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9/11: The Smoking Gun

I'm not sure that Fonebone has ever articulated exactly what his beliefs are with the exception of a "no-planer" handle on hm, but other than that no specifics that I can recall. Perhaps someone has run onto him in another thread or platform and have a better description of his beliefs.

Better yet ... Ask Fonebone
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I think the only thing smoking here is crack. There really aren't many things lower in the food chain than no-planers.

Here, have some aircraft flying at the speed of sound


See them? Yes, if course you did.

Even if this ludicrous bit of trolling had any credibility it only makes any sense if the flying object is going past you and close. Which, as the video in the page linked to above shows, still doesn't work. If you're watching an aircraft travelling away from you, or are at some distance, you have plenty of time to identify it as an aircraft.

Besides, if you don't have eànough reaction time to identify the big flying object with wings as a plane, then you don't have time to identify it as anything else either. You therefore need to rely on other corroborating evidence, like missing planes, flight manifests, flight control data and recordings, plane shaped holes, big chunks of planes lying around, and a well known terrorist organisation saying "hey guys, we flew a bunch of planes into your buildings".

I did go back to the linked pages and as smartcooky has pointed out you were/are still incorrect. You haven't any proof of the existence of missile or missiles shrouded in "pig" disguise, just your intractable notion that real planes were not involved.
that is a lot of woo

Flight 11 and 175 hit the WTC towers, and you can't figure it out after all these years. Video, Radar, and reality are beyond your grasp.

Your fantasy version of 9/11, an eternal illusion/delusion. A legacy of woo.
Deleted because it replied to a much older post thinking it was recent.
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Bringing together what they have said in their links, this is what fonebone seems to be suggesting:

Around 1994/1995 some powerful organisation has assembled a large team of highly skilled engineers to design modifications to missiles which would allow them, in some combination to produce damage to a skyscraper which is entirely consistent with the damage that would have been produced by the collision of a large airliner and entirely inconsistent with any kind of damage that would have been produced by any kind of missile attack.

This must be done in a way that will look, to eyewitnesses and video footage just as though the buildings had been hit by a large commercial had hit the building.

In some manufacturing facility a team of highly skilled workers make these modifications and the missiles are transported to various locations where they can be deployed.

Presumably the building are set up with giant devices which will hurl aircraft parts onto the streets.

On 9/11 four aircraft are diverted to some unspecified location and the passengers murdered and their DNA harvested.

Then the missile operation occurs and everyone is fooled.

A team go about planting DNA in the wreckage and on the roofs of surrounding buildings.

Not one of this army of highly skilled psychopathic traitors has ever breathes a word about this in the 20 years since.
Mind you, Barbara Honneger thought that all you had to do was to paint "American Airlines" on the side of an ordinary small drone and people would be concerned that it was a large commercial airliner.
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Around 1994/1995 some powerful organisation has assembled a large team of highly skilled engineers to design modifications to missiles which would allow them, in some combination to produce damage to a skyscraper which is entirely consistent with the damage that would have been produced by the collision of a large airliner and entirely inconsistent with any kind of damage that would have been produced by any kind of missile attack.

Which would be an extremely complex task involving hundreds of people all of whom "they" would need to be 100% sure that none of them...

...ever breathes a word about this in the 20 years since

.. otherwise, the they would have to be terminated with extreme prejudice.

This must be done in a way that will look, to eyewitnesses and video footage just as though the buildings had been hit by a large commercial had hit the building.

In some manufacturing facility a team of highly skilled workers make these modifications and the missiles are transported to various locations where they can be deployed.

Presumably the building are set up with giant devices which will hurl aircraft parts onto the streets.

Another team of highly skilled experts that would have to surreptitiously carry out all this work, in the buildings in the months beforehand without ever being detected..... another team of highly skilled experts that would have to be kept quiet or assassinated.

On 9/11 four aircraft are diverted to some unspecified location and the passengers murdered and their DNA harvested.

All while disappearing those airliners from radar, and seamlessly replacing them with missiles that were previously undetected on radar, and landing those aircraft without anyone seeing them.

Then the missile operation occurs and everyone is fooled.

Except no-planer morons of course :rolleyes:

A team go about planting DNA in the wreckage and on the roofs of surrounding buildings.

Which would of course have to be done later, involving yet another highly secret team of specialized experts that would need to be kept silent or terminated.

Of course, no-planer morons all miss the obvious flaw - it would be much easier to do all this with real airliners.

