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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.


  1. D

    Teach a 5-year-old what a virus is

    This Easter weekend we had another one of those Trump moments where you think to yourself: Is this the dumbest man alive? Why does he pretend to know stuff when he makes it so obvious to (almost) everybody that he doesn't? 49 sec:"The germ has gotten brilliant" Donald Trump llL_9dLKb3c He is...
  2. Cheetah


    Viruses: ancient, tiny, amazing Resistance is futile!
  3. Orphia Nay

    10,000 Yosemite tourists could face deadly virus

    http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-09-01/yosemite-tourists-could-face-deadly-virus/4237950 :boggled:
  4. T

    What did viruses do before the Fall?

    Here's a question for DOC, edge, AvalonXQ and any other creationists on this forum: What did viruses do before the Fall of Man? Creationists explain such evils as predation and parasitism as resulting from God's curse on g=creation following the Fall of Man. It's their way of dealing with the...
  5. krazyKemist

    Endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) : the footprints of viruses on evolution

    I think I fallen in love with virology:blush:, reading this book, Viruses and the evolution of life by Luis Villareal. One particular point of interest is those cool things, endogenous retroviruses (ERVs), which are viruses that infect germ cells and are transmitted to offsring vertically...
  6. J

    exercise and viruses

    I know the normal advice when you have a nasty cold/flu etc. is basically to rest, drink plenty of water etc. Suggestions for how long to wait after the worst is over before going back to regular exercise seem to vary a lot though - from pretty much as soon as you can walk :eek: to leaving it...
  7. D

    Why allopaths treat polio? When there is no treatment for viruses of any kind !!!

    An interesting debate was held in between Allopaths and Homeopaths. This debate was held in a workshop. Homeopathic doctors all around the country of Pakistan participated in one-day workshop cum seminar over poliomyelitis and hepatitis disease. Which was held in Holiday Inn Islamabad. This...
  8. J

    Viruses : Forgotten Cure For Hospital Superbugs

    Western scientists are researching the effectiveness of bacteriophage viruses, which are already used in Russia and Poland, for the treatment of many different bacterial infections due to various potentially multi-drug resistant organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus, E.coli, Streptococci, Ps...

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