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rape incidents

  1. Tsukasa Buddha

    More Judges Protecting Rapists

    Linky. At least we are hearing about the cases because the appeals courts overturned them.
  2. Checkmite

    Soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo credibly accused of rape

    The story that Ronaldo had allegedly raped a woman in Las Vegas was originally reported on last year but received little traction, with some sources noting the purported victim's refusal to talk to the press about the matter and Ronaldo's agency's dismissal of the entire claim as fictional...
  3. Graham2001

    Charity door knockers threaten to rape Perth residents

    MSN: Charity Door Knockers Threaten to Rape Perth Residents This is not good for Oxfam's image in Western Australia, while they say that the people involved work for a company called Global Interactive, I would have thought one or both would have used police checks on people involved in...
  4. MattusMaximus

    Operation American Spring... is an epic fail

    Wow, who could have seen this one coming? :rolleyes: http://www.politicususa.com/2014/05/17/americanspringexcuses-overtakes-twitter-operation-american-spring-epic-fail.html Seems like these clowns took a page from the Cliven Bundy book of... whatever...
  5. gumboot

    Indian gang-rape victim dies, perpetrators charged with murder

    I don't know if anyone has followed this, but on December 16th an Indian university student boarded a bus with a male friend after having seen a movie. Over the next several hours the two of them were assaulted by five men and the girl brutally raped and sexually violated with a steel bar before...
  6. Travis

    Got raped at school? Well don't be so "careless" and "negligent"

    Well I know one thing....I'm thinking this is all horrible. http://www.dailycal.org/tag/kristen-cunnane/ http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/11/03/school-district-calls-12-year-old-rape-victim-negligent-and-careless-in-her-own-abuse/...
  7. Baloney

    Three thugs in Louisiana batter and rape a 76-year-old woman.

    Just horrific. Neighbor reacts to brutal attack against elderly woman
  8. Puppycow

    Merged Brian Banks case / What should happen to his accuser?

    Onetime top Calif. football prospect exonerated after serving 5 years on rape charge What an awful, horrible person, this Wanetta Gibson. I hope she does at least five years in prison as well as has to return every cent that's left. :mad: Also, if he was offered a deal for 18 months if he...
  9. Ove

    Planting DNA

    There has just been a much publicised case in Denmark involving a serial rapist who also killed two of his victims. He was convicted largely based on DNA evidence but there were other evidences like foot and handprints. He has during the whole trial maintained his innocense and when faced with...
  10. William Parcher

    Woman bites off rapist's tongue

    Alleged Connecticut sex attacker with injured tongue put on suicide watch
  11. S

    Worst Rape Apologist Editorial Ever

    I have to say, that this article, is without a doubt, the single worst rape apologist editorial I have ever read: http://www.broadstreetreview.com/index.php/main/article/male_sex_abuse_and_female_naivete/ Dan Rottenberg, Editor of the Broad Street Review, makes the following argument: Lara...
  12. B

    Bangladesh woman cuts off 'attacker's' penis

    justice can really be a pain.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/mobile/world-south-asia-13594762 Police in southern Bangladesh say a woman cut off a man's penis during an alleged attempt to rape her and took it to a police station as evidence. The incident took place in Mirzapur village...
  13. michaelsuede

    Cheerleader Fined $45,000 For Refusing To Cheer Her Rapist

    The glories of the State shall not be infringed upon. SF Gate reports: You see, the school is a State institution, and as such, those who participate in its programs are State actors. Anyone who does not bow to the whims of the administration may be subject to retribution. In this case, the...
  14. Mycroft

    Rape in the Peace Corps

    http://uk.jezebel.com/5800733/peace-corps-accused-of-blaming-rape-victims Wow. Teaching situational awareness and difference in culture is appropriate, but when rape does happen why wouldn't they stand behind their volunteers?
  15. Arcade22

    Rape The Gay Away

    http://www.smh.com.au/world/girl-13-the-latest-victim-of-rapes-to-fix-lesbians-20110508-1ee8q.html#ixzz1Lx4kzQrL No mention in the article on whether the treatment was successful or not...
  16. Eddie Dane

    Israel ex-President Moshe Katsav jailed for rape

    Link Good that he is not above the law.
  17. A Laughing Baby

    The "She was asking for it with how she was dressed" sentiment

    This story nicely summarizes the sentiment you hear from time to time concerning rape victims. That quote is from a Florida state representative arguing in support of a dress code bill. The bill or its contents are not my main issue, however. Even the question of "how was she dressed?" places...
  18. Arcade22

    Rape Victim Taught a Lesson

  19. Cainkane1

    Kindergarten age child sexually assaulted

    http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2010/09/07/2010-09- What always strikes me as strange is that the teachers and principals never have a clue that things like this go on in their schools. I suspect that in many cases the powers that be in schools do know but feel powerless to deal with it.
  20. Puppycow

    Woman falsely accuses man of rape

    This is a disturbing story. The part I don't understand is that the rape kit showed that she hadn't been raped, but the jury convicted the guy anyway. (Apologies in advance because this is a "teaser story" to get you to watch 20/20, but the main point is that this woman falsely accused a man of...
  21. L

    Alleged Halliburton/KBR Gang-Rape of Employee in Iraq

    ABC story here In short, the woman worked for KBR, who was owned at the time by Halliburton. She allegedly was gang-raped and then placed into a container under guard. A sympathetic guard loaned her a cell-phone which she used to call her father, who called his Congressman, who called the...
  22. S

    President of Israel may be Charged with Rape and other Crimes

    Police want Israeli president to be charged with rape By Josef Federman Published: 16 October 2006 http://news.independent.co.uk/world/middle_east/article1876834.ece
  23. Z

    Free Kobe Bryant!

    Kobe is free... Judge drops charge against Bryant - Wednesday, September 1, 2004 Now I dunno about you but if Kobe was not ultra-famous and ultra rich and just a Sanitation worker from New Jersey I don't think he would have walked... call me crazy.

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