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  1. Red Baron Farms

    Entropy violation?

    A Glass Battery That Keeps Getting Better? Real? or fake news?
  2. neutrino_cannon

    Pressure Ratio and Efficiency in Brayton Cycle Engines

    WARNING: I AM A COMPLETE N00B AT THERMODYNAMICS. I have been reading about gas turbines lately as they are fascinating. The tolerances, materials and fluid dynamics that make these things work as well as they do work is fascinating and most impressive. One thing I do not understand is how...
  3. M

    Laser Pointers and Ice

    I thought the fastest way to get a real answer to this question, including the follow-on ramifications, was to post here and let the resident science guys get to work. Suppose you wanted to look at a small opening sealed with ice--would using a laser pointer cause melting? Are some colors more...
  4. aggle-rithm

    Loophole in the laws of thermodynamics?

    http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-06-quantum-knowledge-cools-entropy.html This certainly SEEMS legit, but it's a little unsettling to see the same kind of language used here as is used frequently by woos ("quantum entanglement" and "determined by the observer"). I know these are legitimate...
  5. B

    Church Of Thermodynamics

    The laws of thermodynamics contradict themselves unless dualism is true, some kind of dualism in physics. When calculated on mass and energy alone, the laws of thermodynamics (which most scientists accept as facts) are accurate, but when calculated on everything we have observed, they...
  6. T

    Entropy and entropy

    There is an interesting thread here: http://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=361792 The question is whether there is a difference in mass between empty and full memory. There seems to be a consensus that 0's and 1's can have different energies, and that can cause a mass difference, but a...
  7. Ginarley

    Misuses of Energy Concepts in Pseudoscience

    Hi all I am doing some research about the misuse of energy and thermodynamics concepts (such as chakras, chi, energy pathway blockages, pure energy, 2nd law prohibits evolution, etc) in pseudoscience and was wondering if anyone here could help out with any of the following: a) Examples of...
  8. neutrino_cannon

    Improve the efficiency of a gas engine: add insulation?

    It occurs to me that, gas laws being what they are, loosing heat from the burning fuel-air mixture of an internal combustion engine is loosing potential work, and heating up the cylinders and other engine parts moreover. Would it be practical to line the cylinder walls with something rather...
  9. Ginarley

    Thermodynamics Reference wanted

    Hi all Most people are familiar with the cute paraphrasing of the laws of thermodynamics to: 1. You can’t win. 2. You can’t break even. 3. You can’t get out of the game. Does anyone know where this came from originally? Someone suggested it was Asimov but I don't know anything further and...
  10. S

    Black holes violate the laws of thermodynamics?

    I was watching a show on NOVA the other day about giant black holes being in the center all galaxies and it got me thinking. Wouldn’t the existence of a black hole violate the laws of thermodynamics? The thought crossed my mind that a black hole could be used to create energy. Since a black...
  11. St.Michael

    Thermodynamics and the Big Bang

    I’ve heard a Creationist use this twice in an argument this week. "The big bang violates the 2nd law of thermodynamic because something can’t come from nothing"!:confused: As far as I’m aware the 2nd Law has nothing to do with something coming from nothing. I think the guy must have read it...
  12. T

    2nd law of thermodynamics and Intelligent...

    Check out this interesting video http://www.math.utep.edu/Faculty/sewell/articles/thermo.html as well as an accompanying article http://www.math.utep.edu/Faculty/sewell/articles/article.html
  13. Oxymoron

    Thermodynamics and...the afterlife?

    Being new here, i'm not going to pretend to be a rocket scientist but I do have a pressing question that maybe some of you great minds can help me out with. The first law of thermodynamics: energy can be transformed but not created or destroyed. The second law of thermodynamics: The entropy...
  14. C

    Diode Array challenge to the Second Law of Thermodynamics

    I was granted U.S. patent 3,890,161, DIODE ARRAY in 1975 on a chip which absorbs uniform ambient surrounding heat as it transforms thermal energy into a matching yield of electrical power. The chip, in mature form, will consist of billions of nanometer scale diodes in consistent alignment that...
  15. CP489

    The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

    I've seen it referenced several times as incompatible with evolutionary theory, anyone have a good reference to refute this? I'm fairly sure it's false.
  16. K

    "Violations" of the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

    Opponents of evolutionary biology are always claiming that order cannot arise naturally. I'd like to start a list of "violations". Feel free to post. Hurricanes Weather patterns in general Gravity's formation of planets Orbits Stone archways formed by erosion
  17. D

    The Second Law Of Thermodynamics Strikes Again

    www.geocentricity.com/bibastron/research : "Dr. Gerardus Bouw shows that a world government micromanaging the affairs of men cannot help but collapse upon itself with a maximum probability of 37% destruction. This follows from the second law of thermodynamics. A technical article."
  18. D

    Does e=mc2 violate thermodynamics?

    I may be confusing things here...But If Energy can be converted into matter and vise versa...Does this violate the laws of thermodynamics sayng that energy and matter can not be created? If "energy" is the ability to move matter...Then how can matter be energy and vise versa? Please post a...
  19. J

    Some thermodynamics.........

    Without resorting to horribly complicated differential equations.. Are internal combustion engines are intrinsically more efficient than external combustion engines? And if so why. edit: any ideas on a double-acting internal combustion engine?
  20. T

    Do the Laws of Thermodynamics Apply Outside of Thermal Energy?

    (I did a search for "thermodynamics", which resulted in 141 hits, and after skimming through the first 10 to no avail, I'm posting here.) I've heard creationists claim that the 2nd law of thermodynamics, dealing with entropy and the degradation of order over time, is a good argument against...

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