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[Merged] Bobby Menard has "something" coming! / Menard's Newest Scam...

. .how many of Bobby's projects are originally pitched as proposals to authority/daddy figures from whom he seeks approval?

He wanted to employ homeless people to renovate foreclosed homes and, dressed up in a fez and a borrowed suit, he sought the approval of a credit union. He says the credit union initially loved the idea but eventually backed out.

The ACCP was going great, he said, and the banks were asked, three times, to be on board. . .but something happened.

A well-heeled Irish law firm was asked to endorse freeman theory. . .but it turns out Bobby forged their approval letter.

He had a rich industrialist friend who was going to fund a freeman legal app. . .but it never happened.

One of his film star friends was going to fund a ground breaking video. . .but we never saw it.

Money from a mysterious funding source is in place for the revival of the 3CPOs. . .but doesn't happen!

How transparent! Bobby is making up stories in which he seeks and gets the approval of a daddy figure. Every story is about Bobby getting a bit of what once hoped would be the approval of his father. The ideas don't have to pan out. All that counts is that Bobby gets to pretend his ole daddy would approve.

We await the next Bobby story.

Which one?

Thanks for the grammar/speel check!

Dope Clock II: It's been 238 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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Oh, my bad, catsmate. You want to know which firm.

I'll have to work that.

The actual posts were on the Ickies forum which kicked Bobby off for posting a forged letter from the firm. One has to work to get thrown off the Ickies forum.

The problem is that the Ickies form is long gone.


Edit: I believe it is McCann Fitzgerald LLP
Dope Clock II: It's been 239 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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I wonder if Bobby collected on the money he claimed was being paid to him for those stupid gift bags? Considering the frozen bank accounts for the Drudgers idiots, I would think not.

As usual, another fail.
I wonder if Bobby collected on the money he claimed was being paid to him for those stupid gift bags? Considering the frozen bank accounts for the Drudgers idiots, I would think not.

As usual, another fail.

I didn't know Druthers got their accounts frozen.

The contracts ploy was just plain stupid from the start. If it were workable that would mean a few Amazon drivers could park their trucks across I-95 and say they were just taking a break while they were engaged in commerce.

Dope Clock II: It's been 240 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
Bobby Menard: Traitor to Canada

Last year I talked in another thread about how I thought Menard was a low down, stinking traitor to the country his ole' man fought for:

You can bet the Kremlin loves all Canadians who act as traitors to their country.

As part of his phony peace officer oath Menard swore to uphold the laws of Canada and preserve the peace. But for an $800 fee he'll will give you phony legal advice telling you how he imagines you can ignore any law you want.

As we speak he's in the process of bilking money out of a dog breeder in New Brunswick by telling her the province's laws regulating breeders and outlawing animal cruelty just don't apply to her.

The reason Menard can't more effectively do the the bidding of his country's enemies is because he's a self deluding narcissist.

So maybe that makes him a useless idiot rather than a useful idiot?

Now Bobby "the-traitor" Menard was comes out of his Kremlin closet and has urged a revolution. From his Facebook page:

Who's ready for the revolution? It won't be violent nor unlawful. And it will be far more effective than blockades and convoys. It will be based on love and knowledge. Not fear and ignorance.

The post contains the obligatory rejections of violence and illegal acts, but so did his calls to protest in Ottawa!

One has to wonder if this isn't just another of Bobby's cheap shots at his father?

But anyway you cut it Robert A. Menard is a traitor to Canada and his family!

Dope Clock II: It's been 240 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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Traitor Bobby says whatever. . .

. . .he needs to say to get over on the gullible.

During his disastrous spring 2021 interviews with Beth Martens Bobby claimed he has the authority to re-write Canada's constitution as he sees fit.

One minute he's for good government and direct democracy. The next he claims dictatorial powers.

He says covid is real then shares conspiracy theories to the contrary.

Count the Mooseheads, lurkers.

Dope Clock II: It's been 240 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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What Happened to the Money, Bobby?

