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The law here, like almost all states says a five year old can only be in kindergarten and a six year old in first grade. It was illegal to register our kids for any formal academic program before those ages. Private, public, parochial schools - everyone told us the law prohibited enrolling earlier.
This guarantees age sorting for the duration of a child's education no matter how advanced they are. You can flunk and be held back - but it is nearly an impossible feat here. Even if you shoot your teachers they put you in the juvenile jail and by law you have to be in school.
So at the beginning we impose age conformity. You also are prohibited from taking the GED high school exam until age 18 or 19 depending on the state, so the two together make it impossible for almost anyone to do anything but comply with age sorting. The State actively prohibits high school diplomas to people who want them - just bizarre! Sorry, you are 17.
Age sorting makes no sense on the face of it. You hold back advanced kids and you have unreasonable expectations for developmentally delayed kids.
For all this crap about embracing "diversity", to require everyone to be the same age is nonsense. On the face of it again - how ridiculous it is! You can't have a 15 year old in the same class as a 13 or 17 year old? Our school is mixed ages to begin with! Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade are all in the same room with the same teacher. Ages 5 to 8 in one room.
The same is true in all four rooms. It is a K to 9th school, so every room has mixed grades and ages. Common all over the state.
So they can be in the same room, eat together, playground together, take the bus together, all day long these mixed ages are together. They are at different academic levels in the same room. But a six year old cannot study second grade material. A five year old cannot study first grade material.
Not only is it contemptuous of kids to say they can't get along with differently aged kids, but it is precisely the kind of socialization you would want! You want to train kids to get along with people of different ages. You should accept people as individuals, even if they are smart. So it is a mystery to me why this age sorting is so pervasive.
Here is an article similar to our circumstance from over 20 years ago:
Exactly! 2-3 hours is all we need for a full day of school including MMA and Music. We go year round.
We just inquired about the correspondence program here because allegedly you can go at your own pace and it is formal certification of grade level achievement. We've done whatever we felt like doing so far.
You can buy "education in a box" like Calvert, and the school district will accept it. If you finish the first grade in one month, no problem. Then you can take second grade if you want, and third - as many as you can finish in a year. It takes about $30,000 to finish through high school if you don't use Calvin's online help. Quite a lot more if you do.
So the school district would allow him to finish Calvert's first through third grade curriculum for his "Grade 1" certification. Then in grade 2 he can finish Calvert's 4th through 6th grade curricula. Etc. So, were he to pace this woman, he will finish Calvert's High School degree by age 12.
And the state will consider him to have finished 6th grade. This is true all over the country. Look at this 11 year old with three college degrees:
He was taking college classes by age 7. Colleges don't care how old you are. It is becoming increasingly common for kids like these to graduate from college when their state will not certify them for having graduated from high school.
What homeschoolers are doing is taking the SAT whenever they are ready, as young as 12. So colleges are taking them without high school degrees. Girls and boys who have not even gone through puberty are enrolled in colleges, no problem. Without the SAT, even. Depends on the school.
They just can't be enrolled in third grade. This just seems so preposterous that arguing for it is near hysterics. College okay, third grade no. Because people can handle ten or twenty year differences in ages but one year age difference - that would be impossible.
Most parents can't spend $30K or more on homeschooling and wrap up an adult's time being the teacher too. So there is a large group of students who could be significantly ahead in grade level if the schools would stop forcing age conformity and prohibiting kids from enrolling when they are ready.
Once you've allowed it, that will remove the social stigma. I am amazed how many adults instantly recoil at the thought of having different aged kids in the same grade. It's just because they don't know any different. A lot of kids are going to want to graduate high school early to escape the stifling confines of school, the violence and toxic culture too. But we tell them no.
Seems to me our poor performance on tests by international standards would be improved quite a lot by removing laws making it illegal to excel academically.