A small team of experts infiltrate the maintenance facilities of the airlines involved beginning 1994/95, with a view to installing remote control hardware on four airliners, and then on 9/11, taking complete control of them and flying them into buildings.

Solves the following problems...

Aircraft parts in the streets
News cameras
The fuel-air fireball
diverting the aircraft without detection

as well as drastically reducing the risk of the secret being reveled by using a much, much smaller team.

Not one of this army of highly skilled psychopathic traitors has ever breathes a word about this in the 20 years since...

... in a country that is so good at keeping secrets that the president was porking a White House usher and they were the only two who knew about it!
Quite a challenge too for the HR manager of this top secret powerful sinister organisation just assembling this team of hundreds of highly skilled, completely trustworthy psychopathic traitors.
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Now if he would really wake up to the realities of 9/11, not fantasies.

Seeing all the 9/11Truth Movement was fantasy from the first seconds they started on Democratic Underground, I don't expect any waking up now. I don't expect any True Believers too leave the Religion at this time.
Milliseconds before each of the three building were struck by the flying objects,
witnesses reported a bright white flash followed instantly by a circular glowing orange
shape hole in the vertical wall that allowed the nose of the flying object to effortlessly enter the building
interior before exploding into white- tan dust cloud that morphed into the huge yellow, orange and red fireball that
dissipated seconds later.
Many of the videos of the WTC2 "plane" captured both the bright flash and the resulting orange hole
at the point the flying object penetrated.

The Exocet missiles used in the Falkland war was equipped with the shape-charge nose to blast an entry hole in
fortified walls.
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The flying object was a commercial airliner and the nose did not "effortlessly enter" anything, it was shredded, as you would expect.
Milliseconds before each of the three building were struck by the flying objects,
witnesses reported a bright white flash followed instantly by a circular glowing orange
shape hole in the vertical wall that allowed the nose of the flying object to effortlessly enter the building
interior before exploding into white- tan dust cloud that morphed into the huge yellow, orange and red fireball that
dissipated seconds later.
Many of the videos of the WTC2 "plane" captured both the bright flash and the resulting orange hole
at the point the flying object penetrated.

The Exocet missiles used in the Falkland war was equipped with the shape-charge nose to blast an entry hole in
fortified walls.

Name these "witnesses" and link to their published statements.
Milliseconds before each of the three building were struck by the flying objects,
witnesses reported a bright white flash followed instantly by a circular glowing orange
shape hole in the vertical wall that allowed the nose of the flying object to effortlessly enter the building
interior before exploding into white- tan dust cloud that morphed into the huge yellow, orange and red fireball that
dissipated seconds later.
Many of the videos of the WTC2 "plane" captured both the bright flash and the resulting orange hole
at the point the flying object penetrated.

The Exocet missiles used in the Falkland war was equipped with the shape-charge nose to blast an entry hole in
fortified walls.
I can only assume you are playing up to the 'troll" label here by making the taking your theory to new and undreamed of
levels of implausibility.
Milliseconds before each of the three building were struck by the flying objects,
witnesses reported a bright white flash followed instantly by a circular glowing orange
shape hole in the vertical wall that allowed the nose of the flying object to effortlessly enter the building
interior before exploding into white- tan dust cloud that morphed into the huge yellow, orange and red fireball that
dissipated seconds later.
Many of the videos of the WTC2 "plane" captured both the bright flash and the resulting orange hole
at the point the flying object penetrated.

The Exocet missiles used in the Falkland war was equipped with the shape-charge nose to blast an entry hole in
fortified walls.

What has inspired your departure from reality.

Two url flashbacks to insane claims. Claims based on unbounded ignorance related to physics and what evidence is.

Why do you post BS, lies and insane claims? oh, I know this one, because you can.

What was your major in college?

"Truth, like the sun, allows itself to be obscured", but unlike the sun, for you, forever, and ever... amen

"Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains taken to bring it to light" - you missed the truth, as you remain in the dark willfully spreading lies about the murder of thousands - ubl must of been laughing at the lies 9/11 truth and you spread

"All great truths begin as blasphemies", ironic quote in light of your insane claims

your can recycle your evidence for you claims with big foot, flat earth and other failed conspiracy theories...