I wonder if Bobby collected on the money he claimed was being paid to him for those stupid gift bags? Considering the frozen bank accounts for the Drudgers idiots, I would think not.

As usual, another fail.


Druthers and Bobby say they raised funds for truckers but when it's time to give out the money Shawn Laplante, who runs Druthers, comes up with a story about the funds being frozen by some un-named official at some un-named bank who says they'll "get back with them".

That was two days ago and Laplante can't figure out what's going on?

Who the hell is buying this line?

Is it possible that the whole dang thing was a scam cooked up by Bobby and Laplante?

Is it possible that there never was thousands of dollars raised?

is it possible Bobby and Laplante pocketed what little was raised and came up with the they-froze-our-funds story as a way to cover their scam?

Dope Clock II: It's been 240 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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Druthers and Bobby say they raised funds for truckers but when it's time to give out the money Shawn Laplante, who runs Druthers, comes up with a story about the funds being frozen by some un-named official at some un-named bank who says they'll "get back with them".

That was two days ago and Laplante can't figure out what's going on?

Who the hell is buying this line?

Is it possible that the whole dang thing was a scam cooked up by Bobby and Laplante?

Is it possible that there never was thousands of dollars raised?

is it possible Bobby and Laplante pocketed what little was raised and came up with the they-froze-our-funds story as a way to cover their scam?


Druthers and Bobby say they raised funds for truckers but when it's time to give out the money Shawn Laplante, who runs Druthers, comes up with a story about the funds being frozen by some un-named official at some un-named bank who says they'll "get back with them".

That was two days ago and Laplante can't figure out what's going on?

Who the hell is buying this line?

Is it possible that the whole dang thing was a scam cooked up by Bobby and Laplante?

Is it possible that there never was thousands of dollars raised?

is it possible Bobby and Laplante pocketed what little was raised and came up with the they-froze-our-funds story as a way to cover their scam?

Well, that shoots the heck out of my Bobby conspiracy theory!

I wonder if Druthers had enough time to get the kick back money to Menard. According to Bobby they had promised him $2 for each gift basket.

Thanks for the article, Hans.

Dope Clock II: It's been 241 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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Well, that shoots the heck out of my Bobby conspiracy theory!

I wonder if Druthers had enough time to get the kick back money to Menard. According to Bobby they had promised him $2 for each gift basket.

Thanks for the article, Hans.

Dope Clock II: It's been 241 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.

Well at least he has a good reason to claim he didn't get anything!
A New Bobby Scam?

Well, that shoots the heck out of my Bobby conspiracy theory!

I wonder if Druthers had enough time to get the kick back money to Menard. According to Bobby they had promised him $2 for each gift basket.

Thanks for the article, Hans.

Well at least he has a good reason to claim he didn't get anything!

Bobby's going to exhaust his credibility in the anti-tax/anti-mask/trucker subculture the same way he has in every other group he's latched onto.

First he told the Ottawa crowd that the contracts ruse would save their arses. That failed. Then he told them they could be peace officers. That turned out to be a big zero.

Now he's bragging that he and team of Montreal lawyers are going to bring the powers that be to heel.

What's that smell? A fund raiser? A scam?

Dope Clock II: It's been 241 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
Bobby's going to exhaust his credibility in the anti-tax/anti-mask/trucker subculture the same way he has in every other group he's latched onto.

First he told the Ottawa crowd that the contracts ruse would save their arses. That failed. Then he told them they could be peace officers. That turned out to be a big zero.

Now he's bragging that he and team of Montreal lawyers are going to bring the powers that be to heel.

What's that smell? A fund raiser? A scam?

Dope Clock II: It's been 241 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
That smell is the pile of steaming feces Bobby just left in his echo chamber.

But as usual, the rubes think it's gold.
Questions for lurking Robert Menard.

Mr. Menard,

Well, it appears the authorities are clamping down on the Ottawa trucker's protest arresting about a hundred people and hauling away 21 vehicles. . . .as of now.

