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  1. Gord_in_Toronto

    We're Shrinking (Sort Of)

    An alternate view on the Expanding Universe. Could the expanding Universe truly be a mirage? It seems to be reasoning by analogy: But I can't see anything intrinsically wrong. :eye-poppi Link to the original paper here (I only read the abstract)...
  2. Sherkeu

    Half the universe’s missing matter finally found

    FYI: Lots of space stuff detected in very clever ways. :) (they did pretty much know it was there...just could not prove it!) From an article in NewScientist:
  3. The Sparrow

    Struggling to 'accept'/integrate the vastness of the universe

    I don't mean accept in terms of 'believing' the science that tells us how large the known universe is. Rather I think 'accept' in terms of honestly seeing my place in it from that context. I end up reverting to my usual B.S. drama of thinking myself and or at least earth as the center of the...
  4. Puppycow

    How large is the universe?

    yaX4iGw-b_Y Also in Hi-def on Youtube And here's another interesting one: Cosmic Journeys : The Largest Black Holes in the Universe Astronomy is just mind-boggling. :boggled: According to some theories, the whole universe is like 1024 times larger than the observable universe. IOW, the...
  5. lionking

    Merged Missing mass of the universe found?

    Interesting article in today's newspaper. A young Aussie undergraduate looks like she might have at least helped solve the "missing mass" mystery. http://www.theage.com.au/technology/sci-tech/amelias-summer-job-finding-part-of-the-universe-20110526-1f6h5.html
  6. M

    'Uncaused agency' regarding origins of universe

    Talking about the origin of the universe: I don't know how to argue the following point: I am agnostic as to the origin of the universe. A theist I know argues that logically the universe must be created (not eternal), by an uncaused cause, a creator.... citing 'cause and effect' as the reason...
  7. G

    An akward assumption, please enlighten me

    I will make this brief, hope someone will enlighten me Objects observed at great distances in space seem to have growing speed in which they move from us in accordance to their distance, and in every direction, as stated by the Big Bang theory. But isn't it a fact that looking further from us...
  8. Orphia Nay

    The Scale of the Universe

    I just came across this totally amazing new computer graphic via StumbleUpon: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/525347 I never knew "small" could be so small, and "big" could be so big! Hope you like it.
  9. mummymonkey

    Why is the universe different?

    I was re-reading Cosmos the other day and was looking at a picture of a spiral galaxy. Right next to it was a picture of a similar galaxy that had a bar right across it. I wondered how there came to be different kinds of galaxies. Why aren't they all the same? So I reasoned the conditions in...
  10. P

    A question about the age of "toddler" universe

    . Check this out: Hubble photo shows galaxies from toddler universe It says, . My question is, how did they calculate that the "snapshot" is of a 600 million year old universe?
  11. Nonpareil

    The Laws of the Universe

    Right now I'm involved in a discussion on the Freethought and Rationalism Discussion Board (FRDB) under the username Leon Belmont. The thread, if anyone is interested in actually reading it, is in the Evolution/Creation subforum, and is titled "How Lucky Are We To Have Evolved?" I'm currently...
  12. Undesired Walrus

    How empty is the universe?

    By 'empty' I mean areas devoid of matter. Is it like 99.999% empty?
  13. lionking

    Universe - finite or infinite?

    I'm currently reading a book about Poincare's Conjecture by Mathematics Professor Donal O'Shea. Okay, I know the OP is a bit ingenuous because obviously nobody knows. BUT, O'Shea very early in the book states that it is highly unlikely that the universe is infinite because "space and matter...
  14. Third Eye Open

    Our world may be a giant hologram

    From this article at New Scientist: I can almost wrap my brain around this, but one thing I am confused about is the Planck length. I had always understood the Planck length to be the smallest unit of distance that could ever be measured, due to the nature of light. But this article makes it...
  15. B

    Center of our galaxy and the universe

    If I want to look at the center of our galaxy and the center of the universe, where do I have to look? In which or near which constellation would they be situated?
  16. SezMe

    A New Science Book about the Universe

    First, full disclosure: I am the lesser half of the author of this book so be forewarned. Ellen Jackson has just had a new book released that "stars" (little play on words there, I suppose) Dr. Alex Fillippenko, one of the leading astronomers now working on black holes, dark matter, dark...
  17. A Christian Sceptic

    What would a designed universe look like?

