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  • Please excuse the mess, we're moving the furniture and restructuring the forum categories
  • You may need to edit your signatures.

    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.


  1. F

    Can a Black Hole Not Contain a Singularity?

    I can't post links, but on a physicists blog (Google "black hole without singularity", it's first hit), he speculates it's possible to achieve a black hole without a singularity. If it didn't have a singularity, could you get out? Or do all your future paths (not phrasing that right, I'm...
  2. Reivax

    Where to draw the line?

    In the last few years I have taken on-board a more skeptical and rational approach, which has lead me to see the error of my ways. I have enjoyed being an advocate of critical thinking, which was why I ultimately decided to join this forum as it strongly encourages it. Yet I am still a bit of a...
  3. ynot

    Singularity/Expanding Universe questions

    How can any size be attributed to the Singularity? Given it represents all of existence, what else is it being measured against? Can it somehow be measured against itself internally? Is the Universe that expanded from the Singularity still a Singularity? The internal structure may have changed...

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