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7th Cdn Jurasdiction to allow gay marriage


Graduate Poster
Mar 10, 2003
Unlike the US, 7 out of 13 Canadian jurasdictions now allow for same sex marraiges.


Same-sex marriage has been legalized in every province or territory where the constitutionality of banning it has been challenged in the courts. Gay and lesbian couples may also marry in Ontario, British Columbia, Quebec, Manitoba, Yukon and Nova Scotia.

This is in addition to Sask becoming # 7. Alberta will fight this tooth and nail but I'd expect a court challenge there soon.
Saskatchewan?!? Man, I figured they'd be the second-last one to change (Alberta being last of course).
Upchurch said:
Remember when the US was "the land of the free"?

Are you referring to the period when Americans owned slaves, the period where women couldn't vote, the period when no Irish need apply, or the period where being gay can get you killed? Ah, freedom! [/bitter]
TragicMonkey said:
Are you referring to the period when Americans owned slaves, the period where women couldn't vote, the period when no Irish need apply, or the period where being gay can get you killed? Ah, freedom! [/bitter]
I think it's probably a reference to the famous 15 minutes between the start of VE day and the time the first black GI was refused service in a bar. ;)
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