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  1. H

    Wind Power Revolution

    WIND POWER REVOLUTION: h t t p ://digg.com/d1sT5o thoughts? again visit website to see images and a video of this new device working
  2. H

    Water From Wind

    There was an article in the Australian newspaper about a device which supposedly can extract water from the air via a "secret" configuration of wind turbines. There isn't much to go on in the article, but it smells fishy to me. Sorry I have to munge the URL because it's my first post...
  3. Nyarlathotep

    A shift in the wind?

    As red states go, they don't get much redder than Utah. Thus I was glad to hear that a bill requiring a disclaimer about evolution was being fought against by that state senate's top Republicans. Even though a Republican introduced it in the first place. It's good to see that some...
  4. E

    AS an environmentalist, I support wind power, including wind power on the high seas.

    Unless it is in my neighborhood -- Mayor Quimby Actually Robert Kennedy but he sounds the same. Read his op-ed piece in the times here http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/16/opinion/16kennedy.html Reading his critisisms of the proposed project, I see very little that would not apply to a...
  5. RichardR

    Gentle Wind Project

    Has anyone here heard of The Gentle Wind Project? They offer products such as these cards: As far as I can tell you are supposed to hold them in your hands and they provide some kind of magical healing that "comes from the Spirit World, not the human world": These products are...
  6. TruthSeeker

    A gentle wind...

    Aside from chuckling at the name, I found this article about a healing movement called "a gentle wind" very interesting. Some descriptive quotes about the "healing": Please click on the link for details re: a clinical trial and more woo-wooness. What really struck me was this quote...
  7. varwoche

    Nantucket Sound wind generator

    Yesterday the Seattle Times had an article about a proposed wind generation facilility in Nantucket Sound, including an interesting photo I wish I could share. (More on the photo is a sec.) For some background, here's a (biased) site that opposes the project. The gist of the newspaper article...
  8. P

    Inherit the Wind

    Based largely on Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes trial (Monkey Trial) in which a teacher was jailed in 1925 for violating the Butler Act, a measure passed earlier that year to restrict the teaching of evolution in state-funded schools. The only version I have ever watched (2 times now) is...
  9. G

    Wind energy

    I read in a popular science magazine (norwegian: Illustret Vitenskap) that a study from Standford had found that wind power from Texas, Kansas and North Dakota could provide enough energy for the entire US. It didn't say anything more about it. Does anyone know anything more about this study?
  10. Tmy

    The evil that is WIND POWER!!!!

    Here in Mass. theres been alot of talk of putting wind turbines in areas off the Nantcuket, cape Cod , and other Coastal zones. Youd think more popel would be into it. THe town of Hull (near Boston) has a widnmill that supposably saves the town $100,000 a year in electric payments. Its right...
  11. A

    Wind Storage

    http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=7814736&BRD=2041&PAG=461&dept_id=338006&rfi=6 Here's an odd energy plant proposal. Apparently they want to pump compressed air into the ground during periods of off-peak energy use, then use it to turn turbines during peak use hours. I would have to...

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