Sorry, but if you're going into phylogenetic cladistics, then we can be either apes (Proconsul and descendants), catarrhines (Aegyptopithecus and descendants) , Simians (Eosimias and descendants), Primates (Plesiadapis and descendants) and on and on going all the way back to the first living creature.
The fact is that Apes split from Catarrhine monkeys about 25 million years ago, are a quite valid and useful way to describe humans and our relatives, and are easily distinguished from Catarrhine Monkeys by the combination of 5 cusped molars and lack of tails.
ETA: To sum up, if we're monkeys, then we're also lobe-finned fish, because us and all other living mammals, reptiles, birds, lungfish and coelacanths are all descended from a 400 odd million year old lobe-finned fish.