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911Blogger - Fading Away?

Your problem, as you have to re-assure yourself of this every day.

I don't the science, witness testimony and evidence is clear, Microspheres from 7018, and 6010 welding Rods don't prove thermite, the buildings collapsed as would be expected via the laws of physics, the rest is easier to explain By just Stupidity rather than elaborate Plan.
The word you use Twoofer is a word I invented too separate the Lying Con Artists, Twoofers, from the people actually looking for Truth, Truthers.
Many don't even know that's why I invented that word.
Are there any credible arguments supporting the conspiracy stuff?

But, but... Silverstein used demolitionist slang to tell the FDNY (well known for their skyscraper demolition sideline) to demolish WTC 7. He told us so on telly, cos when you have to keep a secret for so long you're just bursting to tell someone.
Infowars is shutting down too.
I'm glad the 9/11 truth movement is losing steam, the followers tend to be the most insufferable CTers of them all, and that takes a lot.
On the main page of 911Blogger the stories garner very few comments these days.

Currently, the story with the most comments has just 12 comments, and those are mostly about how few truthers there are posting replies to another story on the web. :)

Truthers, do you post at 911Blogger?

If not, why not?

Is this lack of comment a sign that 9/11 Truth is declining?

The movement hasn't faded so much as more recent conspiracies such as QAnon and similar have received more focus. Case in point, one of my close relatives has gone down this rabbit hole hook, line, and sinker spending 12 hours a day watching conspiracies of Joe biden and the other previous presidents being replaced by other people wearing masks, and the originals being convicted in tribunals with sentencing.... how Michelle Obama is a man, and the whole 9 yards. She also bought into the truther syndrome, all of it starting around 2020.

911 trutherism isn't going away. It's just degraded into the 1960s moon hoax popularity. It doesn't get as much publicity as it used to, but it stays festering for anyone who's predisposed to believe in it. This happens as time spreads us farther from the original events. You won't see 911 truther dedicated blogs and sites on social media like you used to. It'll simply be amalgamated with other conspiracy hoaxes spread by many of the same figures, along with newer generations of conspiracy goers.

Unfortunately, after experiencing this discussion in person with someone, I've come to accept that some people will believe anything and cannot be convinced otherwise.
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