I look forward to your next "typing practice" clickbait post reply, keeps the fingers agile...
Milliseconds before each of the three building were struck by the flying objects,
witnesses reported a bright white flash followed instantly by a circular glowing orange
shape hole in the vertical wall that allowed the nose of the flying object to effortlessly enter the building
interior before exploding into white- tan dust cloud that morphed into the huge yellow, orange and red fireball that
dissipated seconds later.


No witnesses have ever reported this. Ever. This is a lie.

Many of the videos of the WTC2 "plane" captured both the bright flash and the resulting orange hole
at the point the flying object penetrated.


Not one of the videos of the 767s crashing into the towers show this, no matter which angle.

This is another lie.

The Exocet missiles used in the Falkland war was equipped with the shape-charge nose to blast an entry hole in
fortified walls.

Gosh, okay, Dr. Von Braun, how about you explain how an anti-ship missile works, and why one would use such a weapon on 9-11 when simply crashing a 767 into the building would achieve more profound results?

You have yet to address how these missiles were launched. These weapons are loud, and produce a lot of smoke at the ignition point. Why has not one single person reported a missile launch, let alone four? Why did nobody see a missile anywhere between NYC and Shanksville? Or between NYC and DC? If the missiles were sea-launched, where is the radar data? What kind of ship? Can't be US Navy, we'd have known by 5PM on 9/11/2001. So where did they come from?

Where are the missile fragments recovered from all of the crash sites? We've got the planes, why not the missiles?

These should be easy questions to answer for someone who has basic knowledge of this type of weapons system.
Milliseconds before each of the three building were struck by the flying objects,
witnesses reported a bright white flash followed instantly by a circular glowing orange
shape hole in the vertical wall that allowed the nose of the flying object to effortlessly enter the building
interior before exploding into white- tan dust cloud that morphed into the huge yellow, orange and red fireball that
dissipated seconds later.
Many of the videos of the WTC2 "plane" captured both the bright flash and the resulting orange hole
at the point the flying object penetrated.

The Exocet missiles used in the Falkland war was equipped with the shape-charge nose to blast an entry hole in
fortified walls.

In this post we see a cameo of the missile going into the glowing orange hole of the WTC2 South
wall and a image of the same missile nose exiting the North-East corner bevel of the tower. Note
the shape of the shadow the flying object cast on the sunlit north wall as the missle nose exits.
The glowing orange hole was created by the shape charge in the missile nose that pyrolyzes a molten
hole in the steal creating an entrance hole for the missile
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In this post we see a cameo of the missile going into the glowing orange hole of the WTC2 South
wall and a image of the same missile nose exiting the North-East corner bevel of the tower. Note
the shape of the shadow the flying object cast on the sunlit north wall as the missle nose exits.
The glowing orange hole was created by the shape charge in the missile nose that pyrolyzes a molten
hole in the steal creating an entrance hole for the missile
OK, so you have shown a picture of a commercial airliner colliding with the building, you have shown a picture of debris and smoke coming out the other side.

But you appear to have forgotten to include the picture of this alleged missile.
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Incidentally, some information about shape charges:

Contrary to a misconception (possibly resulting from the acronym for high-explosive anti-tank, HEAT) the shaped charge EFP jet does not depend in any way on heating or melting for its effectiveness; that is, the EFP jet from a shaped charge does not melt its way through armor, as its effect is purely kinetic in nature


And, when you think about it, could you really heat a large amount of construction steel to melting point in less than one thousandth of a second?
In this post we see a cameo of the missile going into the glowing orange hole of the WTC2 South
wall and a image of the same missile nose exiting the North-East corner bevel of the tower. Note
the shape of the shadow the flying object cast on the sunlit north wall as the missle nose exits.
The glowing orange hole was created by the shape charge in the missile nose that pyrolyzes a molten
hole in the steal creating an entrance hole for the missile

In that picture we can clearly see that the "missile nose" is blunt and at least 4 meters in diameter, which is considerably wider than the Space Shuttle's solid rocket boosters, the rockets that launched the Mercury and Gemini astronauts into orbit, the European Ariane 5 booster, or any known ICBM. It's about right for the third stage of a Saturn V though. Is that what it was, do you think? Was it surplus hardware from the 1970s? What launch pad was it launched from?
In this post we see a cameo of the missile going into the glowing orange hole of the WTC2 South
wall and a image of the same missile nose exiting the North-East corner bevel of the tower. Note
the shape of the shadow the flying object cast on the sunlit north wall as the missle nose exits.
The glowing orange hole was created by the shape charge in the missile nose that pyrolyzes a molten
hole in the steal creating an entrance hole for the missile

In this post we see a cameo of the missile going into the glowing orange hole of the WTC2 South

Your "glowing orange hole" is a glare-reflection of the morning sun off the nose radome of the airliner.

