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russia-ukraine war

  1. theprestige

    Cont: The Russian Invasion of Ukraine part 8

    Thread continued from here: http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=365848. As is usual, the thread split is arbitrary and posters may quote from the previous thread(s) More like Operation Trident. Except that actual missile boats don't seem very survivable in today's...
  2. dudalb

    Split Thread Putin indicted by the ICC for war crimes

    Meanwhile Trump's good buddy Putin has just been indicted for War Crimes by the ICC.
  3. Vixen

    Merged 'Strong Baltic Sea underwater blasts' - Nord Stream gas pipes leaking / Sabotage?

    Two underwater gas leaks have been spotted bubbling up to the surface of the Baltic Sea by the Danish Military, near Bornholm island (which has a military base). Danish Prime Minister, Mette Frederickson, says it is hard to believe it is accidental. The Swedish seismology wing of the military...
  4. a_unique_person

    Cont: The Russian Invasion of Ukraine part 5

    Funnily enough, Australia has experienced exactly that by having a capitalist attitude to mining, but Norway with a Socialist policy has avoided it. continued from http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=359029
  5. seayakin

    Ed Russia Threatens Lithuania

    Russia warns NATO-member Lithuania over Kaliningrad transit This is a disturbing threat but then I wonder what Russia would actually do? Will they try to counter with their own sanctions? Try cyber attacks (my understanding is Lithuania hits above their weight here)? It is hard for me to...
  6. Jimbo07

    The Russian Invasion of Ukraine Part 4

    Thread continued from here. The line I heard is that this is deliberate, and that Ukraine is trading ground for time. This. So long as Russia is in Ukraine, they can always counter attack. One small piece of land goes one way, then the other. Rather than occupying a particular piece of...
  7. I Am The Scum

    Would a Republican government turn its back on Ukraine?

    Suppose Republicans take the House and Senate by 2024. Suppose that Donald Trump wins a second term. Suppose further that the war in Ukraine remains just as hot by that time. Would a Republican-controlled government stifle aid to Ukraine? Would sanctions against Russia be reversed? Would Trump...
  8. Mark6

    Merged Russian (genocidal) internal propaganda and goals about Ukraine

    Here is a Kremlin mouthpiece called Ria Novosti, which lays out Russia’s goals for Ukraine. I very much recommend putting it into Google translate. It is.. eye-opening: https://ria.ru/20220403/ukraina-1781469605.html The title is "What must Russia do with Ukraine". I am not translating the...
  9. shemp

    Where do you draw the line?

    Well, where?
  10. T

    Ukraine War follows decades of warnings about Nato Expansion

    https://theconversation.com/ukraine-war-follows-decades-of-warnings-that-nato-expansion-into-eastern-europe-could-provoke-russia-177999 rule 4 violation snipped and quote tags added
  11. Ziggurat

    [Continuation] The Russian Invasion of Ukraine (3)

    Thread continued from here.. As always, feel free to quote from the previous thread. No, it isn't true of most US conflicts. Taking recent examples, nobody relied on Afghanistan for anything, because Afghanistan doesn't produce anything, and isn't even a transit point for anything. Iraq was...
  12. Vixen

    Split Thread NATO borders impacting the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

    It also has a border with Norway.
  13. M

    Split Thread Is Ukraine to blame for Putin's invasion

    Arnold Schwarzenegger's message (its text may be found here: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/03/schwarzenegger-russia-ukraine-war-message/627100/) was fairly good. But it does contain some approximations and inaccuracies. Perhaps he has been told lies himself. If he was still in...
  14. Hercules56

    Invasion of Iraq vs Invasion of Ukraine

    I've been thinking last few days about the invasion of Iraq and how it relates to Ukraine. We invaded Iraq because of non-existent WMDs, a non-existent nuclear program, and a non-existent connection to Al Qaeda. Why did Russia invade Ukraine? A non-existent connection to Nazism, a...
  15. Hercules56

    Should Ukraine give up?

    There are reports in the Jerusalem Post that Russia and Ukraine are negotiating a path to peace, and its a hard one. -Ukraine will have to give up Donbass region. -Pledge that Ukraine will not join NATO. -Military of Ukraine must be reduced in size. Zelensky knows that he has tons of...
  16. Klimax

    Cont: The Russian Invasion of Ukraine (2)

    Chile with help of IBm tried it. System called Cybersyn based on cybernetics/theory of system. Experiment prematurely terminated by coup. Will it? Inevitable? Russians would love your certainty. Thread continued from here http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=357183
  17. Skeptic Ginger

    Merged Political astro-turfing on social media / Russian propaganda

    Manufacturing rage with micro-targeting and social media astroturf-roots This discussion is split from the Russia Ukraine war thread where a discussion came up as to what was the harm of RT. The person with that POV didn't think there was any harm in RT as said forumite thought everyone knew it...
  18. shemp

    Ukraine/Russia/Neutral, which side are you on?

    This poll is for informational purposes only. Please, no wagering.
  19. dellarte

    Russia vs Ukraine: Explained In 10-Minutes

    nK-yJD_fAtk WION: World Is One News. Premiered: 21 February 2022. "We begin, in the 9th Century..."
  20. Hercules56

    Merged Russia threatens Finland & Sweden/ they may join within months

    So, Russia has now decided to threaten Sweden and Finland with military action if they dare to pursue NATO membership. Seriously Putin?? Are you this nuts? Maybe countries wouldn't be so keen on joining NATO if Russia wasn't threatening everyone...
  21. michaelsuede

    Putin > Biden and Zelenskyy is a clown: Prove Me Wrong/Pro-Russian CTs

    In 2014, the US overthrew the democratically elected Ukraine government and installed a neo-Nazi dictator in a CIA led coup. The following Presidents were no better. The current guy Zelenskyy used to be a clown - literally. He's supported by the West because he's completely sold the Ukraine out...
  22. Orphia Nay

    US says Russia planning "false flag" attack to justify invading Ukraine

    "White House press secretary Jen Psaki said intelligence shows Russia is laying the groundwork for invasion by planning a false flag incident, and through a social media disinformation campaign framing Ukraine as an aggressor." US intelligence warns Russia 'laying the groundwork' to invade...
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