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recommended books

  1. I

    What are the best Sci-Fi books to recommend to a novice?

    The professor I have for Technical writing (That's memos, reports, instructions and so on) mentioned to me that is nephew is reading Ursula K. LeGuin, and he asked me to recommend some Sci-Fi books after we discussed the genre. He asked to send him an email with a short list. He's an educated...
  2. L

    What Should Be Required Political Reading?

    State in this topic what book(s) with which you think every American should be familiar. I am a strong proponent of Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville. Written in 1832, I found it to be amazingly prescient and current, and outlines the American political and cultural landscape...
  3. Kodiak

    HELP: Can Anyone Suggest the Definitive Churchill Biography?

    I plan on asked for this as an Xmas gift, and would like the best written/most accurate/least biased version in print. Thank you in advance for any help/suggestions. - Kodiak
  4. J

    What book is everyone reading at the moment?

    Just curious, but what books are people reading at the moment? Jim Bowen
  5. S

    Looking for a good WWII book

    I'm looking for a good WWII book that pretty much covers the war from beginning to end. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  6. C

    Someone recommend book/website on tubes/transistors?

    I have a basic understanding of electricity. By that, I mean I can fix electrical problems on autos, do wiring, etc. in my home, and repair most electrical devices with problems relating to switches, motors, etc. I have zero understanding of tubes and/or transistors, however. I have started...
  7. Frostbite

    Best book on WW2, Nazi Germany and the Holocaust?

    So I watched Schindler's List on saturday and I've decided to once and for all fill my gap of ignorance about WW2, Nazi Germany, the Holocaust and the state of the world during that 1939-1945 stretch. I've had The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer on my bookshelf for years yet...
  8. Q

    What are some recommended works of Betrand Russell on politics?

    What are some recommended works of Betrand Russell on politics? If any. I know he is very antiwar and I was wondering what are some good works where he dicusses this and other political matters.
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