Note the shape of the shadow the flying object cast on the sunlit north wall as the missle nose exits.

Note the shape of the shadow on the left side of your entry photo... its the shadow of the wings of an airliner.

The glowing orange hole was created by the shape charge in the missile nose that pyrolyzes a molten hole in the steal creating an entrance hole for the missile

There is no explosive on earth that can be made small enough for a shape charge to fit in the warhead of a missile, and still create sufficient heat to "pyrolize" tonnes of steel in a fraction of a millisecond. If you have discovered a way to do this, you should contact the US military - they would pay you handsomely for it.

In your photo, you see the vertical facades? They are 3½ ft apart - for your further education as to why you are wrong, I have superimposed a correctly scaled image of an AGM-158 cruise missile, (14 ft long).


You . are. wrong!
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In this post we see a cameo of the missile going into the glowing orange hole of the WTC2 South
wall and a image of the same missile nose exiting the North-East corner bevel of the tower. Note
the shape of the shadow the flying object cast on the sunlit north wall as the missle nose exits.
The glowing orange hole was created by the shape charge in the missile nose that pyrolyzes a molten
hole in the steal creating an entrance hole for the missile

Trying to understand your theory.

When was the AUP fired from the missile concealed in the underbelly of the 767 "skin"? Was the AUP fired while the missile was still inside the 767 "skin" or was the missile fired from the 767 "skin" and THEN the AUP was fired from the missile?

Was the sequence of impacts you envision as follows or something different?

1. Missile fired from 767 "skin"
2. AUP fired from missile
3. AUP hits building façade and creates "molten hole"
4. Missile goes through "molten hole" created in the façade
5. 767 "skin" goes through molten hole
Now people. It may well be that fonebone “sees” exactly what fonebone describes. fonebone’s major error here is using the word we instead of I. What we see is the reality of an airplane flying into the tower. What fonebone’s brain translates from its visual cortex unfortunately seems to have no connection to reality whatsoever.
I have several questions for you, again, what happened to the four airplanes that were hijacked? What happened to all the people on those aircrafts? How did they manage to plant evidence from the hijackers into the rubble pile? How did they get airplane parts all over the place? You have never answered just the same as rubygrey.

ETA: Another question you forgoot to link the images hat you posted in the linked threads, please post links.
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ETA: Another question you forgoot to link the images hat you posted in the linked threads, please post links.

That would help, but since the poster also cannot seem to remember what missiles/767s look like, how they operate (from launch to clean-up), nor any pertinent science at all, his/her/its penchant for cognitive lapses are worthy of advanced Alzheimer's study.
In this post we see a cameo of the missile going into the glowing orange hole of the WTC2 South
wall and a image of the same missile nose exiting the North-East corner bevel of the tower. Note
the shape of the shadow the flying object cast on the sunlit north wall as the missle nose exits.
The glowing orange hole was created by the shape charge in the missile nose that pyrolyzes a molten
hole in the steal creating an entrance hole for the missile

Milliseconds before each of the three building were struck by the flying objects,
witnesses reported a bright white flash followed instantly by a circular glowing orange
shape hole in the vertical wall that allowed the nose of the flying object to effortlessly enter the building
interior before exploding into white- tan dust cloud that morphed into the huge yellow, orange and red fireball that
dissipated seconds later.
Many of the videos of the WTC2 "plane" captured both the bright flash and the resulting orange hole
at the point the flying object penetrated.

The Exocet missiles used in the Falkland war was equipped with the shape-charge nose to blast an entry hole in
fortified walls.

OK, so you have shown a picture of a commercial airliner colliding with the building, you have shown a picture of debris and smoke coming out the other side.

But you appear to have forgotten to include the picture of this alleged missile.

