Pretty much all of this is actually true but I'm still going to vote for him.
In his press conference on this report he appeared to confuse who was president of Mexico vs Egypt. He has recently claimed to have talked to Francsois Mitterrand and Helmut Kohl, the report seems to say that he at one point forgot that he was VP.
I'm still going to vote for him, but I'm not going to pretend he's large and incharge.
I am a huge history buff. I am particularly interested in the Presidency. Who they were and what they did in office. I've come to the conclusion that there are lots of intangibles that contribute to who they are and what they accomplished. It isn't so much who the president was but what they're presidency or administration was. And it also very much matters whether they had a cooperative Congress that worked with them.
Seriously, what does it matter what a President is like? What is actually important is what a President and his administration do and stand for.
Trump's administration was about Trump and little else. It was based on lies, corruption and grift. Trump appointed corrupt judges to do his bidding. Justices that lied to Congress and then overturned Roe v Wade. A President who said he would replace the Affordable Care Act and never came close to creating something better. A President who said he would build a wall on the Southern border and make Mexico pay for it. Then did neither. Then told the Mexican President that Mexico wouldn't actually have to pay for it just that the Mexican President should say they.
A President who said he would be the Infrastructure President and wasn't.
A President who used the IRS to attack his opponents.
A President who withheld aid to Ukraine and demanded that the Ukraine investigate his political rival or at least announce they were.
A President who totally mishandled COVID.
A President who said before the election that he wouldn't accept the results of the election if they showed that his opponent won. And then didn’t.
Then he launched a violent attack to overthrow democracy.
Those are just the highlights. The list goes on and on.
In comparison, Biden's administration has actually worked to solve actual problems. Including actually doing something about infrastructure.
It didn’t capitulate and appease Putin.
It actually worked to solve the problems on the Southern border.
Trump as President was a wrecking ball. He never built a damn thing.
Even if Biden is getting older, he still has made a pretty good President. I see no reason to think that will change.