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john f. kennedy

  1. B

    New Ford Introduction to Warren Commission Report: CIA Coverup?

    More conspiracy stuff bouncing around. For $889, you too can have a leather-bound copy of the Warren Commission, one of 52 lettered editions, inside "a solid walnut, laser engraved, wooden box which also contains artifacts from the Oak Tree and White Picket Fence from the 'Grassy Knoll!'" Wow...
  2. OldTigerCub

    Zapruder Revisited, Reviewed and Re-framed

    On this Thanksgiving day most of us in America are getting ready to sit down, stuff ourselves, watch football, visit with friends and relatives and be thankful for the freedoms we enjoy and the abundances we too often take for granted. On this day 44 years ago, however, one of the most traumatic...
  3. BenBurch

    Was the shot Oswald had to take really all that hard?

    I was reading something about the JFK CT and you know, I think I could make that shot 1 time in 1000 or so. Now, Oswald was likely a much, much better shot than I am - he had training. So maybe he was ten times better then I am, so one time in 100. What I'm saying is these people just don't...
  4. C

    Bugliosi's summary of Oswald's Guilt

    Before I have to return Reclaiming History to the library, here is a condensed summary of Bugliosi's summary of evidence against Oswald. from pgs. 955-966 1-8: 'curtain rods', guns, and uncharacteristic behavior of Oswald: Instead of visiting his wife and kids on a Friday, as usual, O. went...
  5. Alt+F4

    JFK Assassination Conspiracy: The Babushka Lady

    For a change of pace, a question regarding the JFK assassination. I know Beverly Oliver’s claim that she was “The Babushka Lady” (seen below in a still from the Muchmore movie) has been debunked, but has there been further information over the years as to who she really was and what happened...
  6. F

    Anti JFK ct resources needed

    read the title peeps. Any help much appreciated.
  7. B

    JFK: Reloaded

    I thought some of you might have missed MondoAtheist's original thread on this game/simulation: http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=75264 It casts you as Oswald and challenges you to recreate the events of that day as closely as possible. Morally dubious, perhaps, but...
  8. F

    NEW JFK assassination film released

    http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/02/19/jfk.film.reut/index.html This will add to more material for debunking.
  9. F


    are there any threads debunking the JFK conspiracy? I am meeting a friend in Manhattan, on Sunday, who believes in the JFK conspiracy by the gov't. We are also going to talk 9/11. Anyone want to join me Sunday afternoon? Could really use Gravy if your around. I want to buy you a drink...
  10. Mephisto

    Anna Nicole Smith & George W. Bush

    Since I don't usually take conspiracy theories very seriously, I thought someone might as well start the rumor by continuing the parallels. Anna Nicole Smith Rumored to Be Having Affair with President Bush Think about it - Anna Nicole was often compared to Marilyn Monroe. They both once posed...
  11. A

    The suspect always overlooked in the JFK assassination theories

    Every study I have seen on who helped Lee Harvey Oswald kill JFK mentions a certain 'Grassy Knoll' - why did no one ever question this Mr. Knoll? Perhaps he could shed some light on the matter.
  12. K

    President Kennedy Remains

    I think most of you know that President Kennedy's brain is missing from the National Archives. But I also think the public, and members here, do not know that President Kennedy's remains were removed from his first burial plot to another, more prominent one in Arlington National Cemetery in...
  13. senorpogo

    [Merged] Bush killed Kennedy / Was JFK Jr's death an accident?

    George Hebert Walker that is. But don't worry, we've got some GW hate too. He killed JFK Jr. http://www.jfkii.com/
  14. Upchurch

    Need help remembering a Kennedy Assassination debunking show

    I dimly remember watching an episode of something on TV where they managed to physically recreate the Kennedy "magic bullet" shot entirely from Oswald's position and account for all the twists and turns. I thought it was a MythBusters, but I can't seem to confirm that online. Does anyone else...
  15. CurtC

    Cuba paid Oswald to kill Kennedy

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/usa_kennedy_film_dc;_ylt=ApGXLTAVy5790x0Jh8nR2mYDW7oF;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl This has to be the most believable conspiracy theory ever posited w/ respect to the Kennedy Assassination. It's obvious that no competent agency would touch Lee Oswald with a...
  16. M

    Lee Harvey Oswald...

    Okay, lets just think about Oswald a second. Things we know: #1 He was in the military, was taught Russian in the military, he had security clearance, and monitored US flights over Russia. #2 He was honorably discharged. #3 Was was on the news passing out flyers on Marxism and talking to...
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