So where are the 3CPOs, Rob? You say they are empowered to arrest or restrain police officers. So were they there? You are the director of Corps, aren't you, Rob?

More importantly, it is reported that some protesters assaulted police officers and tried to take their weapons.

Were these protesters 3CPOs?

I am afraid I am going to have to request a direct answer, Rob. No quibbling, please. Please, no diversion to a discussion of freeman theory.

Substance please, Robert!

Of course you have the "right" to keep your pie hole shut. After all the authorities are getting after those providing substantial aide to the protesters. And if it turns out those who attacked the police officers are 3CPOs you might have more trouble than your old impersonating-a-peace-officer arrest ever brought you.

If the arrested folks are 3CPOs then all it might take is for one of them to boldly claim he/she has your blessing. Or maybe one of them just rolls over on you?

If they are 3CP0s and you don't go to bat for them then your rep gets flushed.

Whatta' ya' say, Robert?

Dope Clock II: It's been 242 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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Substance please, Robert!

Mr. Menard,

Well, it appears the authorities are clamping down on the Ottawa trucker's protest arresting about a hundred people and hauling away 21 vehicles. . . .as of now.

So where are the 3CPOs, Rob? You say they are empowered to arrest or restrain police officers. So were they there? You are the director of Corps, aren't you, Rob?

More importantly, it is reported that some protesters assaulted police officers and tried to take their weapons.

Were these protesters 3CPOs?

I am afraid I am going to have to request a direct answer, Rob. No quibbling, please. Please, no diversion to a discussion of freeman theory.

Substance please, Robert!

Of course you have the "right" to keep your pie hole shut. After all the authorities are getting after those providing substantial aide to the protesters. And if it turns out those who attacked the police officers are 3CPOs you might have more trouble than your old impersonating-a-peace-officer arrest ever brought you.

If the arrested folks are 3CPOs then all it might take is for one of them to boldly claim he/she has your blessing. Or maybe one of them just rolls over on you?

If they are 3CP0s and you don't go to bat for them then your rep gets flushed.

Whatta' ya' say, Robert?

Robert responds:

Coming Soon:
"Discussions on Freeman Theories"
By Quibbling Pudding Head Publications

Your response is not acceptable, Robert.

Either these folks were 3CPOs, who you direct, should be proud of and acknowledge or they are people who do what you only talk about.

Which is it?

Substance please, Robert.

Dope Clock II: It's been 242 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
Jive talk won't cut it, Rob.

Faced with a couple of simple questions Bobby responds:

Robert Menard
Today a man called a pizza joint and demanded they send him a free pizza.
They refused.
Therefore he left a negative review and claimed they are incapable of producing a pizza worth buying.
This is the logic of a Pudding Head

This is the usual pseudo intellectual jive talk Bobby employs when he should be talking straight and acting like a man.

Bobby was asked if the knew whether the protesters in Ottawa who attacked the police and tried to take their weapons were 3COPs?

Either Bobby knows what going on in his organization or he doesn't.

Either Bobby supports his peace officers or he doesn't.

Dope Clock II: It's been 243 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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When do your civil suits start, Rob?

Ottawa police appear to end protesters’ hold of streets near Canada's Parliament

OTTAWA, Ontario — Hundreds of police in riot gear swept through Canada’s capital Saturday, retaking control of the streets around the Parliament buildings and appearing to end the siege of Ottawa after three weeks of protests.

Dope Clock II: It's been 243 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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Did Bobby Break His Oath?

Asked a few simple questions about the activities of his peace officer corps Bobby "takes the 5th".

Either I have an obligation to answer questions, or I don't.

But, Bobby, you took an oath:

"I, freeman-on-the-land, Robert Arthur of the Menard family . . .do hereby make oath and solemnly swear to persevere and maintain the public peace to the best of my ability and without favor or discrimination enforce the criminal code of Canada. . ."

So did you or any of your peace officers do anything at all in Ottawa, or was your oath just a grand standing stunt?

