Yes it is the correct way to procede because as much as you are whining about how wrong we are about perception it is the truth…. Human perception is a cacophony of kludges.
But NO-ONE has explained HOW human perception is to be considered significantly faulty in relation to UFO reporting. Merely stating over and over (like some broken record) does not make it true. You HAVE NOT demonstrated that your contention is significantly true in relation to UFO reporting.
This is one of the most favourite things the dogmatic UFO debunkers indulge in. Just repeat the unfounded, fallacious assertion over and over and over and over…ad nauseum It is a mindless exercise and DOES NOT MAKE AN ASSERTION TRUE.
THIS is why I am able to legitimately label you and your kind cultist, dogmatic, antirational, anti-scientific, anti-science and so on.
(Rr: I think you have omitted some HTML tags so that the quote references are not visible? I have therefore not addressed some of your points as I can not see what they refer to)
Does that mean that the x% unknowns are something else? No: It simply means we haven't got enough information to determine what it was. It therefore makes sense to say that that x% also has a distribution of planes, satellites, Venus, etc. That still leaves us with a x% of x% of unknowns, but it still means that there isn't enough information.
This is a pack of nonsense. For example Blue Book and Blue Book Special Report No. 14 BOTH contained three broad categories, IFO, UFO and Insufficient Information.
IFOs DO NOT contain UFOs and UFOs do not contain IFOs or IIs. There are strict criteria (size, shape, dimensions, appearance, colour, movement, and so on and so on) which must be fulfilled for there to be sufficient information to attribute an object the status of (for example) an airplane. We can quickly determine HOW MUCH and WHAT TYPE of information is needed when we discover that we can readily and repeatedly ascribe UFO reports to be reports of mundane objects. THAT is the amount of information needed. If that amount of information is contained within a UFO report and we cannot ascribe a prosaic explanation, then it must (by definition) be an UNKNOWN (or UFO). This is simple, straightforward and logical.
Your statement that a certain percentage of “Unknowns” contain “Knowns” is therefore illogical, spurious, a representation of faulty thinking.
That is why physical evidence is so important.
You speak as if there was no physical evidence. Type in “UFO physical evidence” into any internet search engine and see what happens. You will find examples of UFO cases where physical evidence is manifest.
…nobody has denied the existence of UFOs-as-unindentified-flying-objects.
You are being disingenuous Mr Larsen. I am however gratified that you do acknowledge that there do exist UFOs.
On 9. December, 2008, at 16.42, I was in Copenhagen, when I saw the toolbox that NASA's astronaut Heidemarie Stefannyshyn-Piper lost from the International Space Station, ISS.
What can be learned from this? That UFOs are in the eye of the believer - as alien space ships.
But I already acknowledged that your original report did not contain sufficient information to make an attribution of EITHER IFO OR UFO. That you then make this statement indicates to me that you are obtuse. What other term can you think of to describe your behaviour when you submit a UFO report and ask if it is a quality report and I indicate it is NOT a quality report and falls under the category of “Insufficient Information” and then you submit this statement as if I had indicated your report represented a UFO. THAT is being obtuse on your part Mr Larsen.
Standards of evidence are universal. Bigfoot and cropcircles and chupacabras lack evidence due to the complete lack of DNA, bones, plasma vortexes etc. I don't give evidence for UFOs a free pass. Until I see a reasonable energy signature, some EM wave evidence, reasonable photographic evidence, I will not agree that UFOs have visited here.
“Google” “UFO physical evidence”. Physical evidence exists for UFO cases.
Interviewers could easily lead a person claiming to have seen a UFO…
Most UFO reports do not involve an interviewer at all, they are submitted without outside “interference”.
You will not get logical fallacies past many people on this me where I implied or stated science is dead. (strawman stuff)
You stated:
By the way, I am not in any way a UFO debunker. I would very much like to see a UFO over our skies. A friendly one. Unfortunately, I know the physics involved and I just don't see anything to change the equation.
What IS the implication of this Glenn if it is not that visiting aliens are a fallacious explanation for UFOs because the laws of physics indicate that interstellar space travel is highly improbable?
Anyhow, to get from one star to the next, it takes energy. Force still equals mass times acceleration and energy still equals mass times the speed of light squared. Fusion and antimatter matter reactions are the only chance of providing enough energy to get from star to another.
Read up on the latest developments in physics. Interdimensional travel is mooted for a start. Besides your statement: “Fusion and antimatter matter reactions are the only chance…” indicate you DO believe physics is a dead subject with no hope for future discoveries.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. (Shakespeare, Hamlet Act 1, scene 5, 159–167).
I stated
It is the reports (in this case photos) that are unexplained (more precisely “Unknown) that need explanation. For example (http colon//www…
We cannot draw any conclusions from things that are "unidentified". Only that we don't know what it is.
I am glad you acknowledge that there ARE extant photos indicating “unidentified” (flying) objects. This is a breakthrough in your thinking?
Even if there are a million "unidentifieds", we still cannot conclude that UFOs are alien spacecraft. Only that there are a million things we haven't identified.
This is my point EXACTLY. Now we can move on to hypothesise about what the DESCRIPTIONS of those UNKNOWNs represent or suggest?