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niels harrit

  1. Josarhus

    Niels Harrit to the moon and back

    As usual Harrit has plans for every 9/11 the last 10 years. But this year its a bit different. On september 11th 2018 Harrit will focus on the moon landings. Yep he lost it completely (mostly in danish, but explanation in english in the comments): Niels Harrit
  2. chrismohr

    Chris Mohr's YouTube Part 23 Epilogue: WTC Dust Update; Saying Goodbye to 9/11 Truth

    Why I do NOT believe thermite was used to bring down the World Trade Center Buildings on 9/11. After the thermitic dust paper of 2009 by Harrit/Jones/Ryan/Farrer et al, I hired Jim Millette to analyze the WTC dust and he found NO THERMITE. This YouTube video is a detailed summary of responses to...
  3. Orphia Nay

    Oystein / Jay Howard debate on Harrit/Jones Paper - The Peanut Gallery

    This thread is for comments on the debate taking place here: http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=289588 Hopefully some people can summarise the main points if things start getting too technical. Good luck to the debaters! :cheerleader2 (Mods, if this contravenes any...
  4. Oystein

    A debate about Harrit et al between Jay Howard and Oystein

    In another thread, Jay Howard brought up the 2009 Harrit et al "nanothermite" paper (Harrit NH et al: Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe. The Open Chemical Physics Journal, 2009, 2, 7-31) in several posts, which I considered off-topic there...
  5. Josarhus

    Harrits february 28th online chat

    To day Niels Harrit participated for two hours in an online chat. Everybody could ask questions and get an answer. Expect for dodging a few questions, he actually made some interesting comments. This is a resume of some of the questions and answers, many translated from Danish: When asked...
  6. Josarhus

    Swedish serial killer inspired by Niels Harrit

    The Swedish serial killer Peter Mangs who at the moment stand trial accused of several murders and murder attempts in Malmoe, Sweden, admires Niels Harrit according to the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten: Jyllands-Posten 1/28-2013 Excerpt (google translated): I don't personally find Harrit...
  7. KDLarsen

    Harrit sues paper for defamation

    Only found a Danish version of the story, but evidently Niels Harrit doesn't like being called a crackpot and likened to a holocaust denier. So he has decided to sue Weekendavisen (a weekly newspaper with slightly more depth to their stories) over a story brought by the paper, because apparently...
  8. Orphia Nay

    Niels Harrit's Peers are Nutjob Nobodies

    Instead of getting his "work" peer-reviewed and published in a respectable journal, Niels Harrit is speaking at the Open Mind Conference 2012 in Denmark alongside a bunch of other nutjob nobodies. http://www.openmindconference.com/home Free tinfoil at the door!
  9. alienentity

    Truther responses to Millette WTC Dust paper

    Predictably, 9/11 Truthers are variously avoiding the results of Dr Millette's study by attacking him, Chris Mohr and Oystein; by misrepresenting what the paper says; by pretending that it doesn't make any difference to the 'Official Story' etc.... Once again confirming that they aren't really...
  10. chrismohr

    WTC Dust Study Feb 29, 2012 by Dr. James Millette

    Link to James Millette's preliminary WTC Dust study: High Res: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/64959841/9119ProgressReport022912_rev1_030112webHiRes.pdf Low Res: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/64959841/9119ProgressReport022912_rev1_030112web.pdf In the summer of 2011, after finishing my 22 respectful...
  11. leftysergeant

    Refining iron ores by reduction.

    While researching the behavior of the paint specimens that Harrit, Basile and Jones are calling thermite, the presence of the iron microspheres after burning seems to be a sticking point to whic the twoofs like to grab hold and shake. Some of the sphereules found in the dust are clearly...
  12. DaveThomasNMSR

    Need Help with Iron Microsphere Quotes

    JREFers, I need to get a video soundbite of a prominent truther (I'm thinking Gage, Harrit, Jones) explicity saying that the iron-rich microspheres found in WTC dust (USGS, R.J. Lee) can only be formed by Thermite, as jet-fueled or office fires just ain't hot enough. If you can post the URL...
  13. DaveThomasNMSR

    Truthers Say The Darnedest Things!

    ThYr1g6Lra0 (Hey, if it's on YouTube, it's got to be true, right?)
  14. DaveThomasNMSR

    9-11-2011 Pacifica Radio-Griffin,Ryan,Kay,Stollznow,Gage,Harrit,Thomas, Mueller

    Pacifica stations (NY, Washington DC, Houston, LA and Berkeley, and ~150 more nationwide) are hosting a three-hour special radio program on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Here is the lineup: 3-4 PM PDT (4-5 PM MDT, 6-7 PM EDT) David Ray Griffin Ph.D. author of "the New Pearl...
  15. Oystein

    Origin of the paint that was found as red-gray chips - any ideas?

    This question came up in another thread, where it is off-topic. I am opening a new one. I think it is best to keep this in a separate thread, if everyone could agree to not debating the Harrit-paper as such! So please do not repeat any of the discussions we had before about - why the red-grey...
  16. adkinsjr

    So did they find thermite or not?

    My guess is probably not. But that's just a guess, I already know how truthers are capable of lies, myths, and downright stupidity. This specific claim is one I've never been able to get to the bottom of because I don't understand much about the subject. I hear claims again and again that...
  17. M

    The Open Chemical Physics Journal ? Disappeared...

    http://www.bentham.org/open/a-z.htm Does Harrit's article exist again? :)
  18. S

    AE911Truth, physicists to debate Coast to coast

    I hope they do a through job of decimating the Truthers World Trade Center destruction on 'Coast to Coast AM' A highly anticipated debate between two members of Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth and two physicists is scheduled for August 21, 2010. The debate will air on the popular...
  19. Josarhus

    Niels Harrit, now also with 100 tons of conventional explosives.

    Niels Harrit’s latest interview done today 7/9 on Russia Today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RNyaoYR3y0&feature=player_embedded http://www.russiatoday.com/Politics/2009-07-09/Did_nano-thermite_take_down_the_WTC.html He seems to have moved away from seeing nano thermite as the stuff that...
  20. alienentity

    The sad case of Niels Harrit

    I came across a Danish interview of Niels Harrit today, from the program 'Good Morning Denmark' April 07, 2009. I could not believe the total rubbish that he was putting out there. Starting with a complete denial that the plane impacts and fires had anything to do with the WTC tower collapses...
  21. The Big Dog

    Merged Thread to Discuss The Excellent Analysis of Jones latest paper

    JREF member Sunstealer has done a very credible job in discussing the article recently paid for by Professor Jones. Notably, this technical analysis is based on the data published in the article itself. It is located here...

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