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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.


  1. aggle-rithm

    Economics Dilemma

    My wife and I were having a discussion yesterday about friends of ours who are up to their eyeballs in debt and are frantically trying to sell their house before it gets foreclosed upon. They are hoping to make a $6000 profit on the sale, after which they intend to go on a "spending spree" to...
  2. PopeTom

    A Study on studies.

    Dr. David Ludwig has lead a study that seems to show a bias in beverage studies that seems to favor the funder of the study itself. A spokes person for the beverage industry sees it another way. Is this a sad example of how the scientific process can be abused by someone who has a stake in...
  3. HeavyAaron

    Women's Studies... good idea/bad idea?

    This is a split from the thread entitled "Another case of free market failure" here http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=65116 Aaron
  4. El Greco

    WBV: Using studies to say nothing.

    Read the studies referenced in the Power Plate site. That expensive gizmo does next to nothing and they've got the studies to prove it. *Sigh*
  5. S

    Critical Thinking Studies?

    Anyone know of studies examining students who have been taught critical thinking, either by infusing critical thinking in regular classes, or by taking specific critical thinking classes?
  6. A

    Brain May Still Be Evolving, Studies Hint

    Source: New York Times Go to www.bugmenot.com to get a login ID and password if you don't have one already. My first question upon reading the headline of the article (thread title) is "why wouldn't it?" My reaction upon reading the bit I've bolded is "what's the mechanism for 'more or...
  7. C

    Global warming studies

    One of the arguments against global warming is that the atmostphere is not acting as the computer model predict. In particular, the data show that the troposphere (the middle level of the atmosphere) has not warming and has actually been cooling in the tropics. Two studies in Science show...
  8. D

    Studies done on Marijuana

    Im constantly hearing conflicting claims about studies done on Marijuana.."Studies have shown marijuana is addictive." "Studies have shown marijuana is not addictive." "Studies have shown marijuana causes lung cancer." Ect..ect. So what I would like is for everyone to post all of the studies...
  9. C

    Twin Studies

    I keep reading about studies that compare the behavior of fraternal and identical twins in order to give a genetic portion of certain behaviors such as female orgasm and pychopathy. The contention is that twins have extremely similar environments and that differences in behavior would thereby...
  10. Ashles

    Homeopathy studies cited by UK Dept of Health

    In the Test Your MP thread we have received a response from a candidate that they would follow Department of Health guidelines: On the link the Document states: (although this is rather generous), but then it says: - - - - - - - - - - - - References: 26 Linde K, Clausius N, Ramirez G et...
  11. D

    Finding all published scientific studies online

    I was wondering if there was a website that has lists of all of the published scientific studies done on all types of various things. I wanted to be able to search for instance to find any reliable scientific studies on things like telekinesis,Bigfoot,Psychics and all types of other things...
  12. plindboe

    Scientific paranormal studies with negative results

    I need a list(or just some mentions) of scientific studies into the paranormal where the results are negative. Any help appreciated. :)
  13. El Greco

    Studies supporting homeopathy ?

    Are there any studies in support of homeopathy ? (I think there was such a review in Lancet ?) Is there any page dealing with such studies and pointing out their methodological faults or any other inconsistencies ? I'm getting ready for a debate with a few "believers" and I want to be prepared...
  14. Asolepius

    Studies on religiosity

    Hi folks - I am just working my way through the JREF forums so I'm new here. You may be interested in some research I came across on effects of religious beliefs in cancer patients: http://www.nice.org.uk/pdf/SupportivePalliative_Research_Evidence_SecondCons.pdf For those who don't know, NICE...
  15. D

    Damaging Drug studies buried

    Saw this, and thought it was of interest. I'm presenting it without agenda or prejudice. http://www.wired.com/news/medtech/0,1286,63186,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_3
  16. Tricky

    Environmental studies? We don' need no steenking environmental studies.

    It looks like the Bush administration is continuing its unrelenting assault on the environment. The latest dumb bomb they've dropped? Let's exempt companies from environmental impact studies! After all, they cost money and what the heck, it's just the environment anyway. And of course, no...
  17. S

    Hypnosis in Double-Blind Studies

    In response to Randi's question, I suggest :) he take a look at the lecture that Dr. David Spiegel gave to NIH just a few months ago in May 2003, available at: http://videocast.nih.gov/ram/nccam050603.ram He gives a nice introductory explanation of hypnosis and it's history; as well describing...

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