Obviously. Still completely unnecessary ,and goddamned foolish to toss on the ground where he would be handing evidence to investigators.
That would be incredibly stupid, which is my point. The app requires a credit card for payment and each bike is GPS tracked, because they don't want people stealing them. That's an electronic trail of breadcrumbs for investigators. Also, police said they misreported the Citibike thing. He was on a plain old mechanical bicycle.
You do that before and after, not during. "During" is when you need to be unplugged and untrackable.
Oh, good idea. More phone record proof, now on the victims own phone, linking you directly to the murder.
I'm obviously being facetious about social media. The obvious, obvious point is that you unplug and leave zero evidence behind you if you don't want to be caught.
Which I already said. But again, you don't take the burner with you at game time, and you certainly don't leave it behind to be found.
No, it forces him to pull the ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ mask down, showing his face again, and leave possible DNA and prints on the bottle and wrappers.
I mean, this ◊◊◊◊ is not ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ complicated. Bad guys are not domesticated little knuckleheads who can't function without a goddamned phone for 20 minutes while they commit their major crimes. Unplug, don't show your face around cameras (or at all as long as you are not drawing additional attention by hiding yourself)). And for Christ sake, change your outerwear when you commit the crime. Be wearing a different jacket before and after you do it, but not while you do it. And nothing distinctive like that oddball backpack. That's how they found him on video in Central Park; that weird backpack stuck out.
Speaking of Central Park, he is on video entering the park on bike with the backpack, and leaving without it 15 minutes later. So two possibilities: he's a raging nitwit who likes to leave maximum evidence behind him, or he is planting misleading stuff, which would account for the sticking-out-like-a-sore-thumb backpack. Not likely, but longshot possible.