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ms estonia

  1. Jack by the hedge

    Cont: The sinking of MS Estonia: Case Reopened Part VII

    Did you intend to write this in the present tense, indicating you still don't see how an article about Germans was written without the Times having agents embedded in the German front lines? Eveyone who has followed the thread knows this was settled almost straight away, nearly two years ago...
  2. J

    Cont: The sinking of MS Estonia: Case Reopened Part VI

    Thread continued from here http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=356236 fixed link to wrong previous thread A British submarine escorting the submarine crashed into it causing it to sink, while simultaneously a minisubmarine with wheels squirreled away the officers to be...
  3. Jack by the hedge

    Cont: The Sinking of MS Estonia: Case Reopened Part V

    This is a continuation from here. As usual the split point is arbitrary and posters are free to refer to matters raised in previous threads in this series, as long as those matters are sufficiently on-topic. You wish to use "Sweden was not averse to doing it" as support for your fantastical...
  4. Andy_Ross

    Cont: The Sinking of MS Estonia: Case Re-opened Part IV

    A detailed analysis that found no sign of explosion damage otherwise they wouldn't have signed off the report as they did. Thread continued from here. You may quote or reply to any post from that or previous parts of this topic.
  5. Andy_Ross

    Cont: The Sinking of MS Estonia: Case Re-opened Part III

    It sank in just a few minutes because of flooding through the open bow. to do that enough water must have been taken aboard to destabilise then sink the ship otherwise it would still have been afloat. Have you actually ever read the report in to the sinking, or even any description of the...
  6. Axxman300

    The Sinking of MS Estonia: Case Re-opened Part II

    Continued from here. As is usual, the split point is arbitrary and participants are free to quote and respond to posts in the previous thread. The starboard side crack would not have been visible to divers in 1994 due to the angle of the ship as she rested on the sea floor. The only reason a...
  7. Vixen

    The Sinking of MS Estonia: Case Re-Opened

    The case of the sinking of the Estonia is to be reopened. This was decided September last year and the new investigation begins on Thursday 8 July 2021. Several investigators, including engineers and marine experts will be taking a boat out to the stricken ship which lies 74m to 85m underwater...

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