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us-cuba relations

  1. theprestige

    The Regime in Cuba: Totalitarian Police State? Good thing? Both? Neither?

    Not a totalitarian police state, and this is mostly good. Not a totalitarian police state, and this is mostly bad. A totalitarian police state, and this is mostly good. A totalitarian police state, and this is mostly bad. Planet X: Por que no los dos?
  2. gnome

    DeSantis: Whoopsie

    Politico: DeSantis asks protesters to stay out of Florida roads in reversal on anti-riot law I think he's created trouble for defending the new Florida law in court--despite hastily backing away from selective enforcement, he demonstrated how easy it is for selective enforcement to occur.
  3. D

    Merged US may close Cuba Embassy over 'health attacks'

    I find it hard to decide where this belongs: Does anybody have any idea what this is?
  4. newyorkguy

    Obama Goes To Cuba

    I'm surprised there is no discussion of this event (I couldn't find one at any rate), but yesterday President Barack Obama, along with forty members of Congress, a contingent of American business people and the Tampa Bay Rays baseball team, arrived in Cuba. This was the first time an American...
  5. Allen773

    Cuba taken off the terrorist sponsors list

    http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-05-29/u-s-takes-cuba-off-terror-list-paving-the-way-for-normal-ties Thanks, Obama. You'd think the Cold War had been over for two decades or more...:rolleyes:
  6. Antiquehunter

    Fidel Castro chimes in on GOP race.

    http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-01-25/fidel-castro-rails-at-republican-idiocy-and-ignorance-.html "The selection of a Republican candidate for the presidency of this globalized and expansive empire is — and I mean this seriously — the greatest competition of idiocy and ignorance that has...
  7. JoeTheJuggler

    Bachmann at the meat plant

    From the CNN story: Wait a second. Fact check anyone? Is there a company of 5 or 6 employees that needs one employee only for dealing with government rules and government regulations? Oh for the days of "The Jungle"!
  8. Tony

    Drill, Cuba, Drill

    http://www.energytribune.com/articles.cfm/7910/Drill-Cuba-Drill You would think that if anything would give Republicans a reason to shift their position on Cuba, it would be the lure of opening up more real estate to American oil companies.
  9. Alferd_Packer

    Popular uprisings - Can Cuba be next?

    The series of uprisings in the mideast and north Africa raises an interesting set of questions. Is it possible that the same sort of uprising can happen in Cuba? What are the similarities and differences that would affect this possibility? (i.e. how extensive and loose are the social...
  10. B

    Fidel Castro on 'Nuclear War'

    http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=21541 is fidel being overly dramatic here? The use of nuclear weapons in a new war would mean the end of humanity. This was candidly foreseen by scientist Albert Einstein who was able to measure their destructive capability to generate...
  11. T

    Time to end the Cuba embargo?

    China has 1 billion people. The govt. is a total police state, authoritarian, dictatorship, with little freedom of dissent. They execute thousands of prisoners a year. And they have a pathetic human rights record when it comes to Tibetans, Christians, etc. The USA does billions of dollars...
  12. Richard Masters

    Will Obama be jailed for visiting Cuba?

    Last time I checked, there is an embargo on Cuba, and Obama hasn't been detained. What's with the double-standard?
  13. ZirconBlue

    Cuba ready 'to discuss everything' with U.S.

    From CNN: If sincere, this is a surprising turnaround.
  14. Alt+F4

    Racial Discrimination in Cuba Travel Policy

    What's this President Obama, as an American I can't travel to Cuba because my dad was born in Dublin rather than in Havana? Since when is it legal (or ethical) to allow travel to a certain place based one's ethnic background? Linky: http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/04/13/cuba.travel/index.html
  15. JAStewart

    America and Cuba (NOT a Left-Right debate!)

    I hope this is more politics related than sport related, but I'd love to know the answer... As I understand it: There are no flights to Cuba from America and vice-versa. There is ongoing tension between the two. America doesn't like Cuba's style of Government and vice versa. So, they don't...
  16. hgc

    This Hillary Character is Starting to Piss Me Off: Cuba Edition

    Yeah, I know that politicians pander. But, let's face it, some are more egregious than others. Hillary is now pandering to a Cuban emigre refusnik community in South Florida (and their wingnut fellow travelers) by pushing a hardline on the insane US policy toward Cuba. Steve Clemons, the most...
  17. Dorian Gray

    Why is Cuba still taboo when we can go to Russia and China?

    Just wondering, but it seems that the ban on all things Cuban stems from their communist ties with the USSR - but that's gone now, not to mention, you can travel to any of the former SSRs or former satellite nations with impunity. What's up with that?
  18. M

    Rice Heads U.S. Effort to End Castro Regime

    http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,179222,00.html Some interesting language to be sure! Sounds like fun. :rolleyes:
  19. Tony

    Castro 'prepared for US invasion'

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/3446069.stm ...full article It's funny that the "anti-globalization" activists have to resort to lionizing a murderous tyrant to champion thier cause. A fact that, IMO, alone offers a glimpse into their true intentions.
  20. A

    U2 Pilot Shot Down Over Cuba

    Very interesting article in yesterday's (Sunday's) Washington Post magazine about the U2 surveillance flights that led to the Cuban missile crisis. Some stuff I didn't know about that whole thing. You can probably find the article on line, if you're interested or you can email me and I will...
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