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solar panels

  1. Dorian Gray

    Merged Not Much Difference Between This Satirical Piece And What Ignorant People Believe

    The National Report: Solar Panels Drain the Sun's Energy Unfortunately, this type of thing often gets filtered through the moronic masses and freaks out a certain percentage of the people. Really sad.
  2. C

    Solar (photovoltaic) building codes

    I'm ready to take the plunge and put up solar panels (photovoltaic - PV) to try to offset some of my grid demand. The local electric company has been accepting PV intertie for almost 2 decades. Unfortnately, my city is not ready. In a recent Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, lots of...
  3. Bikewer

    For the naysayers-Germany sets solar power record

    Slashdot posted a Reuters article indicating that Germay has set a record as far as solar power production, generating nearly 50% of it's daytime needs last weekend by solar alone: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2012/05/26/us-climate-germany-solar-idUKBRE84P0FI20120526 Not that this solves all...
  4. Mr. Scott

    Sacrificing food for energy

    Just a mile from me is a large field that used to yield corn, soybeans and the like, and is converted into a solar energy farm -- a sea of electricity-generating solar panels. Does this food-for-energy trade-off make sense?
  5. Travis

    Going green can earn you your neighbor's wrath

    In a previous thread I detailed my mom's fight to put in a drought resistant yard. She had to threaten to fight all the way through court before the neighborhood homeowners association relented and let her keep her rock garden instead of tearing it out to keep in line with their "tropical plants...
  6. S

    Thinking about putting solar panels on the roof

    Hi! I am thinking of putting solar panels on my roof. Please note that the state aids quite a bit, so economical reasonableness is improved greatly. Statistics show that the area has about 45 days with less than 20% clouds and 110 days with more than 80% clouds and an average of 33676 J/cm²...
  7. Nosi

    Solar Panels, Moors' Law, closed food systems

    Moor's Law has done wild things to the world of micro computing and personal computers. I think there are signs of it coming into play in alternative energy, particularly solar energy and solar panels. Today, desalination of sea water is an expensive proposition only for rich coastal cities...
  8. Mitchell314

    Could solar panels ever be feasible?

    ...For common everyday electricity use (say, at least 30-40% homes) to contribute significantly (at least 40% of energy demand) to society? I did a little poking around and I found that active solar panel technology either breaks even or is insufficient to compete with utilities and current...
  9. Ashles

    'Environmentally friendly' scepticism

    There are many things we are supposed to do today to be more green and of course recycling and pumping out less bad stuff into the environment can only be a good thing. However people seem to be so gripped with rabid desire to be more green that they encourage us to do things that I wonder how...

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