Dope Clock II: It's been 243 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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Ooh! Ooh! I know! Pick me, Sir! Pick me!

Okay, Yak. What's the answer?

Dope Clock II: It's been 243 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
You are dismissed, Bobby

Asked a few simple questions about the activities of his peace officer corps Bobby "takes the 5th".

Either I have an obligation to answer questions, or I don't.

To which I replied:

But, Bobby, you took an oath:

"I, freeman-on-the-land, Robert Arthur of the Menard family . . .do hereby make oath and solemnly swear to persevere and maintain the public peace to the best of my ability and without favor or discrimination enforce the criminal code of Canada. . ."

So did you or any of your peace officers do anything at all in Ottawa, or was your oath just a grand standing stunt?

Now Bobby says:

Let me check my oath...
Nope, still no obligation to answer to narcissistic Pudding Head trolls.
Hahaha this is fun!

Bobby your answer says a lot about the low regard in which you really hold your minions. You seem to think you can promise them anything, consistently do nothing. . .and get any with it as long as somebody gives you a "like".

An oath is a solemn promise regarding one's future action or behavior. As such it is a binding promise making one accountable for their actions, behaviors, and decisions.

You gave your word, Bobby. And as with all your sad endeavors it was no good at all.

You have violated your oath and are in dishonor.

You are dismissed, sonny.

Dope Clock II: It's been 243 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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Grandstanding stunt, Sir!
Am I right? Am I? Do I get a gold star?
(Actually, a gold-fringed star would be more appropriate! :D )

You get a start and for extra credit. . .can you name two other stunts by Mr. Menard?

Dope Clock II: It's been 244 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
Oath Breaker Bobby Goes Back To His Keyboard. . .

Hours after the arrest of hundreds of Ottawa protesters, some of whom were doubtlessly 3CPOs, Bobby sits warm and dry at his computer key board and plays professor.

From Lazy Boy's Facebook page:

Questions for the day:
Can you sue a geographical area?
Can you sue a Province?

While Bobby looks for another legal elephant in a mouse hole the people he said would to be protected from arrest and prosecution by his legal wizardry are in custody!

The real leaders of the protest, Tamara Lich and Chris Barber were arrested days ago. And where is Bobby? Safety sipping a Moosehead back in Montreal?

Where are the magic class action civil suits Bobby promised?

Wise up freeman lurkers. You have a traitor at the helm.

Dope Clock II: It's been 244 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
Beware Freeman Lurkers

In another of his fantasies Bobby hopes everyone will do as he says, not as he does.

Freemen, he wants you to give up your SIN. But, the fact is whenever he needs to use his SIN he just tells the authority asking, "This is what my SIN used to be, before I gave it up".

The he winks.

Then he hopes you will do what he lacks the guts to do himself!

Robert Menard People who supported what was at the time a presumably legal protest are having bank accounts frozen. Without court order or legal justification. Let's freeze Government's accounts.
Repent SINners.

Robert Menard
Them: if you give up your social insurance number you can't make use of things that income tax pays for.
Me: Actually the only legal benefits I give up are those things that require a social insurance number to collect. That is welfare, employment insurance, and the Canada pension plan. I don't need a social insurance number to visit a federal park.
Them: But, but, but income tax payments go into the General Revenue Fund and that general fund pays for a lot of stuff so if you don't pay into that fund with your income tax payments you don't have a right to that other stuff!
Me: Is that fund used to pay for the federal government?
Them: YES!
Me: It's used to pay the salaries of the MPS and federal bureaucrats?
Them: YES
Me: Well, your logic is faulty but I accept your offer. Please tell your federal MPs and bureaucrats that they are not to provide me with any services or attempt to govern me in any way. Best deal ever.
Them: Wait, what?
Me: It's your argument. I am merely agreeing with you.
Them: But, but, but..... you can't just exist without government!
Me: Says who?
Them: The government!
Me: But I'm not paying them anymore. So tell them not to talk to me.
Them: Well this did not go as planned.
Me: Yes, yes it did.

