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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.


  1. marting

    Uri Geller promises to stop Brexit using telepathy

    Sheesh. In an open letter to the prime minister, the Israeli-British TV personality said he felt “psychically and very strongly” that most Britons were anti-Brexit and promised to stop the process telepathically...
  2. F

    What Should the Default Skeptical Position on Telepathy Be?

    So take the claim "telepathy exists". I imagine most skeptics here would consider that an extraordinary claim that would require extraordinary evidence, and the basis of that would be the complete lack of any success of anyone actually demonstrating anything like telepathy in controlled...
  3. K


    Recent events and displays of well researched data has indicated to me, that 'telepathy' or the ability to extend one's consciousness beyond one's cranium is a real measurable phenomena, that has its basis in natural selection... Ever feel like someone or something is watching you? Prey...
  4. C

    My thougts are transmitted for real

    I've been suffering from real thought-broadcasting for a long time. My thougts and all five senses are transmitted to other people for real, like uncontrollable telepathy. It is not thought-broadcasting in schizophrenia. Do you have any idea how to cure it? I'd really appreciate it if you...
  5. M

    New telepathy test, the sequel.

    This is a continuation of original New Telepathy Test thread found here. Please share and enjoy. I have done tests also on two other websites or forums, in parallel with this one, with the same target word (plane). On the skeptiko forum (link), I posted a poll, just one person voted, and...
  6. B

    Yet to be disproven AFAIK

    . I hardly know where to begin if this is true. Cooler heads must prevail. Telepathic child tested by scientists. What changes if true? .
  7. Gord_in_Toronto

    Demonstrated . . . well not exactly.

    Some rather hypish headlines on this: http://www.zmescience.com/medicine/mind-and-brain/brain-linked-experiment-telepathy-24092015/ http://www.natureworldreport.com/2015/09/brain-to-brain-link-possible/ Now. Just take away the Internet! :(
  8. Loss Leader

    My Second Telepathy Test

    I have generated 5 random digits, each with a value from 0 to 9. Note, it is not a 5 digit number, so the first digit may be 0. I have written the 5 digits down in the order they were generated and circled it. I will look at the digits at least once an hour (excepting midnight through eight...
  9. Loss Leader

    Loss Leader's Super Simple Telepathy Test

    I have created a very simple telepathy test: I have used a random number generator to choose a number between 100,000 and 999,999. I have written it down, placed it in my desk drawer and reviewed it often. I have committed it to memory. I next encoded that number into a simple phrase (the...
  10. T

    Real telepathy phenomena may deserves your investigation.

    Dear paranormal skepticisms and enthusiasts, Unknown signal broadcast my consciousnesses frequently and automatically, maybe it is so called paranormal, telepathy, or ghost phenomena. It will be a milestone and breakthrough to the science. I'm telepathy, visit my blog...
  11. W

    Can geomagnetic activity affect telepathy? (Michael Persinger)

    I know, telepathy hasn't been proven and I'm a skeptic on the matter as well. However, Michael Persinger posited a theory: In 1974 Michael Persinger proposed that extremely low-frequency (ELF) electromagnetic waves may be able to carry telepathic and clairvoyant information. Here is the...
  12. M

    Does Barbra Streisand (or her songwriters) believe in telepathy?

    A few days ago, I was listening to Barbra Streisand's popular song "Woman in Love" on the radio, and I heard her say, with some surprise: We may be oceans away You feel my love, I hear what you say. No truth is ever a lie, ... The video, with the lyrics is here (listen between 2min05 and...
  13. F

    My genuine telpathy test

    I have selected one of 6 numbers. You do not have to post at all, just select which number you think I have thought of. I know all, I see all. Norm
  14. M

    Merged New telepathy test: which number did I write ?

    Hi, I invite you to participate in a new telepathy test. At about 20:17 on this Monday October 21 (Brussels, Belgium time), I wrote carefully one of the four numbers: "1", "2", "3", "4" on my sheet of paper, and I surrounded it with a circle. Then, I wrote it again twice. I shall repeat this...
  15. M

    Merged Telepathy test: which number did I write?

    Hi, I invite you to participate in a simple telepathy test. At about 16:39 on this Thursday August 9 (Brussels, Belgium time), I wrote carefully one of the four numbers: "1", "2", "3", "4" on my sheet of paper, and I surrounded it with a circle. Then, I wrote it again twice. I shall repeat...
  16. M

    What do you think about this "proof" of telepathy?

    Please copy and paste one of these two modified URLs: h ttp://users.telenet.be/mhanck/analysis_jref.pdf (pdf file), or: h ttp://users.telenet.be/mhanck/analysis_jref.html (html file), onto the address bar of a new browser tab (or your current tab), and remove the space at the beginning (between...
  17. A

    Anecdotal experiences: telepathy

    This last week, while I was out to dinner with my dad, I mentioned to him a little bit about skepticism and the MDC - particularly how fun it is to try to find experimental protocols to test various paranormal claims. Dad has never been into the supernatural, but he also pointed out that all...
  18. J


    Maybe the immense size of the universe and its light-speed barrier makes instantaneous telepathic communication between humans and aliens the only viable option?
  19. J

    Merged Jestblaze's Thoughts

    Land is in short supply and life expectancy rates are climbing dramatically and will continue to do so with upcoming advances in biotechnologies and pharmaceuticals. Its time to discuss how we can expand and the moon is the closest. My first idea is simple, a biodome like structure planted...
  20. G

    Breaking down telepathy

    Alright been thinking of telepathy for quite some time, mostly due to my condition of hearing voices. I believe hearing voices is evidence of something more, like telepathic communication. Basically telepathy is moreso believed to be an ability of reading minds, but it can also be a way of...

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