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john mccain

  1. S

    John McCain Diagnosed With Brain Cancer

    #BREAKING: US Senator John McCain has been diagnosed with brain cancer, his office says. It explains his odd questions during the Comey hearing.
  2. ponderingturtle

    No more new supreme court justices

    Well McCain has pledged to block all democratic nominations to the supreme court now forever.
  3. Myron Proudfoot

    McCain tried to destroy the USS Forrestal on purpose!

    From a commentator active on several Birther websites. "Falcon" sees himself as the Uber-Patriot or Uber-Patriots and HATES McCain. This is from a discussion thread on a site that's dedicated to observing the Birthers. One of the commentators found this little gem...
  4. Checkmite

    Senator McCain is officially not conservative enough

    According to an Arizona GOP censure, McCain's voting record is unacceptably "liberal", so the state committee - following similar moves by several county committees - passed a note scolding the senator, but doing absolutely nothing else.
  5. dvictr

    what would be different if McCain had won in 08

    in 08 McCain had zero chance.. the only race was between Obama/Hillary during the spring. so im just looking to hear opinions on what would be different in the economy, iraq, afghanistan, immigration, health care etc..?? its my opinion that it would be the same
  6. Piscivore

    "Not intended as a factual statement", Redux.

    First McCain said: "There is substantial evidence that some of these fires have been caused by people who have crossed our border illegally... The answer to that part of the problem is to get a secure border." Oops! He really meant: “Arizona is currently facing the worst wildfire season in...
  7. IMST

    Rick Santorum: John McCain Doesn't Understand Torture

    The mind boggles. Torture victim John McCain doesn't understand how torture works, says former senator Rick Santorum Link NSFW!
  8. R

    Merged Obama as senator: both parents must be Americans for a presidential candidate

    This is pretty funny. Obama cosponsored a bill saying both parents must be US citizens in order for someone to qualify to be president. http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=292901 Moved from USA Politics.
  9. DevilsAdvocate

    McCain vs Obama

    If McCain had won the presidential election in 2008, what would be different now? What would be the differences in the health care bill? What would be the differences in the current economy? What other differences would there be? :confused:
  10. bit_pattern

    GOP's contempt for science hits rock bottom

    Even McCain has jumped ship and joined the ranks of anti-science woo-mongers who are now the mainstream of the entire party Vale, conservative reason :(
  11. thaiboxerken

    Who is glad McCain isn't President, even though you voted for him?

    Given how much of a nut-job McCain has shown himself to be after he lost the election. I have to wonder, how many of those who voted for him are now glad that he didn't win? I, myself, did not vote for him. If not for Palin, I wouldn't have thought he would've been a bad candidate. I...
  12. Merko

    I had a dream about John McCain

    I had a dream where John McCain gets out for a walk to get some exercise. As he turns a corner into a minor road, a police car drives up and stops abruptly behind him. Two cops exit the car and the first one screams to McCain: Police! Stop running! Hands where I can see them! As McCain...
  13. I

    McCain Bill To Illegalize Steroids and Dietary Supplements

    There is this bill that McCain is proposing that is basically to make steroid use in sports illegal, but it includes in it, pork, which also illegalizes dietary supplements such as vitamins, minerals, and even herbs and spices. If that's the case, wouldn't that mean you'd need a prescription to...
  14. Oliver

    Scorecard so far. [If McCain would've won]

    I agree that this will be hard to evaluate, but given the right's criticism of Obama's policies so far, let's try to compare the current developement in contrest to what probably may have happened in a McCain-Administration so far. Here are my speculations about McCains "scoreboard" so far: 1...
  15. C

    Megan McCain "Am I Not Worthy Of Being A Member of Republican Party?" -In A Word, NO!