But, why would anyone be surprised?

Bobby sells bogus legal advice and walks away when it fails his paying clients.

Menard tells his clients to stand up for themselves in court. But when his day in court comes up he flees the jurisdiction of the court!

He sells ACCP memberships but doesn't use the "method" himself.

He promotes investment schemes he knows full well aren't going to pan out. The he pockets the "R&D funds".

He promoted his gift bag/contract scam regarding the recent truckers' protest, making sure he'd get a healthy cut of the donations. But when the protesters got arrested he's nowhere to be found.

Don't be fooled!

Dope Clock II: It's been 244 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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Bobby Loses His Shi[r]t. . .

Why doesn't Bobby you just go piss on his ole daddy's grave and get it all over with?

Dear people of Ottawa.

. .Your economy is about to take one hell of a hit.

. . .every Canadian has a social insurance number and because of the social insurance number they can collect welfare unemployment insurance and Canada pension plan benefits.

. . Wait until the people of Canada stop sending money to your city. Wait until we reject you as our government. Wait until we abandon our social insurance numbers and close off our accounts with the Canada Revenue agency. Wait until every governmental organization that relies on those payments is suddenly starved for funds. Wait until the people who are working for those segments of the government no longer have the money to support your businesses.

You don't want us in your city honking our horns? That is fine. We will turn our back on your city and on you. And we will stop sending you money in any way. What do you think happens to your local economy then?

. . . We have suffered the last 2 years well you folks have not. So now you guys will suffer for the next 20.

. . . And when that happens you will regret not supporting us when we went to protest the government.

. . . The good news is you won't be hearing our horns.

Dope Clock II: It's been 244 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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Any Follow-Up From Bobby?

Why doesn't Bobby just go piss on his ole daddy's grave and get it all over with?

From Bobby's Face page:

Dear people of Ottawa,

. .Your economy is about to take one hell of a hit.

. . .every Canadian has a social insurance number and because of the social insurance number they can collect welfare unemployment insurance and Canada pension plan benefits.

. . Wait until the people of Canada stop sending money to your city. Wait until we reject you as our government. Wait until we abandon our social insurance numbers and close off our accounts with the Canada Revenue agency. Wait until every governmental organization that relies on those payments is suddenly starved for funds. Wait until the people who are working for those segments of the government no longer have the money to support your businesses.

You don't want us in your city honking our horns? That is fine. We will turn our back on your city and on you. And we will stop sending you money in any way. What do you think happens to your local economy then?

. . . We have suffered the last 2 years well you folks have not. So now you guys will suffer for the next 20.

. . . And when that happens you will regret not supporting us when we went to protest the government.

. . . The good news is you won't be hearing our horns.

A couple of commenters hit the nail on the head.

David Panton
Lots of talk, but HOW are you going to get relevent info to the masses? Otherwise, I agree with you.

Aaron Woods
So what's the next step?

The next steps? Nothing really. Well, maybe some sort of scam developed to skim some money off the gullible.

Dope Clock II: It's been 245 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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I'd like to know how they are going to get their employers (if they work..ha) to stop the payroll deductions and not pay the federal and provincial sales tax when buying almost anything.
Let's wait to see what happens when any business they own stops submitting tax returns to the feds.
More big words from an idiot loose in the wild.

Bobby, people don't send money to Ottawa and the govt. They take it at the source. The fact that you don't pay any with no consequences means you're a freeloader who drinks too much, smokes weed too much and overall is a lazy and quite stupid grifter.

None of his moronic letters have ever worked before but this one will...believe him!

ETA: He's always talking about "us" in that post. As if he did anything but get high watching the convoy get nuked.
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I'd like to know how they are going to get their employers (if they work..ha) to stop the payroll deductions and not pay the federal and provincial sales tax when buying almost anything.
Let's wait to see what happens when any business they own stops submitting tax returns to the feds.
More big words from an idiot loose in the wild.