Image of the alleged missile:

Another image of the same missile

One of the many munition payloads of this delivery systems is a FAE thermobaric Napalm and Napalm2 incendiary warhead.
F.A.E. = Fuel Air Explosive.
Napalm is a FAE is a Naphthalene & palm oil that creates a Fireball with a petroleum thick black mushroom smoke cloud. Naphalm2 is a
chemical exothermic payload replacement for Napalm and produces a whitish tan-gray smoke mushroom cloud
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Image of the alleged missile:

Another image of the same missile

One of the many munition payloads of this delivery systems is a FAE thermobaric Napalm and Napalm2 incendiary warhead.
F.A.E. = Fuel Air Explosive.
Napalm is a FAE is a Naphthalene & palm oil that creates a Fireball with a petroleum thick black mushroom smoke cloud. Naphalm2 is a
chemical exothermic payload replacement for Napalm and produces a whitish tan-gray smoke mushroom cloud

Image of the alleged missile:

Another image of the same missile

One of the many munition payloads of this delivery systems is a FAE thermobaric Napalm and Napalm2 incendiary warhead.
F.A.E. = Fuel Air Explosive.
Napalm is a FAE is a Naphthalene & palm oil that creates a Fireball with a petroleum thick black mushroom smoke cloud. Naphalm2 is a
chemical exothermic payload replacement for Napalm and produces a whitish tan-gray smoke mushroom cloud

That missile doesn't look like it has a "nose" 4-5 meters thick.

Also, if the missile's thermobaric warhead detonated inside the tower, how could its still-intact "nose" have exited the other side?
In this post we see a cameo of the missile going into the glowing orange hole of the WTC2 South
wall and a image of the same missile nose exiting the North-East corner bevel of the tower. Note
the shape of the shadow the flying object cast on the sunlit north wall as the missle nose exits.
The glowing orange hole was created by the shape charge in the missile nose that pyrolyzes a molten
hole in the steal creating an entrance hole for the missile

Milliseconds before each of the three building were struck by the flying objects,
witnesses reported a bright white flash followed instantly by a circular glowing orange
shape hole in the vertical wall that allowed the nose of the flying object to effortlessly enter the building
interior before exploding into white- tan dust cloud that morphed into the huge yellow, orange and red fireball that
dissipated seconds later.
Many of the videos of the WTC2 "plane" captured both the bright flash and the resulting orange hole
at the point the flying object penetrated.

The Exocet missiles used in the Falkland war was equipped with the shape-charge nose to blast an entry hole in
fortified walls.


No witnesses have ever reported this. Ever. This is a lie.

The glowing orange hole was created by the shape charge in the missile nose that pyrolyzes a molten
hole in the steal creating an entrance hole for the missile

Not one of the videos of the 767s crashing into the towers show this, no matter which angle.

This is another lie.

Gosh, okay, Dr. Von Braun, how about you explain how an anti-ship missile works, and why one would use such a weapon on 9-11 when simply crashing a 767 into the building would achieve more profound results?

You have yet to address how these missiles were launched. These weapons are loud, and produce a lot of smoke at the ignition point. Why has not one single person reported a missile launch, let alone four? Why did nobody see a missile anywhere between NYC and Shanksville? Or between NYC and DC? If the missiles were sea-launched, where is the radar data? What kind of ship? Can't be US Navy, we'd have known by 5PM on 9/11/2001. So where did they come from?

Where are the missile fragments recovered from all of the crash sites? We've got the planes, why not the missiles?

These should be easy questions to answer for someone who has basic knowledge of this type of weapons system.
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That missile doesn't look like it has a "nose" 4-5 meters thick.

Also, if the missile's thermobaric warhead detonated inside the tower, how could its still-intact "nose" have exited the other side?

The missile was cloaked inside of a miniature Boeing 767 disguise. The missile payload was dispersed as a pressurized cloud of
whitish tan-gray dust that was ignited into the fireball after the time-delay set on the missile's barometric fuse. The carcass
of the missile was whole as it exited the WTC2 North-East bevel until it was overcome by the fireball. The size of the missile circumference
is hidden by the disguise of the quarter to half sized scale B767 costume concealing it. The height of every floor was exactly 12 feet.
The disguised missile entered the neat round molten entry hole between the floors and between the horizontal spandrel plates.
The spandrel plate steel belt is 4 feet high leaving a open 8 foot floor space for the missile, sans the B767 cloaking, to enter the tower interior
and exit whole until incinerated by the thermobaric fireball.
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One of the many munition payloads of this delivery systems is a FAE thermobaric Napalm and Napalm2 incendiary warhead.
F.A.E. = Fuel Air Explosive.
Napalm is a FAE is a Naphthalene & palm oil that creates a Fireball with a petroleum thick black mushroom smoke cloud. Naphalm2 is a
chemical exothermic payload replacement for Napalm and produces a whitish tan-gray smoke mushroom cloud


Napalm is not an explosive. Napalm is an incendiary. Napalm doesn't do the things you claim your fantasy missile does.