    Megan McCain "Am I Not Worthy Of Being A Member of Republican Party?" -In A Word, NO! McCain's daughter, 24, a registered Republican since last Father's Day, believes the Republicans need to be more moderate in order to regain power. Did this bugwit miss the last Presidential election where...
  16. Oliver

    McCain back on Leno's show next week

    McCain to sit down with Leno in first post-election TV appearance Posted: 11:37 AM ET
  17. davefoc

    Why Obama won

    I expect over the next few weeks to see a variety of explanations offered as to why Obama won. My unresearched list in order of my unresearched view of their relative importance: 1. Economic crisis that worked against all Republicans 2. Dissatisfaction with Iraq war and perception that McCain...
  18. Undesired Walrus

    The greatest victory tonight

    The greatest victory tonight -for Republicans and Democrats- will be resting in the knowledge that -if he loses- you will never have to hear McCain's 'My Friends' catchphrase ever again.
  19. Temporal Renegade

    Supporting Obama? No treats for you!

    Well, seems that some have sunk to a new low this election cycle: If your parents support Obama, no treats for YOU this Hallowe'en! http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/chi-ap-mi-odd-halloween-boo,0,3308020.story
  20. Oliver

    The Final Campaign Hours Thread

    Since there is so much interest in the final hours between now and November 4th, I thought it's a good Idea to collect all the Headlines till election day as some kind of quick overview for all people in here that can't keep track of all the new events. I also use CNN's countdown to add a time...
  21. Q

    Sylvia Browne's political "predictions"

    Sylvia Browne makes her 2008 political choice via the SpiritNow video account on vimeo.com. The video was posted on October 9, 2008 and in it she says: It's worth noting the day before, on October 8th, Gallup's poll had Obama's lead expanding over McCain to 11. (Barack Obama with a 52% to 41%...
  22. Oliver

    White Supremacists for McCain

    Now they come out of the dark to "join" McCain's campaign: And another interesting Story is about this Florida GOP Chair sending out racist Anti-Obama e-mails:
  23. TheDoLittle

    What if McCain and Obama Played D&D

    This probably belonged in the Humor thread, but I strongly feel Politics is where it should be posted. from: http://somehedgehog.livejournal.com/245807.html Adventuring Party Politics: The Campaign is Getting Ugly GM: OK, the bugbear attacks you. What do you do? OBAMA: I send one of my...
  24. MattusMaximus

    McCain rally in FL gets ugly

    I just read this on FiveThirtyEight.com about a rally McCain held today in Florida. Apparently, as the rally ended a large group of McCain supporters damn near attacked two guys holding Obama signs on the street. Police had to be called in to handle the situation. McCain Miami Rally, Getting...
  25. Puppycow

    About that McCain Healthcare Plan

    I guess that health care plan of McCain's isn't so great.
  26. M

    Obama Will Bring Death to Israel

    You think it can't get any worse. And to think I believed Mccain might come out of this with some honor intact: "Joe Wurzelbacher, a.k.a. "Joe the Plumber," on Tuesday twice agreed with a claim from an audience member at a John McCain rally that "a vote for Barack Obama is a vote for the death...
  27. Oliver

    Possibly Fatal McCain '64 Car Crash

  28. M

    Mccain Deserves Some Credit

    He's stuck to his pledge of not brining up Rev Wright. He clearly has nothing to lose at this point, and conservative pundits have been itching for it to be raised (including his "diva" V.P.), but Mccain has stuck to his guns. I give him props for that.
  29. P

    A tale of two Denver rallies...

    John McCain holds a rally with a "raucous" crowd of 4000 at the National Western Arena. "Denver Crowd goes Wild for McCain." http://www.denverpost.com/breakingnews/ci_10805382 The arena holds about 65000 people at full capacity. Not near enough to hold the crowd that showed up to hear...
  30. MattusMaximus

    McCain guarantees "squeaker" victory

    McCain is clearly off his meds... McCain guarantees victory :rolleyes: Of course, even though McCain's campaign will keep fighting, it's not like Obama's people are sitting on their hands. Now if the Dems were being overconfident and lazy, he might have something here - but this year the...

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