Bobby, people don't send money to Ottawa and the govt. They take it at the source. The fact that you don't pay any with no consequences means you're a freeloader who drinks too much, smokes weed too much and overall is a lazy and quite stupid grifter.

None of his moronic letters have ever worked before but this one will...believe him!

ETA: He's always talking about "us" in that post. As if he did anything but get high watching the convoy get nuked.

This is an example the magical thinking Bobby uses to suave his wounded sense of self.

A month ago he told us Canadian auto workers were going to rise up in revolt over vaccine work rules. Before that the Mounties were going to resign in mass over vaccine mandates.

A few years ago he called on everyone to go to restaurants and use his consumer purchase method to bring the banking system to its knees.

He's nuts.

A few days ago one of Bobby's followers questioned the wisdom of giving up one's SIN as prescribed by him since it would mean one would lose pension plan and employment insurance benefits. . .to which Bobby lamely replied that he gave up his SIN and can still visit national parks.

I kid you not.

Dope Clock II: It's been 245 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
This is an example the magical thinking Bobby uses to suave his wounded sense of self.

A month ago he told us Canadian auto workers were going to rise up in revolt over vaccine work rules. Before that the Mounties were going to resign in mass over vaccine mandates.

A few years ago he called on everyone to go to restaurants and use his consumer purchase method to bring the banking system to its knees.

He's nuts.

A few days ago one of Bobby's followers questioned the wisdom of giving up one's SIN as prescribed by him since it would mean one would lose pension plan and employment insurance benefits. . .to which Bobby lamely replied that he gave up his SIN and can still visit national parks.

I kid you not.

Dope Clock II: It's been 245 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.

Sure he can visit national parks. As long as someone is willing to drive him or public transit is available. Bobby won't be visiting Algonquin Park on his own anytime soon.
Still it's news to me a SIN is required to visit one because I never carry my card around. I have all my important ID numbers memorized.
Imagine working and paying into the national social security fund for decades and then an idiotic conman advises you to give it all up. Pure Bobby brainless gold.
Besides, you can't close your CRA account nor give up your SIN. That's impossible if you are a citizen here and magic letters don't count.
This is an example the magical thinking Bobby uses to suave his wounded sense of self.

A month ago he told us Canadian auto workers were going to rise up in revolt over vaccine work rules. Before that the Mounties were going to resign in mass over vaccine mandates.

A few years ago he called on everyone to go to restaurants and use his consumer purchase method to bring the banking system to its knees.

He's nuts.
A few days ago one of Bobby's followers questioned the wisdom of giving up one's SIN as prescribed by him since it would mean one would lose pension plan and employment insurance benefits. . .to which Bobby lamely replied that he gave up his SIN and can still visit national parks.

I kid you not.

Dope Clock II: It's been 245 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.

Doesn't that say it all? Either that or he lives in a different Universe than you or I.
Sure he can visit national parks. As long as someone is willing to drive him or public transit is available. Bobby won't be visiting Algonquin Park on his own anytime soon.
Still it's news to me a SIN is required to visit one because I never carry my card around. I have all my important ID numbers memorized.
Imagine working and paying into the national social security fund for decades and then an idiotic conman advises you to give it all up. Pure Bobby brainless gold.
Besides, you can't close your CRA account nor give up your SIN. That's impossible if you are a citizen here and magic letters don't count.

Yeah. When Bobby tried to start the ACCP he got a private Facebook group going to sell the scam.

The content of the group got leaked, which po'ed Bobby to no end. One of the topics of discussion was convincing spouses that the plan would work. One lady asked how she could keep her husband from finding out about the subscription and monthly fees. I guess she had drunk the cool-aide and figured she could convince him the plan would work after the first month of consumer purchases.

But the same thing applies to this stupid idea. I guess Bobby thinks spouses and families are going to sit by quietly while Freddy Freemen gives up his SIN and all the associated benefits.

