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  1. A

    More on my claim to the JREF $1 Million Paranormal Challenge

    As requested my claim as parsed in conversations with Loss Leader privately w/addenda In honor of the late Michel Gauquelin, who was hounded to death (he committed suicide), if what I hear is true, by those who faked their information, more on who these people and urls where I have read about...
  2. Mojo

    Another challenge from a homeopath?

    Is there any info about this challenge? It relates to some experiments conducted by Charles Darwin, published in his 1875 book Insectivorous Plants (see Chapter 7 on pp.136-173), that a number of homoeopaths have touted as evidence for homoeopathy. There is no mention of serial dilution or...
  3. Q

    TLC renews 'Long Island Medium' with Theresa Caputo

    The Learning Channel just renewed 'Long Island Medium' with Theresa Caputo. The following is part of an interview where she talks about skeptics. Too bad the interviewer didn't ask, "Where's the proof your psychic?" That seems like a better question than others he asked. Or "Why not take the...
  4. Azrael 5

    Magicians sulk about JREF-again!

    http://www.themagiccafe.com/forums/viewtopic.php?topic=430354&forum=15&65 Banachek made a couple of sensible posts,Jim Callahan less so.:rolleyes: JREF topics on there aren't good bedfellows so check it while it stays up!
  5. K

    Why the challenge is illogical.

    I think the challenge for paranormal abilities is illogical. For one thing, the paranormal is akin to dark matter, in that it is obviously something, but it is not explainable yet. In this way it could be said that the people who discovered dark matter, dark energy, black holes and singularities...
  6. M


    Publish a statement that Adam Bialecki received from academic researchers. Is the JREF will explore the psychic Adam Bialecki?
  7. M


    It is in Poland, Krzysztof Jackowski seer who finds the body of missing persons. Has much confirmed by the police indicated places where there were actually sought out. Meets the conditions set by the JREF prize you need to 1 Million Dollar Challenge. He has to thank the police for finding the...
  8. F

    Where has the Challenge Gone?

    The last serious discourse that I read here wan Pavel's Application. But that is now getting on to years old, and as I understand it, the Challenge was going to go in new directions. There have been no new applicants posted for ages, and there is so little activity on this Forum that is is...
  9. DC

    Did this guy apply?

    http://psychokinesiscreative.blogspot.com/ are those documents also available in English? are they even real? on YT he said he isn't interested in the money, he want merely to prove he can see true his hands and you can keep the million......
  10. G


    I heard about the "cablechallenge" and was told the challenge also was for other types of cable. Let's say I can hear the difference between a standard $4,- interlink and a more expensive one of $200,- would that count? I was told it would, but I have serious doubts.
  11. MarkCorrigan

    Question about the challenge rules

    No, this isn't about my application... I have a relative who claims to be a psychic (I found this out yesterday, I've met her but she's a somewhat distant relative) and I was wondering, the media attention needed for participation in the test, would being one of the psychics on a psychic TV...
  12. phyz

    Million Dollar Challenge Sunday Evening @ TAM8

    The schedule indicates an MDC event Sunday 5-7pm. Jeff's recent blog update: "Sunday's events have expanded to include more papers, a panel on the skeptical community's responsibility regarding global warming, and an afternoon Million Dollar Challenge presentation." Anyone have details? Bonus...
  13. V

    Emoto and Dean Radin should win the million dollar?

    In 2003, [the magician] James Randi publicly offered Emoto one million dollars if his results can be reproduced in a double-blind study. In 2006, Emoto published a paper together with Dean Radin and others in the peer-reviewed Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing Dean Radin wrote: The...
  14. T

    Yet another madman at the pub

    Hi, I had an odd conversation a few weeks ago with a man at a pub in Corvallis, Oregon, who was convinced that James Randi had an ulterior "Christian ministries" motive. He didn't have any references, and I couldn't find a scrap of evidence myself; not even from any conspiracy websites. I...
  15. Ririon

    The "New and Improved" Challenge - March 2010

    According to ex-president Dr. Phil Plait, the JREF Million Dollar Challenge (MDC) is not ending, but will be reorganized. The new version will be launched this spring. Shortly after this announcement, in August 2009, RemieV made the last update so far in the "Challenge Applications" section...
  16. U

    Case Study: The IIG Protocol for VFF

    I am starting a thread to discuss the protocol design for the IIG test for VisionFromFeeling because I think it's worthy of its own discussion. Let's try to keep the VFF stuff in the appropriate threads and only discuss her in the context of her influence on the negotiations. Hopefully Derek...
  17. G

    Pavel Ziborov application file poll

    Please vote here, good people. A bigger sample size seems desirable. If you are not familiar with Pavel Ziborov's application, please read up on the issue first. Unfortunately, it's quite a read. Thank you.
  18. G

    Pavel Ziborov application file

    Please vote only if you read the threads concerning Pavel Ziborov. His forum nick is pavel_do. 1. 2. 3. Thank you.
  19. U

    VFF and the Diaphragm Test

    VisionFromFeeling contacted me via Skype last Friday to ask me what I thought of a test where she detects whether a woman has a diaphragm in her vagina or not. The story she related is "I saw a diaphragm!! I really saw it! I have never seen one before! <snip> A woman walked past in the hallway...
  20. P

    Failure to reach an agreement on a protocol.

    We all saw the charade perpetrated by The Professor last year regarding his attempt to participate in the MDC. He was never able to submit even the barest hint of a workable protocol and resisted all attempts by others here to assist him. But are there other instances where a protocol was being...
  21. G

    ADAM BIALECKI - X-ray Eyes

    And another one. @JREF Staff: Does the JREF follow up with the academics issueing the affidavits? If so, what are the results?
  22. R

    ADAM BIALECKI - X-ray Eyes

    Adam Bialecki has applied with the claim that he is able to diagnose individuals using 'x-ray eyes'. He has provided both media presence and academic affidavit.
  23. R

    RICHARD DONTIGNY - Subluxation identification

    Richard DonTigny has applied with the claim that he can identify subluxations in the body. He has provided both media presence and academic affidavits.
  24. R

    TAMARA USMAN & BRENT HOWARD - Breast abnormality detection

    Tamara Usman and Brent Howard have jointly applied with the claim that they are able to detect breast abnormalities without touching an individual using their energies. Their academic affidavits and media presence are being reviewed.
  25. R

    ANN GIFFORD - Psychometric Envelopes

    Ann Gifford has applied with the claim that she can tell the contents of sealed envelopes. She has provided academic affidavits and media presence.
  26. R

    COLIN ROSS - Eyeball Energy

    Colin Ross has applied with the claim that he can cause a tone to sound by shooting energy out of his eyeballs. He has provided both academic affidavits and media presence.
  27. N

    How *I* Would Beat the Challenge

    Like a red-headed step child. If I felt like it.
  28. sg1985

    Did Brian Ladd take the MDC?

    Brian Ladd "psychic detective" and dream interpreter posted his application to the MDC, which he claimed he mailed in 2007. Did he take the challenge?
  29. chran

    Connie Sonne's paranormal demonstration

    Connie Sonne is an applicant for the Million Dollar Challenge, and will perform the preliminary test at TAM7. She has offered to demonstrate her claim to skeptics before that, and I've made this thread to plan this demonstration and eventually talk about the results of it. Discussion thread...
  30. Azrael 5

    Million dollar challenge not ending!

    I met Randi today at Blackpool magician's convention and during an interview with him he told me the great news the challenge is to continue,he hopes forever. He changed his mind after hearing psychics were cliaming it as a victory of sorts. :) Just to add he was a very friendly humourous...
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