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racism issues

  1. Fast Eddie B

    Whoopi Goldberg suspended from “The View”…

    …for two weeks for saying The Holocaust was “not about race”. My response to a Twitter thread on the topic… “I was born and raised a Jew, and don’t get the outrage. I don’t see myself as being a separate “race”, and I think biologists in general agree that “race” is a nebulous concept. Seems...
  2. The Atheist

    "Black" is a proper noun, but "white" isn't

    I've been amused for some time that the word "black", when applied to people, has become a default proper noun, and is therefore initially capitalised. Here are a couple of examples from today's news: The Hill: Allen Russel, a 38-year-old Black man, will still serve a life sentence CBC...
  3. Graham2001

    The Newest Math...

    The 18th Century view on Africans and Maths... Thomas Jefferson The 21st Century view on Africans and Maths... (e.g. A much more elaborate way of saying the thing that Jefferson said in the 18th Century...) From the 1st 'stride' of 'A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction...
  4. M

    Racism or misunderstanding?

    During a champions league match between PSG and Istanbul Basaksehir last night, the game was postponed when both sets of players walked off the pitch after an alleged racist phrase was used by an official...
  5. The Atheist

    Don't be Black in our White Neighbourhood

    This could equally be in the Humour section - a crazy white woman exemplifying racism in one short video. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/black-family-california-white-neighbour-taser-b1724705.html You just have to love that last comment.
  6. PhantomWolf

    Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black man

    Came across this series on YouTube, well worth watching to get an idea of both sides of the racial divide. h8jUA7JBkF4 There are presently 9 of these episodes about topics such as; White Privilege and White Allergies, How to teach your kids about race Reverse Racism White Parents raising...
  7. arthwollipot

    Ed Do you like your cheese?

    Coon cheese's name to be changed over racism concerns Do you agree?
  8. Brainster

    White Fragility

    Has anybody else encountered this "impressively crazy" book, which is currently at or near the top of the Amazon and NY Times Bestseller lists? Robin DiAngelo is a (white) diversity consultant, and she writes about the problems she encounters with other white people in her training sessions...
  9. Jerrymander

    Would socialism/communism really help racial minorites

    There seems to be a truism that abolishing captialism will lead to be end of racism. But if we had a system of worker co-ops or were property is communally owned, can't white people still oppress (inadvertently or not) black people by being the majority?
  10. William Parcher

    "I hate white people"

    Black woman, 42, is arrested for allegedly punching stranger at a Portland, Oregon bus stop before telling her it's 'because you're white' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8044075/Black-woman-punched-stranger-Oregon-bus-stop-told-youre-white.html
  11. D

    In denial about racist attack while black

    I have a very hard time understanding why she would be in denial about this, but it seems very obvious that she is.
  12. TurkeysGhost

    Fascist infighting: Milo publishes Richard Spencer slur-filled rant

    Milo, apparently frustrated that he is has kicked off nearly every meaningful platform and abandoned by the far-right media, has published a video of Richard Spencer ranting after the Charlottesville fascist rally. Spencer uses multiple racial slurs throughout and angrily spews white supremacist...
  13. Thermal

    Company Sued in Racial Discrimination Case Says They Don't Know if Claimant is Black

    So Tracey Evans, a clearly black man, sues his employer, Founders Brewing, for a racially hostile workplace and using slurs at work. In court proceedings, the defendants claim to be unaware of Evans' heritage and won't answer to whether he is black or not: Pics of Evans in the article. He is...
  14. plague311

    Racist politician hopeful uses God to justify racism

    Marysville should stick to only having white couples because God said so, duh: Note Kathy Hayman has mixed relationships throughout her family.
  15. Minoosh

    What we mean when we talk about racism

    Sometimes it seems to me that people are envisioning different things when discussing racism. Is a person a racist? Or does it speak to a certain configuration of society, which makes any systematic "othering" racist, whether it literally has to do with skin color or not? An article in The New...
  16. WilliamSeger

    El Paso Shooter Identified Online As Trump Supporter Who Didn’t Like ‘Race Mixing’

  17. tanabear

    Trump vs Elijah: Baltimore, BLM and urban decay

    The city of Baltimore is back in the news again due to the tweet storm between President Trump and Representative Elijah Cummings. Let's focus on this specific debate and discuss the conditions of our large urban centers and what has happened to them. The Black Lives Matter movement became...
  18. Travis

    "SEND HER BACK!" Will they defend this?

