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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.


  1. Wowbagger

    I am founding my very own University!!

    Greetings, fellow science enthusiasts, autodidactics, and other assorted folks who love to learn! Today, as we start the second quarter of 2023, I am proud to introduce the introduction of my very own on-line University! I call it: MitchellClass! Because my real name is Mitchell, and not...
  2. ponderingturtle

    Are Grad Schools baised against older students?

    At dinner recently we had a group of people talking about the difficulties they had getting into graduate school being 30 instead of moving from high school to college to graduate school. Now as two of the people who had been having difficulty were applying to writing programs, it might be...
  3. Rrose Selavy

    school receptionist 'facing sack' after daughter talks about Jesus to classmate

    I have a feeling there is more to this than reported.... More here http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/religion/4590870/Primary-school-receptionist-facing-sack-after-daughter-talks-about-Jesus-to-classmate.html
  4. Rrose Selavy

    Spanish Parents win fight to remove class crucifix

    Yeah...sure...education not indoctrination .... http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/faith/article5526785.ece
  5. Temporal Renegade

    Students Told Attendance At Religious Ceremony Was Mandatory

    A public high school principal told students that they had to attend Mass at a Catholic Church in order to receive their degree: http://www.koat.com/news/16425637/detail.html?rss=alb&psp=news
  6. Daylight

    Does Cognitive testing and training work?

    My son has been struggling in school. We thought he might have ADD since his older stepbrother does have ADD. The testing showed he was not an ADD candidate. The Doctor recommended we get additional testing here http://www.learningrx.com/default.htm which we did and the results were...
  7. P

    Not Just Yet

    If it was submitted correctly, with signatures of X number of citizens and so on, then yes. That's the difference between living in a free country and not living in one. In a free country, government officials cannot high-handedly dismiss the preferences of the citizenry, no matter how stupid...
  8. JAStewart

    Irresponsible Assembly.

    In the past few weeks, something occured to me that was quite weird. We had, as I'm sure you all did too, Assembly, where we would sit down in the hall infront of the headteacher on a monday and they'd give us the motivational anecdote and we'd sing a song or something. It was the latter that...
  9. Temporal Renegade

    Boulder students protest "God" in pledge

    Wasn't sure where this should go, so I put it here. :) http://www.denverpost.com/ci_7015611
  10. Temporal Renegade

    Mother: School Dress Code Unfairly Targets Religion

    The mother thinks the school's violating her daughter's rights. Another Free Will stand against a dress code, I guess: http://www.thedenverchannel.com/education/13997343/detail.html
  11. L

    real world accounting

    How about letting the many school accounting classes, which have to play with numbers anyway, get real world experience by "running the numbers" of their local school, and government budgets? This will help them learn how they both work, how much they cost, and where the money comes from. Can...
  12. Temporal Renegade

    Students sent to office for wearing jacket and tie

    Apparently, dressing respectably is a violation of the school dress code: http://www.naplesnews.com/news/2007/aug/23/golden_gate_high_school_student_gets_school_suspen/
  13. lionking

    bad thoughts make water bad

    Yesterday my 11 year old daughter came home from school in Melbourne Australia telling me that her teacher told the class that bad words and negative thoughts directed at a bottle of water would make it taste bad while good thoughts and even positive messages on a sticker put on a bottle would...
  14. S

    School - Why can't I choose atheism?

    Ok so I have an English assignment which states: Now I, in plain terms, suck at English. I have tried very hard and put a lot of effort into things in which I always get returned a 'C' [even when the teacher said "Quite Good" on my first draft, implying at least a B or greater if I fixed up...
  15. Renfield

    So whats your position on school girls stripping for their teachers enjoyment?

    I thought nothing could really, truly shock me anymore. Like most of us I think, I'd become jaded, used to seeing all kinds of outlandish, brutal, bazaar things on television, in the papers, on film. I have to say I was wrong. "A school in Denmark has come under fire for its annual...
  16. D

    ID Presentation On My Campus

    Two weeks from now, there's going to be an hour-long presentation on my campus that will present the "scientific" possibility of a creator. I'm not expecting any ground-breaking arguments or even any new arguments that I haven't heard already. I'll be expecting the antrophic argument (which I'll...
  17. Ladewig

    Is the new D.A.R.E. better than the old D.A.R.E. at keeping kids off drugs?

    In the (U.S.) city where I live, D.A.R.E. volunteers are setting up booths on sidewalks to distribute literature and collect donations. When a volunteer came up to me hawking the program, I replied that there were several studies that showed that their program had a very low success rate. He...
  18. Mephisto

    First Grader Sexually Assaulted at School

    So much for a safe environment where children can learn. Elementary School Student Claims He Was Sexually Assaulted At School POSTED: 11:04 pm CST January 18, 2007 UPDATED: 7:39 am CST January 19, 2007 SAN ANTONIO -- The San Antonio Police Department and the San Antonio Independent School...
  19. A

    Teacher: "Kids, there's no Santa." School: "You're fired."

    http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/tm_headline=no-santa-teacher-is-sacked-&method=full&objectid=18242422&siteid=66633-name_page.html Is there any justification to this at all?
  20. grayman

    School Rejects Free Newspapers

    From an AP article entitled School rejects free newspapers: I am reminded of the following quote: "Teach the young people how to think, not what to think" - Sidney Sugarman

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