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trump controversies

  1. plague311

    The Trump Presidency: Part 21

    We're stocking up today after work. I generally eat a low carb, high protein diet. Not having any meats would cause huge issues. Continued from this thread. You may quote or respond to any posts in that or any previous part of this topic.
  2. Squeegee Beckenheim

    Trump tells reporters he's considering a quarantine of NY, NJ, and Connecticut

  3. JoeMorgue

    The Trump Presidency: Part 20

    It's also not fair to RBG, an 86 year old multiple cancer survivor, to not be able to enjoy her remaining years after decades public service because... well sorry lady but we accidently put the entire future hope of us continuing to have a fully functioning democracy on your shoulders, sorry...
  4. carlitos

    Tuesday Afternoon Massacre

    For those unfamiliar with the reference, the "Saturday Night Massacre" was when two of Richard Nixon's attorneys-general resigned rather than carry out his inappropriate orders to fire special prosecutor Archibald Cox. Today in DC, US Attorneys are apparently withdrawing and resigning over...
  5. Crazy Chainsaw

    Is Rudy Giuliani working for Putin?

    Is Rudy working for Putin or Trump is he spreading debunked Conspiracy Propoganda and How will this effect the Impeachment? https://youtu.be/hCm9HkVaVYk
  6. Belz...

    Cont: House Impeachment Inquiry - part 3

    Again, why does Moscow Mitch have so much power if Republicans disagree with him? Or are they just paying lip service to the idea of a fair process? Thread continued from here.
  7. C

    Trump: "Make Bribery Legal Again"

    https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/01/donald-trump-bribery-laws The assault on the rule of law and order from this outlaw fascist regime continues...
  8. B

    Cont: Donald Trump has 'dangerous mental illness' say psychiatry experts at Yale... Pt 3

    This is a continuation from here. As is usual, the split point is arbitrary and participants are free to quote from the previous thread. It's about 11 weeks between Election Day and the inauguration. If Trump loses, there will be nothing to restrain him, and, based on his history, he will be...
  9. C

    Merged Iranian general Qassem Suleimani asassinated in drone strike / WWIII?

    The US has assassinated a major Iranian leader overnight as a "target of opportunity" in an action that, according to CNN, was planned with only Republican members of Congress. Representatives of the Senate and the Minority Leader in the House (McCarthy) were seen leaving the secured area of...
  10. thaiboxerken

    Cont: The Trump Presidency: Part 19

    I don't know why Republicans pretend to care about the homeless, homelessness is a part of the "free market" capitalism model. In fact, it shows that capitalism is working as it should, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Continued from this thread. You may reply to or quote any...
  11. Belz...

    Cont: House Impeachment Inquiry - part 2

    Again: what are they going to do? Send in the S-A-A to arrest Trump? He'll have the Secret Service throw him out. That's the 'weakness' of the rule of law: it seems that is requires liberal amounts of forebearance, and if you have people in government who just don't play by the rules of the...
  12. dudalb

    Trump love of dictators...

    I would love for the Trump supporters here to explain why Trump obvious love for dictators like Erdogan and Putin, and his contempt for the leaders of democratic nations is a good, acceptable thing.....
  13. Safe-Keeper

    "A warning", upcoming book by anonymous White House official

    Apparently the same anonymous "senior White House official" who wrote the op-ed piece a while ago is about to release a whole book. Judging by their earlier writing, and the quotes from the book cited in the link above, the author, a conservative who seemed to intiailly be enthusiastic about...
  14. quadraginta

    The Trump Presidency: Part 18

    This is a continuation from the previous edition of this thread; you may quote posts contained in Part 17 (or indeed, any of the previous threads). Wow!!! Nobody saw that coming. :rolleyes: Well, nobody whose eyes were obscured with Trump feces. Everybody else pointed it out right away...
  15. acbytesla

    Do you believe that Trump committed a "high crime or misdemeanor"?

    I posted this earlier and intended to include a poll. Given what you know about President Trump's presidency, do you believe he committed what the founders labeled a "high crime and ir misdemeanor"? Whether his use of his properties constitutes a violation of the "phony Emoluments clause". Or...
  16. acbytesla

    Did the Trump administration committed a high crime or misdemeanor

    Did the Trump administration committed a high crime or misdemeanor? I'm curious. Do you believe that President Trump committed a high crime? If so, why or why not?
  17. The Great Zaganza

    Trump Tax Audit IRS Whistleblower scandal

    The House might have to add to the Articles of Impeachment: As we know, Trump has been hiding his tax returns, and is fighting tooth and nail to keep it that way. On top of that, attempts of the House to learn more about the mandatory audit process of the taxes of the President and VP have been...
  18. phiwum

    The Trump Presidency: Part 17

    There is no transcript for such phone calls because they are not recorded. This has been policy since 1974. (I've read a lot of articles recently and can't point immediately to my source on this, but I believe it was a Post article I read this morning.) This memo, presuming it has not been...
  19. Segnosaur

    Trump Impeachment: What crimes to include

    So, it looks like Trump may soon have to deal with impeachment, as support for impeachment from house Democrats is increasing. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/9/24/20881521/moderate-house-democrats-impeachment-investigation A wave of moderate first-term Democrats from...
  20. varwoche

    Trump whistleblower brewing scandal

    I think this merits a thread. The administration is taking what are apparently unprecedented steps to withhold the whistleblower report from congress. It's been reported it involves Trump and the Ukraine. Meanwhile, Guiliani spews gibberish out both sides of his mouth about his efforts, on...
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