If you believe that crap sandwich, go ahead and consume it.
It's perfectly true that the average American anesthesiologist pulls around $400,000 per year, and the Euros under single payer pull 1/4th or less than that. I mean, you can google that ◊◊◊◊, man.
The health insurance industry is a tapeworm on patient America.
Yes it is, but there's more than one.
The reimbursement companies are milking it like a fat cow. That's because it is a fat ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ cow. Fixing the problem is multifaceted, not just the insurers. Switch to single payer today, and the cost would spiral upwards. Its still a multi trillion per year behemoth. Those bills don't vanish.
We'd have to overhaul our whole society to make it work like the single payer nations. Cut the rates of medical workers, from doctors to nurses, will be freaking half to 75% to get in line with the single payer model. Malpractice insurance is a huge bleed; we'd have to slash attorney fees to be in line with their working model, too. There's a lot of lawyers who would not be happy to hear that. Multi million dollar payouts from juries and settlements for pain and suffering would have to be ended, too (they don't really exist in single payer systems, either).
Nothing about this is just the insurance providers. It's a system overhaul, where the days of Americans making north of $100k per year would be a thing of the past. You want the good parts of their system? You need to absorb the bad, too.
Serious question: how many Americans in the north of a quarter million a year income bracket will be on board with their massive salary cut to make this work?
Supply and demand. More of a thing brings the price down.
Are you vaguely familiar with the US? We do the opposite. Massive medical industry, massive costs.