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Merged Biden v Trump Debate Jun 27 2024 / Biden's Debate Debacle Proves He's Unfit for Offic

"Felon". As in "convicted".

And Trump said flat out "I did not have sex with a porn star." How do you debate someone like that?
Obviously one can't. What I find funny is Trump's response was regarding the hush money case, but Biden was referring to the Carroll case. In a real debate that would be a major gaffe.
Worst moderators ever. No control. They just let Trump do whatever he wants.

I knew Dana Bash was always a milquetoast but I think Tapper is letting him slide in order not to be called "unfair". Hopefully they have a couple "gotcha" questions for Trump but I can't think of anything he couldn't sidestep by now.
Biden asked about black voters.

Biden says low black unemployment. Talks about housing. Stutters. Talks about childcare costs and lowering cause economic growth. Says inflation is hurting them.

I missed the next bit.
At least Biden is blinking almost normally again and not as much stiff posture and mouth breathing. Drugs are at a better level. It is still brutal to watch.

Def not the nominee.
Biden talks about the ACA and how it’s lowered healthcare.

Says Trump caused the inflation.
Trump just flat out lies.

Biden's voice is hoarse and he slurs some of his words.

As one person said, if Biden took a nap for 15 minutes and then wandered off stage, I would still vote for him over Trump. I would rather have a nice, doddering old man who supports the policies I live than a mean, fascist liar.

But Biden really isn't doing all that well.
At least Biden is blinking almost normally again and not as much stiff posture and mouth breathing. Drugs are at a better level. It is still brutal to watch.

Def not the nominee.

Take that drug lie and shove it where it belongs.
Climate Change.

Trump asked: will you take any action to solve the climate crisis.

Ignores the question and talks about “blacks” and Tim Scott and borders again.

Question repeated.

Clean water, wants clean air. We had the best numbers ever during my presidency.

Ignored the question again.
Biden says Trump pulled out of the Paris Accord, but Biden rejoined it first thing.

Trump says it was a ripoff.

Then Trump goes off on seniors and borders.
Biden lists things he’s done for the climate.

Prescription drugs. Trump affected one company. Biden lowered all prices.
Not watching, but it sounds like Biden appears to be doing awfully.

Nobody can say that they are shocked that Trump would turn up and lie. That was a given. It should be a fundamental part of the debate strategy to expose those lies.

But it sounds like Biden simply isn't capable. The fault therefore is with him, the Democrats and the supporters of Biden who have been pissing on all our legs and saying it is raining. We could all see what a frail old man he was and were repeatedly told he is razor sharp or the media were lying about him being a doddering old man.

Now it seems even those who denied it can see it.
Ahaaaaaa. So much cope in here...as the kids say.
Biden is having a total disaster of a debate. He is out. You are seeing it in real time.
That was the whole reason for the debate so early before nominations.

"But Trump lied!!" Oh my... no one cares. All his lies are baked in. Shocking absolutely no one.
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Social Security and taxes.

Biden says millionaires only pay 1%, need to pay more, that will keep Ss solvent. Trump wants to cut social security.

Trump says Biden lies, laptop, Russia, Ukraine, misinformation, says millions of people are pouring into our country.
Without watching it, or even watching a live streaming video of somebody else watching it, reading the reactions in here is fascinating.
Trump showed command (of his lies) through his voice, and Biden didn’t.

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Joe, you just don't ******* get it! Stop defending yourself and go after him.
This is so ******* painful to watch. I could do a better job up there than Joe.

Trump ignores question. Talks about firing people, says Biden never fires anybody. Did you fire anybody? Borders, worst president rant.

Biden praises the USA. Cites 150-odd US historians voting Trump worst president.

Trump re-asked about childcare.

Ignores question again. Praises himself. Criticises taxing rich people.

Biden says Biden won’t raise taxes for anyone earning less than 400K. We have the largest deficit in history.
Oh my ******* god, here we go again. Trump never answers a ******* question, and by doing so, he controls the narrative, he controls the stage. And Joe is incapable of understanding that and dealing with it.
Asked about addiction.

Trump says we’re a Manchurian Candidate. China, China, China.

Question re-asked.

Trump says we had low numbers when I was in. Borders again.
I'd just been following along on National Review's blog; I wanted to post a few good comments they had, but my connection is slow for some reason, so that will have to wait. But I finally decided to actually watch for about 10 minutes from about 10:00 to 10:10; it was painful. :(
Biden asked about drugs.

Trump pulled out of a good bill that would have helped. Something about machines.
I was really expecting “state of the union” Joe and it’s just not there. Even though Trump is so full of it he sounds and looks so much better than Biden. Biden is slow, stuttering and just looks old. Like someone else said, appearances matter and Joe ain’t got it tonight. This is so not what he needed.
Trump spews lies, and Joe defends himself with truth. But the moment you defend yourself, YOU LOSE! You must always attack! Joe has lost, and he's going to lose in November, and America will lose as well.
Forgetting that it only feels like the sky is falling because we’re in the moment, is there a plan B?
First thing tomorrow Biden needs to give Ukraine everything they need to completely kick Russia's ass once and for all so they can finish the war before election day, and then get them in NATO as soon afterward as possible, it's the only hope they (and we) have now.
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Asked about his age.

Biden says he used to be criticised for his youth.

Says Trump is only 3 years younger.

Look at my record.

e.g. Samsung investing in creating jobs in the USA. We are not a failing country, never heard anyone talk like Trump about the USA who sends love letters to Korea and Putin.
Joe doesn't get it, his people don't get it, the whole ******* Democratic party doesn't get it. People don't give a flying ******* **** about facts. They want to hear what they believe.

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