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time magazine

  1. The Atheist

    All Hail Taylor Swift, Person of the Year!

    And quite right, too. I can't imagine anyone who's done more for humankind in 2023 than my beloved Tay-Tay. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-67638424
  2. Andy_Ross

    Time's 2018 'Person of the Year' is killed and imprisoned journalists

    https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/time-s-2018-person-year-killed-imprisoned-journalists-n946311 Time magazine is spotlighting a handful of journalists who have one thing in common: They were targeted for their work.
  3. Oystein

    Predict Time's "Person of the Year"!

    On December 6th, Time will announce 2017's "Person of the Year". Trump tweeted the other day that they told him he'll be it a second year in a row, and that he declined. Time informed him that he is mistaken. So who will it be? Remember that this is not the Nobel Prize for greatness, nor a...
  4. Frozenwolf150

    Pope Francis - Time's Person of the Year

    It was just announced this morning. http://poy.time.com/2013/12/11/pope-francis-the-choice/ As an atheist myself, I like this pope more than his predecessors, and I don't understand where all the negativity comes from. He is at least trying to move in the right direction by focusing more on...
  5. lionking

    Person of the Year

    Considering "Time" wimped out and nominated "the Protester", I'm wondering who people here thought could have been given the award and why?
  6. applecorped

    Mark Zuckerberg - Time's Man of the Year

    http://www.zdnet.com/blog/btl/time-names-facebooks-zuckerberg-person-of-the-year-should-he-be/42745 Damn! I thought Julian had this.
  7. Brainster

    Time Magazine: Did McCain Ad Compare Obama to the Antichrist?

    Hilarious: Well, you know how it is; if Obama doesn't want to be compared to Carpathia, he should stop cribbing lines from him. As Ross Douthat notes, this comes from the magazine that not once, but twice, put Obama on the cover with a halo around his head: And no, I'm not saying that Time...
  8. Alt+F4

    LC mentioned in Time Magazine...again!

    Loose Change makes an appearance in this week’s (Dec. 18) edition of Time Magazine. It’s mentioned in the cover story “How To Build a Student For The 21st Century”: “The juniors in Bill Stroud's class are riveted by a documentary called Loose Change unspooling on a small TV screen at the...
  9. Regnad Kcin

    Time Magazine: 10 Questions For Bill O'Reilly

    In the "10 Questions For" segment of the October 6th Time Magazine, Bill O'Reilly is asked whether he regrets pushing the infamous lawsuit against Al Franken: Frankly, I'm astounded. Never mind the loaded word "ambushed," which leads the reader astray from the fact it was O'Reilly who spoke...

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