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  1. chrismohr

    Chris Mohr's YouTube Part 23 Epilogue: WTC Dust Update; Saying Goodbye to 9/11 Truth

    Why I do NOT believe thermite was used to bring down the World Trade Center Buildings on 9/11. After the thermitic dust paper of 2009 by Harrit/Jones/Ryan/Farrer et al, I hired Jim Millette to analyze the WTC dust and he found NO THERMITE. This YouTube video is a detailed summary of responses to...
  2. Orphia Nay

    Thermite Welding

    Anyone heard of "Thermite Welding"? Here's a video from the American Welding Society. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=864139386951273 What implications, if any, does this have on truther theories? Maybe none, but I hadn't seen this video posted here, so maybe some of you haven't either.
  3. Crazy Chainsaw

    what a natural thermite reaction looks like.

    http://s271.photobucket.com/user/chainsawprof/media-full//thermitea_zpsx9v2vwtx.jpg.html For Oystein. How you can recognize one.
  4. Travis

    Why use thermite at all?

    Outside of all the questions about what evidence there is or isn't for thermite at the WTC I always come back to another question: why use it at all? Seriously. If you had to do a controlled demolition of the WTC why trust a completely unproven method of skyscraper demolition, a method that...
  5. triforcharity

    Must have been explosive nano-thermite....

    Just yesterday, a house was destroyed by an explosion of unknown causes here in my county. http://www.floridatoday.com/article/20120102/NEWS01/301020010/Official-Locals-heard-explosion?odyssey=mod|newswell|text|Home|p Tragically, there was an occupant killed in the blast and ensuing fire...
  6. wollclark

    Thermite Debate

    Can someone clarify this for me?
  7. triforcharity

    Massive hotel fire caused by thermite and explosives, according to Truther logic

    Here is an absolutely breathtaking hotel fire that eyewitnesses have reported hearing explosions. Must have been thermite and explosives planted in the building...
  8. DaveThomasNMSR

    Skeptical Inquirer July/August issue on 9/11 Truth, now at the Printer's

    Most of the upcoming July/August issue of Skeptical Inquirer is devoted to analyses and discussion of 9/11 Truth and 9/11 conspiracy theories. I've an article about the top three claims of the Truth Movement: "near-freefall" collapse of the towers, thermite and melted steel, and the enigma of...
  9. adkinsjr

    So did they find thermite or not?

    My guess is probably not. But that's just a guess, I already know how truthers are capable of lies, myths, and downright stupidity. This specific claim is one I've never been able to get to the bottom of because I don't understand much about the subject. I hear claims again and again that...
  10. A

    9/11 Thermite Experiment video

    Hi Guys, Before I post this video, let me state my own position: I am very much your traditional skeptic, just like I'm assuming the majority of the people on this forum. I'm an atheist, believe man walked on the moon, believe in man made climate change and I do NOT believe that sept 11th was...
  11. M

    The Open Chemical Physics Journal ? Disappeared...

    http://www.bentham.org/open/a-z.htm Does Harrit's article exist again? :)
  12. alienentity

    Building Collapses completely into Footprint

    CTV building in Christchurch, New Zealand, collapses completely into its own footprint during earthquake....... exactly in the manner of a controlled demolition (the catchphrase of Richard Gage and AE911Truth) ETA my thoughts go out to those currently dealing with this devastation, as well as...
  13. Anders Lindman

    South Tower 81st floor filled with thermite?

    "Fuji Bank had torn up the 81st floor, he said, and stripped it down to the bare bone to reinforce the trusses so that the floor could hold more weight. Then they had built a raised floor and filled the entire floor with server-size Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) batteries. ... But were...
  14. Quad4_72

    What WOULD it take for there to be molten pools of Iron...

    This is sort of a split from oysteins thread. We all know that molten iron was most likely not what was found in the basements and pouring out of the towers. But my question is, what WOULD it take for there to be molten Iron not only pouring out of the towers, but also found in the basements...
  15. WildCat

    What REALLY Caused The Metrodome Roof Collapse?

    AAyLX2hY7E0 The official story is that snow caused the inflatable roof to collapse, so I decided to test this theory. I inflated a balloon, and placed it on the ground. I threw some snow on top of it. The balloon DID NOT collapse, thus disproving The Official StoryTM. So what did it? Thermite...
  16. C

    Newly released NIST video of molten metal on south tower

    This video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe7Td_MrRlA seems to show some kind of audible and visible explosion of the face of the south tower as the molten metal falls from the NW corner. The visual aspect was already being discussed here...
  17. Oystein

    A Fermi problem for C7: Iron spheres mean how much thermite?

    The aim of this thread is to shed some light on a claim made by christopher7 (C7), formulate it as a hypothesis or theory, and make rough predictions from that theory. In particular, I want to formulate this as a Fermi problem to arrive at a rough guess (order of magnitude) for the amount of...
  18. Senenmut

    Thermate + steel having the same characteristic corrosion as found by Barnett et al?

    so i was browsing 911blogger and came upon this post by prof jones: "Next we return to the mysterious melted steel from WTC7. Now however, the filmmakers inform us that their is nothing special about it: "it was attacked by a liquid slag... a liquid containing iron, sulfur, and oxygen." The...
  19. Brainster

    Confirmations? We Don't Need No Stinking Confirmations!

    Kevin Ryan, trying to get out in front of a pretty disastrous story for the Truthers, admits that he and Steven Jones are not cooperating with an independent effort to confirm or refute their nanothermite results. So far the comments over there are supportive, but I suspect that this will...
  20. Carlos

    Electrical transformer destroyed by... errr... thermite?

    Flowing molten metal? IdoiqmOH9_0 nbzdO0EPOGg

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