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police issues

  1. crescent

    George Floyd trial #2 - Kueng, Lane, Thao

    The three cops who were with Derek Chauvin are currently on trail. Their fates are much less cut and dry. Lane in particular probably has a real chance at getting off. 1:It was his first day in the field. 2: Chauvin was Lane's Field Training Officer (FTO) 3: Lane asked twice if they should...
  2. TurkeysGhost

    Merged Copaganda/Torturing the English language whenever a cop kills someone

    AP style guide: A fine tradition of American journalism is to absolutely abuse the human language when writing about how a cop caused someone's death. Seems like a fine place to collect them: How many times do you have to read this to figure out what happened...
  3. shemp

    Pissing off the police union president while Black

    Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty planning to take legal action against Portland regarding false hit-and-run allegations
  4. TurkeysGhost

    Cont: The behaviour of US police officers - part 2

    Someone had mentioned that there needs to be laws in order to deal with the specific issue of police brutality. Perhaps not, seems we just need a willingness to prosecute under existing laws. Chauvin and his three accomplices have just been charged by the feds for criminal civil rights...
  5. chrispy

    The Derek Chauvin/George Floyd Murder Trial

    I don't know if this belongs here or in the Trials and Errors category, so feel free to move. This trial deserves a stand alone thread. Jury selection has just begun and there have been some interesting updates, such as the following...
  6. RolandRat

    Police killing.

    "A black man has been shot dead by homeless outreach police in San Clemente, California, after reportedly being stopped for jaywalking. On Wednesday two Orange County Sheriff’s Department (OCSD) deputies, who were part of the city’s homeless outreach team, approached a man who is thought to...
  7. lionking

    Having a mental health event while white

    Sorry about the title. It fits the general theme though. It happened in Melbourne, Australia yesterday. https://www.9news.com.au/national/epping-arrest-man-allegedly-kicked-in-the-head-by-police-officer/7b6ef2e6-eca5-4a45-ad6e-9d6417a017bf A couple of disclosers. I know the family involved...
  8. TurkeysGhost

    Requiring oxygen to survive while black

    Daniel Prude was killed by Rochester Police March 30th after they placed a spit hood over his head and pinned him face down against the street until he died of suffocation. He was completely nude and handcuffed when he was killed by the police. The medical exam concluded that...
  9. angrysoba

    What the **** is Wrong with American Cops?

  10. HoverBoarder

    What a 'defund the police' plan in Seattle might look like

    In Seattle, there is a veto proof majority of the City Council that has vowed to cut 50% of the police department. The King County Executive Dow Constantine has also declared that the Seattle jail will be closed and replaced with a center for Community programs. In addition, all youth detention...
  11. jimbob

    Unconstitutional actions by fededal police in Portland?

    I can't verify the video, but if it's true - is this action constitutional? https://twitter.com/sparrowmedia/status/1283436911307218948 There seems no way of identifying the officers - no ID numbers that I could see, just "Police" patches.
  12. 3point14

    No Knock Warrants and the EMT

    I couldn't find a thread on this. I think it deserves it's own one. "Breonna Taylor: Black healthcare worker 'shot at least eight times by police' in own home, lawsuit says." A no knock warrant at the wrong address. I mention it here, because I've often wondered what happens if a citizen...
  13. carlitos

    New Jersey Police Use of Force Statistics

    The full report The Splinter News Article. A few highlights: I would really love to see more reporting like this.
  14. Nessie

    The behaviour of UK police officers.

    This is the UK sleep walking into major problems whereby a 47 year old female police officer, who does not look like she could fight her way out of a wet paper bag, tazers a 64 year old man, who also does not look like he could do much in a fight...
  15. Nessie

    The behaviour of US police officers

    That someone is posting on a thread, asking for advice on how not to get shot by the police during a routine traffic stop, is evidence that the behaviour of the police in the USA is not what should be expected of a police officer. I hate referring to those people in uniform as cops or police...
  16. Darat

    Police body cameras 'cut complaints against officers'

    Really interesting research into effects of police wearing body cameras: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37502136 Top line: Report can be found here: http://cjb.sagepub.com/content/early/2016/09/21/0093854816668218.full.pdf+html
  17. Nessie

    US police are equally violent to all races finds study

    Research by the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation in Maryland finds that the amount of times people are arrested determines how often the situation turns violent and the race which gets stopped the most is the most likely to encounter violence...
  18. Travis

    Milwaukee police arrest woman for not agreeing with their story

    In Milwaukee not agreeing with police fantasies is a good way to get in jail. Even if you are a 75 year old woman. The setup: Joy McFarlin was driving her pickup truck when a car ran a red light and T-boned her. With her driver side door impassable and dangerous she tried to get out through...
  19. deadrose

    Seattle Police, Protecting & Serving

    Yesterday was not a great day to be the public face of Seattle PD. First, this dashcam video from last summer was released n92zfXkRdnk&x An elderly black man was arrested & held overnight. The arresting officer said he was swinging his golf club at her and at signs. He was using it as a cane...
  20. Walter Ego

    Police Retaliate Against "Cop Watch" Groups

    http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/26527-police-departments-retaliate-against-organized-cop-watch-groups-across-the-us?tmpl=component&print=1 ETA: The police in some states have been using wiretapping laws to prosecute citizens who video record them. Man arrested for wiretapping after...

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