If it works in Canada like in the states and one has to apply for benefits. . .I am guessing Bobby figures freemen just won't apply.

Dope Clock II: It's been 246 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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Doesn't that say it all? Either that or he lives in a different Universe than you or I.

When someone with a narcissist personality disorder is confronted with his/her true self one of the defense mechanisms employed is to engage in magical thinking.

Magical thinking is the belief that your ideas, thoughts, actions and words can greatly influence the course of events in the real world.

In Bobby's case he imagines that his calls for everyone to do the freeman thing (in this case give up their SIN) will result in the transformation of Canadian society.

So, while it isn't a very scientific way to say it. . .he is nuts.

Dope Clock II: It's been 246 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
Yeah. When Bobby tried to start the ACCP he got a private Facebook group going to sell the scam.

The content of the group got leaked, which po'ed Bobby to no end. One of the topics of discussion was convincing spouses that the plan would work. One lady asked how she could keep her husband from finding out about the subscription and monthly fees. I guess she had drunk the cool-aide and figured she could convince him the plan would work after the first month of consumer purchases.

But the same thing applies to this stupid idea. I guess Bobby thinks spouses and families are going to sit by quietly while Freddy Freemen gives up his SIN and all the associated benefits.

If it works in Canada like in the states and one has to apply for benefits. . .I am guessing Bobby figures freemen just won't apply.

Dope Clock II: It's been 246 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
Here in Canada, even if your income is zero and you have an SIN card you still have to submit tax returns. That's how they get data for voter lists, population income graphs, allocation of benefits and tax breaks and a host of other purposes.
Yes you have to apply but if you don't apply and are still working, you have to pay into the fund. If you never apply, you and your family lose out on some good tax breaks.
I might have been the source of that leak too from a burner FB account. :) That's right Bobby, it might have been me spreading your BS around. It's so much fun trolling those losers.
I might say well done, gmanontario.

Dope Clock II: It's been 246 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
I might say well done, gmanontario.

Dope Clock II: It's been 246 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.

Too bad I didn't keep the screenshots. Some of them were epic in their stupidity and wilful ignorance.
Too bad I didn't keep the screenshots. Some of them were epic in their stupidity and wilful ignorance.

Yes, they were a window into the freeman subculture.

You could see Bobby working the group. At one point in the process I thought we were looking at a Ponzi scheme. Bobby was offering early adopters a discount if they could get new members. He could have used the hefty subscription fees to pay for the purchases of early adopters for a month or more and then look for killing when the gullibles gushed about getting a month of free stuff.

My guess is that he didn't have enough members to pull it off and couldn't find a way to make the phony pay outs look official.

You might call me suspicious but Bobby is the guy who tried to make his Cactus Club ACCP ploy look real by going back to the restaurant and paying the bill and thus avoiding prosecution.

Bobby's also the guy who stole the names of two deferent European companies in an attempt to make a couple of his entrepreneurial schemes seem real.

This the guy who forged a letter of endorsement from an Irish law firm. Bobby's really upset at being called out for this last ploy so I am guessing a few of his followers are asking what really happened.

Dope Clock II: It's been 246 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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Bobby's in jail?

Is poor Bobby's Facebook page kaput? Is he in Facebook jail?

His url is:


Bobby hasn't turned it into private group and the content is just a couple of posts. In addition, he doesn't come up on Facebook searches.

Has Bobby finally found a jurisdiction he can't flee?

Dope Clock II: It's been 247 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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His Courage Mounteth. . .

It seems our friends at Quatloos have also noticed the latest workings of Keyboard Bobby.


It is encouraging to know that the moderator there has risen above his fear of Bobby's threats to dox him.


"By how much unexpected, by so much
We must awake endeavour for defence;
For courage mounteth with occasion."

- William Shakespeare

Of course it isn't much of an "occasion" when Bobby "No-Threat-to-Anyone" Menard rears his head six yers after the empty promise of a dox threat.

Dope Clock II: It's been 254 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.
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