This guarantees age sorting for the duration of a child's education no matter how advanced they are. You can flunk and be held back - but it is nearly an impossible feat here. Even if you shoot your teachers they put you in the juvenile jail and by law you have to be in school.
So at the beginning we impose age conformity. You also are prohibited from taking the GED high school exam until age 18 or 19 depending on the state, so the two together make it impossible for almost anyone to do anything but comply with age sorting. The State actively prohibits high school diplomas to people who want them - just bizarre! Sorry, you are 17.
Age sorting makes no sense on the face of it. You hold back advanced kids and you have unreasonable expectations for developmentally delayed kids.
For all this crap about embracing "diversity", to require everyone to be the same age is nonsense. On the face of it again - how ridiculous it is! You can't have a 15 year old in the same class as a 13 or 17 year old? Our school is mixed ages to begin with! Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade are all in the same room with the same teacher. Ages 5 to 8 in one room.
The same is true in all four rooms. It is a K to 9th school, so every room has mixed grades and ages. Common all over the state.
So they can be in the same room, eat together, playground together, take the bus together, all day long these mixed ages are together. They are at different academic levels in the same room. But a six year old cannot study second grade material. A five year old cannot study first grade material.
Not only is it contemptuous of kids to say they can't get along with differently aged kids, but it is precisely the kind of socialization you would want! You want to train kids to get along with people of different ages. You should accept people as individuals, even if they are smart. So it is a mystery to me why this age sorting is so pervasive.
Here is an article similar to our circumstance from over 20 years ago:
Never did my parents sit down and decide that we were going to be finished with school by a certain age. The acceleration was a natural but unexpected byproduct of the way that our school was organized. While we studied only three hours a day, those three hours were very concentrated. Mother was in the school room every moment, watching everything we did. We were not allowed to play, sing, laugh, or talk in the school room. When we finished one subject, she immediately assigned us the next one. We were able to accomplish a remarkable amount of work in that three-hour time period.
Exactly! 2-3 hours is all we need for a full day of school including MMA and Music. We go year round.
We just inquired about the correspondence program here because allegedly you can go at your own pace and it is formal certification of grade level achievement. We've done whatever we felt like doing so far.
You can buy "education in a box" like Calvert, and the school district will accept it. If you finish the first grade in one month, no problem. Then you can take second grade if you want, and third - as many as you can finish in a year. It takes about $30,000 to finish through high school if you don't use Calvin's online help. Quite a lot more if you do.
So the school district would allow him to finish Calvert's first through third grade curriculum for his "Grade 1" certification. Then in grade 2 he can finish Calvert's 4th through 6th grade curricula. Etc. So, were he to pace this woman, he will finish Calvert's High School degree by age 12.
And the state will consider him to have finished 6th grade. This is true all over the country. Look at this 11 year old with three college degrees:
He was taking college classes by age 7. Colleges don't care how old you are. It is becoming increasingly common for kids like these to graduate from college when their state will not certify them for having graduated from high school.
What homeschoolers are doing is taking the SAT whenever they are ready, as young as 12. So colleges are taking them without high school degrees. Girls and boys who have not even gone through puberty are enrolled in colleges, no problem. Without the SAT, even. Depends on the school.
They just can't be enrolled in third grade. This just seems so preposterous that arguing for it is near hysterics. College okay, third grade no. Because people can handle ten or twenty year differences in ages but one year age difference - that would be impossible.
Most parents can't spend $30K or more on homeschooling and wrap up an adult's time being the teacher too. So there is a large group of students who could be significantly ahead in grade level if the schools would stop forcing age conformity and prohibiting kids from enrolling when they are ready.
Once you've allowed it, that will remove the social stigma. I am amazed how many adults instantly recoil at the thought of having different aged kids in the same grade. It's just because they don't know any different. A lot of kids are going to want to graduate high school early to escape the stifling confines of school, the violence and toxic culture too. But we tell them no.
Seems to me our poor performance on tests by international standards would be improved quite a lot by removing laws making it illegal to excel academically.