    Surely you have heard about it. I find it so disturbing I don't even want to link to youtube videos of it. Trump decided to go after Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and his crowd, ever lowering themselves to new levels of deplorable, started chanting "Send her back! SEND HER BACK!..." And here we now...
  19. JoeMorgue

    Tennessee governor signs proclamation honoring early KKK leader, sparking backlash

    Link: https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/13/politics/bill-lee-tennessee-governor-kkk-nathan-forrest/index.html
  20. Ranb

    Rename John Wayne Airport?

    Some people are calling for the John Wayne Airport to be renamed. https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2019/03/02/john-wayne-airport-playboy-interview-ethan-wayne-smerconish-vpx.cnn This is a very softball interview. Ethan Wayne says that portions of the 50 year old interview were taken out of...
  21. William Parcher

    LeBron James talks like a racist

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2018/12/22/lebron-james-nfl-owners-are-old-white-men-with-slave-mentality-toward-players To me this sounds like a racist statement. Does this represent acceptable everyday racism against white people? I don't know how society will react to what James just...
  22. Graham2001

    Another Racist Statue Removed

    Warning: This may cause mental issues in those who believe that it is impossible for anyone other than a member of the 'White Race' to be racist. https://au.yahoo.com/finance/news/ghana-university-pulls-down-statue-013037663.html
  23. S

    Secretary of Veterans Affairs Hates America

    This is a monumental failure in vetting. Weird that this keeps happening, right?
  24. dudalb

    Anybody care to defend Steve King?

    Not the writer, but the Iowa GOP congressman who embraces white nationalist politics and has made many openly racist statements? Give me a excuse why the GOP should tolerate a man like that,and even reward him with some co chair positions. I know every party has it's kooks, but King is of a...
  25. Brainster

    Wearing a MAGA Hat While Black

    Sounds like the anti-Trump folks include quite a few racists: (note to mods: that is how the "n" word is spelled in the article; I am not trying to get around the autocensor). Yeah, if you ever want to see the 'ever-so-tolerant' Left reveal their true racist nature, just check out how they...
  26. Octavo

    Racism is contextual

    I think the thread title is self-evident and propose a real world example: I recently had occasion to overhear an event producer on a phone call to book talent: "No, the dancers can't be white. I need them to be black." This sounds racist. Without further context, I'd agree. Why are you...
  27. Graham2001

    Australian anti-racism ad sparks online criticism

    The Australian Human Rights Commission has launched a new series of adverts designed to combat racism and stir debate in the community. Unfortunately I think they have taken the easy path and they are going to stir up the wrong kind of debate, why, because I think the best anti-racism talk I...
  28. ponderingturtle

    Merged How Trump has Emboldened Bigots, Racists and Nazis

    How is this as a thread title as opposed to the one about hate crimes? How about this to start http://gothamist.com/2017/03/28/iranian_couple_death_threat.php I would also cite all the statements from the charlottesville nazi protestors as more evidence.
  29. C_Felix

    Francis Scott Key in Baltimore - vandalized

    http://nypost.com/2017/09/13/vandals-scrawl-racist-anthem-on-francis-scott-key-monument/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/local/wp/2017/09/13/memorial-to-racist-francis-scott-key-who-wrote-the-star-spangled-banner-vandalized-in-maryland/?utm_term=.88a4b53d4d12 I cannot understand this. A...
  30. Graham2001

    L'Oreal sacks first transgender model Munroe Bergdorf after 'all white people are rac

    www.msn.com/en-au/news/world/loreal-sacks-first-transgender-model-munroe-bergdorf-after-all-white-people-are-racist-facebook-rant/ar-AAr6vYF?li=AAgfLCP This was a case of someone posting to Facebook, not Twitter, and it's pretty clear from what is quoted in the article she meant what she said...
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