I don't think so, although video evidence appears to show the P-63 striking an object before pitching down and colliding with the B-17.
In the latest video, the P-63 can be seen colliding with what appears to be a drone, which causes the fighter to stall*, presumably because of the engine failure. The collision or near collision with the drone forces the P-63 to change course dramatically and dive into the B-17 bomber.
I'm not yet convinced, but this is out there so I'm reporting it.
IMO, it is too difficult to tell. The video is from one angle only, and the small object the P-63 appears to
"strike" could just as easily be something much closer or further away but along that line-of-sight, for example a bird.
I have looked at other videos from different angles and not seen any evidence of either an object or the violent pitch down this video appears to show. The failure to see an object in the other videos is not surprising given how small a drone or bird would be by comparison, but the violent pitch down should be obvious - and it isn't. That makes me suspicious of this video.
I would need to see that drone debris was found in or near the wreckage, and evidence of impact damage to the P-63 before accepting this as a probability.
*I should point out that aircraft do not immediately stall because of engine failure, and that hitting a drone or a bird would not likely cause immediate engine failure on a propeller driven aircraft.