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  1. Ranb

    Hunter Biden Gun Trial

    Federal judge refuses to postpone Hunter Biden’s June 3 trial in gun case https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/14/politics/hunter-biden-no-trial-delay/index.html Perhaps this trial will help change the attitude towards prosecuting those who lie to buy guns from FFL's? Ranb Moved from USA...
  2. Ranb

    Trump Hush Money Trial

    Trump hush money trial set for April 15 as N.Y. court reduces fraud bond https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/trump-hush-money-trial-set-for-april-15-as-n-y-court-reduces-fraud-bond NY judge issues gag order on Trump in hush money trial, blasting his ‘threatening, inflammatory, denigrating’...
  3. Ranb

    Walmart sham homeopathic products

    Walmart, CVS face trial for putting sham homeopathic products next to real meds https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/10/walmart-cvs-face-trial-for-putting-sham-homeopathic-products-next-to-real-meds/ Progress? Ranb
  4. Crazy Chainsaw

    Was the Jury right to Free Abriham Lincoln

    When Abraham Lincoln was arrested he said that the law is like Pregnancy there were no half measures you either are or you are not Guilty, would that legal defense work today?
  5. T

    AIPAC Trial Subpoenas

    This should be interesting. Just wondering why it's not bigger news. Rice, Others Told to Testify in AIPAC Case By Jerry Markon Washington Post Staff Writer Saturday, November 3, 2007; Page A06 A federal judge yesterday issued a rare ruling that ordered Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and...
  6. MRC_Hans

    Homeopathic research report for nitpick

    Perhaps this should be in riddles, but... Background: Kumar (aka Kayveeh) posted a link to this report over at otherhealth. The experiment uses Kirlian Photography (KP) try and find properties of homeopathic preparations. My immidiate reaction was to more or less brush off the whole thing...
  7. Darat

    UK extremism on trial

    Thought I'd bring this to Members' attention in case they've missed it. We have two trials at the moment that are getting some publicity, both of which involve "extremists". The first involves the leader of the BNP (a political party with its roots in the old National Front groups of the...
  8. Cylinder

    US District Court - Eastern District for Virginia - releases Moussaui trial exhibits

    United States v. Zacarias Moussaoui
  9. Mojo

    Another trial of homoeopathy

    The Bristol Homeopathic Hospital is carrying out another trial of homoeopathy. This time they're looking at children with severe asthma. I wonder what sort of blinding they'll be using. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/health/healthmain.html?in_article_id=385082&in_page_id=1774...
  10. Nancarrow

    Afghan on trial for Christianity

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/low/world/south_asia/4823874.stm Words fail me. Thankfully the judge presiding on the case provides a cogent explanation. So that's alright then. To be completely fair, the article says that this is thought to be the first such case since the overthrow of the...
  11. Badly Shaved Monkey

    Drug Trial Fiasco

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/4807042.stm Doeas anyone have a suggestion as to what class of drug they may have been testing? There is no clear indication in the public press stories. The reaction seems to have been so extreme my first thought is that there is more likely to have...
  12. F

    911 -- Judge Halts Moussaoui Trial

    Please ignore this thread, I will post it under the other thread addressing this case.
  13. L

    Official Enron (Ken Lay) Trial Thread

    Wow. I can't believe no one has started a topic about this yet. Today is jury selection day for Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling's trial. The judge is hoping it will take one day. (insert laughing dog here) http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=local&id=3850261 Any Lay apologists here, or...
  14. JLam

    Dover ID trial decision expected Tuesday!!!

    From the looks of it, it seems that the pro-ID side has already abandoned hope. From the MSNBC report But the IDers are much more subdued: Gotta say, it's looking pretty good. And if you read the closing arguments from the trial posted here, it's hard to imagine the judge disagreeing...
  15. Tmy

    Saddam: Should we bother with a trial?

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20051209/ts_nm/iraq_saddam_defence_dc_1 AMMAN (Reuters) - Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, part of a team of lawyers defending Saddam Hussein against charges of crimes against humanity, on Friday accused witnesses in the trial of false testimony. Some...
  16. peptoabysmal

    Will Saddam's trial be more amusing than Michael Jackson's?

    Saddam boycotts his trial: And about that mistreatment: Saddam trial hears evidence of inferior cigarettes Too funny. LOL
  17. Z

    The Saddam Trial

    The Saddam trial is underway and there is no Saddam trial thread. So please feel free to use this as the official Saddam Trial thread. Today: The defense go for the obvious first move, reject the legitimacy of the court.
  18. Cylinder

    Tom Delay to get new judge in campaign finance trial

    From the Houston Chronicle
  19. E

    Dover Penn ID trial

    <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=6 bgcolor=#666699 border=0><tr><td bgcolor=white><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif" color=#666699 size=2><b>Introduction by Luke T.:  </b><i> The genre: Drama. The setting: a courtroom. The cast: Theologians, scientists, teachers, lawyers, parents...
  20. E

    Dover Penn ID trial

    This is being discussed in Politics but this link provides transcripts that are certainly worth a read (or at least a skim) particularly those from thursday and friday. http://aclupa.blogspot.com/ Good it appears I can edit. The original link was posted by Mojo in Politics. A belated thank...
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