    What would a designed universe look like?
  18. T

    Star 7.5B L.Y. away expodes

    If the universe in ever expanding and infinite, how can something be halfway across it? Is it just sloppy writing and editing?
  19. BenHad

    Where Is The Center Of The Big Bang Universe?

    Have there been any theories, papers, etc. on where the center of the Universe (Big Bang location) is located? I've found references about the age of the Universe, but not the center. A recent article in "Science News" suggests that a gravitional lensed (sp?) galaxy is 13.7-billion-years-old...
  20. BenHad

    COSMOLOGICAL ENIGMAS: Pulsars, Quasars, and other Deep-Space Questions

    Has any one read Mark Kidger's recent book "COSMOLOGICAL ENIGMAS: Pulsars, Quasars, and other Deep-Space Questions" ? Science News covered his book in the "Books" section recently, and I'm curious what readers think about it.
  21. BenHad

    What If's About the Universe

    I would like to use this thread to have readers consider various "what if's" I have in mind about the universe and black holes. This is about pure speculation. Please bear in mind I'm only a layman when it comes to cosmology, astrophysics, etc.. I have a BA in Math from UCLA, with a minor in...
  22. J

    New findings at the edge of the milky way

    I wonder if this will change the current theories about the birth of the milky way and in turn, the universe. http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/new-spin-on-milky-ways-birth/2007/12/13/1197135587877.html
  23. Jimbo07

    On the Beginning of Everything

    Here's a cool (if somewhat superficial) article from space.com: The Beginning of the Universe? With answers further away than ever, I'd like to say to both theists and atheists alike: Boo-yah! Agnosticism RULES!!! YEeeaaaahhh! SUXXORS! PWNED! :D ... aherm... seriously. I'd like to...
  24. J

    Is this how the universe works?

  25. Undesired Walrus

    Does science point away from a God or lean towards?

    Given the complexities of the universe, I often hear those who have a firm basis in a belief in God say "Science is ever proving that the construction and formulation of the universe is only the result of a God". Often I hear people say that maths proves it, or the distruption in the so and so...
  26. S

    Black Holes

    I am here because I would like to discuss some of the ideas of mainstream physics which are unsettling to me. It is good to finally find place full of skeptics which can objectively criticize topics without bias, personal or otherwise. Just to set it straight, I am not a professional physicist...
  27. T

    A corpse's guide to the Universe

    While preparing someone for his exams, I had a thought...Yes me... Since the average distance between stars is 8 LY ~ 75 mill.mill km, what chance has the human race got of ever actually Star Trekking? What's our best so far Apollo? About 60,000 kph [0.06 Mill kph] so that would take us to...
  28. cohen avshalom

    could the universe began with complete zero!

    first question:could the universe began with complete zero-no mass/energy? second question of me:could area change state,like any other material? from solid(state)->liquid(state) ->gas(state).i mean the area himself the shield-even with full vacuum. i was writting 3 pages that call icarus5...
  29. I

    trying to grasp the size of universe

    hi pluto is 2,67 billion miles distance from earth.If we travel at around 200 miles per hour, how many years would it take us to get to Pluito.? Just trying to get an idea of how big our galaxy and universe are:D
  30. S

    Creationists: Why is there the rest of the universe?

    My understanding is that most creationists will claim that we are Yahweh's special creation, we are the only intelligent life in the universe, etc. (If you don't believe this, then you can ignore this thread as it doesn't apply to you.) If this is the case, then why would Yahweh have created...

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