FAEs are not shape-charge warheads. FAEs are "area explosives", great sucking the air out of caves and underground bunkers. Had an FAE been used on 911, they would have heard it half way down New Jersey. Windows would have been blown out all the way down to Greenwich Village.

That didn't happen. You've failed.

Napalm is not an explosive. Napalm is an incendiary. Napalm doesn't do the things you claim your fantasy missile does.

FAEs are not shape-charge warheads. FAEs are "area explosives", great sucking the air out of caves and underground bunkers. Had an FAE been used on 911, they would have heard and felt it half way down New Jersey. Windows would have been blown out all the way down to Greenwich Village.

That didn't happen. You've failed.

The missile was cloaked inside of a miniature Boeing 767 disguise.

This is comedy gold.

The missile payload was dispersed as a pressurized cloud of
whitish tan-gray dust that was ignited into the fireball after the time-delay set on the missile's barometric fuse.

But you just said it was Napalm, which is liquid. Derp.

*the dust was pulverized concrete floor and drywall.

The carcass of the missile was whole as it exited the WTC2 North-East bevel until it was overcome by the fireball.

How does a cruise missile fly out the other side of a building if it has exploded inside of said building?

[spoiler alert: it can't]

The size of the missile circumference is hidden by the disguise of the quarter to half sized scale B767 costume concealing it.

But a fully loaded 767 has more destructive power than a cruise missile. You know who understood this 6th grade science lesson? Al Qaeda.

The height of every floor was exactly 12 feet. The disguised missile entered the neat round molten entry hole between the floors and between the horizontal spandrel plates.

Hate to bother you again, but after 20 years of nonstop war, why have we never used this weapon again? Why wasn't it used in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, or Somalia? Why has this weapon's technology never been discussed in the science journals, or defense industry trade publications?

The spandrel plate steel belt is 4 feet high leaving a open 8 foot floor space for the missile, sans the B767 cloaking, to enter the tower interior
and exit whole until incinerated by the thermobaric fireball.

No. Unfortunately you're asking too much in the way of precision. Even if they launched from Central Park there's no guarantee it will hit that tight of a target.

There is a long list of reasons as to why none of this is true. The most important ones would be getting engineers to sign off on a capital offense that would involved the secrecy of at least 2,000 people. This is the giant flaw in your whimsical fantasy. You can't hide a missile in a jet, you make a jet into a missile. That's just reality. A cruise missile costs around $2 million. To develop a one-off cruise missile - in secret - drives the cost toward $100 million. As my Congressman likes to say, $100 million is almost real money. You can't hide it for 21 years. And the missiles have to be tested.

Meanwhile, for the cost of flying lessons, and 19 first class airline tickets, you can hijack four 767s, and fly them into your chosen targets with the same destructive outcome. And this can be done with less than 40 people knowing about it. And, if you'd bother to read the real history of the attacks on 9-11, you'd know that some of those 40 Al Qaeda guys didn't keep their mouths shut before the attack.

You have to explain why a 767 couldn't do the things they did on 911.
Sorry - I'm a guy... and I'm happily married.

The xxx was placed at the post bottom to override my poor formatting errors in order to allow the message to post properly.

xin loi

You still haven't linked the source of the two images presented earlier, please do so we can all view the source. Nor have you answered my question of what happened to the airplanes and the crew/passengers?
Image of the alleged missile:]


Another image of the same missile

To sum up. You have shown a picture of a commercial airliner colliding with WTC 2.

And you have shown a picture of a missile nowhere near WTC 2.

Conclusion: It was a commercial airliner colliding with WTC 2. Thanks for your confirmation.

Note also that the commercial airliner is not half size, nor is it three quarter size. It is full size.

And shape charges to not melt their way through metal.
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The missile was cloaked inside of a miniature Boeing 767 disguise. The missile payload was dispersed as a pressurized cloud of
whitish tan-gray dust that was ignited into the fireball after the time-delay set on the missile's barometric fuse. The carcass
of the missile was whole as it exited the WTC2 North-East bevel until it was overcome by the fireball. The size of the missile circumference
is hidden by the disguise of the quarter to half sized scale B767 costume concealing it.

Looks to be normal size here. And if you look at the second, sped-up video, you can see how the impact made the entire building sway. That could ONLY be caused by the momentum of a fully-laden full-size 767.

Edited by Darat: 
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