a universal donor.
I've donated blood a few times. I'd do it more often but my wife has a fear of needles (I'm being serious) and she wont donate with me... and I cant just walk into those places alone I'd look silly.
Blood donor, registered as marrow donor, from a family of blood donors. I always carry my blood donor card and occasionally give blood when travelling (last time was in Japan - heard it would not be possible again and besides the Japanese are uneasy with blood from foreigner, especially black foreigners :rolleyes: ).
Has anyone here donated their child's umbilical cord blood or foreskin?
I donate when I can. I recently got a tattoo which puts me on a 1 year hiatus. I received 4 units during Emrgency surgery and owe the same courtesy to those folks whose lives will be saved as mine was.

reprise said:
Has anyone here donated their child's umbilical cord blood or foreskin?
This might be an urban legend (because I heard it from one of my students... and they dont really care about anecdotal accuracy as much as they should), but I heard Korean like to eat human umbilical cords and foreskins... what the f*dge?!
When a friends child had leukemia (he's fine now, science is great!) she asked us all to donate blood and register as a bone marrow donor. Well, being overseas did it for blood, and I've had an illness that precludes being a marrow donor - bummer....

Would you give a kidney to a stranger?

I just read an article about how it can really do a number on your body, and is more dangerous than is commonly thought. But, it would be hard if you knew you could save a life...

hey boo, what's the tatoo of?
kittynh said:
Would you give a kidney to a stranger?

I'm sorry, no, I'd give it only to somebody I loved very much. As you say, it's a very serious business and doesn't come for free. Also, lacking kidneys is death for sure, so it's always good to have some back up.

I've never considered donation bone marrow, I wouldn't know where to start. I donate blood regularly; I did it just last week.
I hear donating your bone marrow isn't too bad, in and out day surgery. No worse than a spinal tap (hey I had one, and guess what, it isn't too bad until you wake up the next day and wonder when the elephant sat on your spine)

there is a lack of minority bone marrow donors.
reprise said:
Has anyone here donated their child's umbilical cord blood or foreskin?

Sure did....but only the cord..my son is not circumsised...I didn't see any point in a medical procedure that was not medically needed.

I donate blood, occasionally plasma (depends on my weight!) and am a registered organ donor (if there is any thing worth having).

Would you give a kidney to a stranger?

Well apparently you have to be a helicopter pilot for Kerry Packer don't you? :p
reprise said:
Has anyone here donated their child's umbilical cord blood or foreskin?

I'm something of an indian-giver when it comes to donating my own foreskin.

(hmm, in retrospect, this seems kind of tasteless :D )
I used to donate blood, but I was told I can't anymore. I was exposed to malaria and I can never donate again. If I had taken that giant orange pill and lived with the runs for a week before I went then I would have only had to wait for 4 years.
I have donated bone marrow. I was on the list for about 10 years before I got the call that I might be a match. They needed some more blood samples from the potential matches and selected me as the best possible match.

The process itself involved general anesthetic and I was out for about an hour or so. Then two doctors just use big syringe like things and pump the marrow out of my pelvis.

I went in at 5 in the morning and was hobbling out of the hospital that afternoon. I was all gimped up for the next few days, but by the 7th day I was perfectly fine. The only thing the doctors were worried about was the possiblility of an infection from where the syringes went in.

It was certainly no big deal to go through when someones life depends on it.
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