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  1. acbytesla

    How to be a non-believer in a believing world

    I use to be a Christian. But I don't think I was ever a believer. Even as a 6 year old I just couldn't believe a woman was made out of Adam's rib. Or that a snake spoke to Eve. Or a donkey spoke to Absalom. Or that a 500 year old drunkard built a huge boat and gathered two of every animal...
  2. S

    A Criticism Of Religious Extremism And Silence From Moderates

  3. L

    Allah Did The Job Of Blowing Into His Girlfriend

    There is one verse in the Quran that all by itself proves the Quran an abject turpitude. Q66:12... it is invariably translated deceptively to obfuscate from the travesty it is. The proper translation: Q66:12 Mary daughter of Imran who guarded her فرج so we blew into it from our spirit and she...
  4. C

    That Mohammed is an example of conduct for every Muslim is no problem, because

    Mohammed was not the murderous, raping, greedy, women-hating warmonger you irrational islamophobes depict him as, but he was a for his time quite modern ethically above average 7th century leader in peace and war and therefore his ethical conduct as a 7th century leader in peace and war being...
  5. C

    Activist Atheist divided regarding criticism of Islam

    From my impression of many activist atheists (meaning actively engaged in political and/or philosophical debates/struggles) are fine with anything goes against many religions, especially Christianity. For example, there were some atheists who publically implied that the god of the bible would...
  6. Emre_1974tr

    Ed The Miracles Continue ...

    THE MIRACLES CONTINUE ... (SECTION 2) The age of the universe is three times the age of our Earth. Quran 50:38. We assuredly created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six days, and nothing of fatigue touched us. Quran 41.9 Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who...
  7. O

    Ed Please tell me why you kill

    Over the years religious ideologies have been the underlying motive for killing thousands of people across the world. Slaughtering by Islamic Extremists seems to increase. (See attached information). I have become more than used to news reports on war battles, suicide attacks, spree shootings...
  8. Frozenwolf150

    Frank Miller's Holy Terror

    For his 300th episode, Linkara of That Guy With the Glasses reviewed Frank Miller's comic Holy Terror. It's in 3 parts: http://blip.tv/at4w/at4w-300th-episode-part-1-6965791 http://blip.tv/at4w/at4w-300th-episode-part-2-6965846 http://blip.tv/at4w/at4w-300th-episode-part-3-6965874 The graphic...
  9. shadron

    Things are looking up

    Well, it appears that atheists are edging up on the Islamic community within the US in terms of how "warm" Americans feel towards various religious groups (including atheists). Pew surveys released their data, see...
  10. Peter May

    How are we to deal with this disgusting side of Islam

    BBC in breaking news The 38-year-old was arrested at 18:30 BST on 8 May after she arrived at the west London airport on a flight from Sierra Leone. A 13-year-old Sierra-Leonean girl travelling with the woman was taken into the care of social services. An estimated 66,000 women in the UK have...
  11. Humes fork

    [Merged] General Criticism of Islam/Islamophobia Topics

    From a Swedish forum, translated by me: Does this testimony describe a tolerant behavior? I don't think so. Nonetheless I'm convinced that some defense or apology for the behavior will made at this forum, probably at the first page of this thread, or at most within a few pages. Experience...
  12. R

    Australian ABC running jihadist op-eds

    Thanks Humes Fork, and others, for holding a welcome spotlight up to islam lately. The absurdity of assuming you make uninfored and arbitary assumptions about all muslims, which is every bit as arbitrarily assupumptious about you as anything you're being accused of,hasn't gone unnoticed by me...
  13. Humes fork

    "Stop playing the racist card!"

    Stop playing the racist card! Changed hotlinked image to regular link. A very good blogpost by a Swedish skeptic and atheist blogger than many on this forum (at least many of those participating in the religion and philosophy section of the forum) would really benefit from reading. So...
  14. mikeb768

    How much time do we really have?

    We live in very interesting times where we are able to sit back and watch while so many scientific facts which were mentioned in the Quran (over 1400 years ago) are finally coming into the light. Another interesting realm where the Quran manages to provide insight are the prophecies and...
  15. Trevor from Toronto

    Richard Dawkins -- Islamophobia?

    This interview in SLATE just came to my attention. Particularly interesting are his comments on Islam and the bizarre dysfunctional relationship which has evolved among otherwise intelligent Liberals and Islam. "RH: You have turned your attention to Islam recently. Why is that? RD: I think...
  16. mikeb768

    Is Atheism based on Logic or Faith?

    If the statement "Nothing comes from Nothing" is True? And the statement "Something comes from Something" is also True? Then the question remains, if the two above statements are in fact "True" can the statement "Something comes from Nothing" Also be True? *And if you believe this to be so, can...
  17. mikeb768

    Majority of Scientist agree with Islamic view of the Universe

    Although the verses have been confirmed they remain malcontent, But why such aversion to what has been sent? If naught had come down then this day would be unjust, But with the revelation thereof the event is must. Those willfully ignorant will speak “Who has woken us from our sleep”, While...
  18. Frozenwolf150

    To Islam, From an Agnostic

    First off, you should already be aware of my stance on Islamic extremism. You should know that I'm the first to criticize those who want to force Sharia into the laws of the land in order to justify honor killings and executions of gays, apostates, and nonbelievers. I have no sympathy for...
  19. Dog Breakfast

    Violent Buddhists in Myanmar?

    I've been keeping abreast of the clashes in Myanmar between Muslims and Buddhist, and I have to say I'm a little surprised to hear about Buddhists behaving so violently, though that may just be the fact that I don't know very much about it. Christianity and Islam have a sort of violent streak...
  20. Scorpion

    Merged What the quran really says.

    when the quran says, at sura 21.33 and 36.40 and 36.38 that the sun has an orbit, Imams claim this is a great revelation, because Muhammad knew the sun had an orbit in the galaxy. But the quran is actually saying the sun orbits the flat earth and is reset every dawn , and I can prove it with the...
  21. T

    Honor killing in Pakistan

    I just heard about this on the BBC World radios broadcast: A Pakistani couple murdered their 15 year-old daughter, burning her to death by pouring acid over her, even as she pleaded for mercy. Her crime? She looked at a boy as he rode past on a motorcycle. That's right. You didn't read it wrong...
  22. D

    10,000 Muslims protest the Headquarters of Google in London.

    Looks like the clash of cultures is coming to a head in London over the recent anti-Muslim film. From the article: "Muslims protest 'age of mockery' as thousands descend on Google HQ" by Jennifer O'Mahony "A protest by 10,000 Muslims outside the offices of Google in London today is just the...
  23. T

    The Satanic Verses, The Verse on Stoning

    In Surah 53, "The Star" (Surah Al-Najm), verses 19 - 23a now read: Consider al-Lat and al-Uzza and the third one, Manat - are you to have male and he the female? That would be a most unjust distribution! These are nothing but names you have invented yourselves, you and your forefathers...
  24. R

    Islam and multiculturalism article

    I don't want to get into any extended discussion about this, because these forums are addictive and I mustn't, but I thought this was a good article that reflects my own opinions as to why islam should be singled out to some degree when critiquing religion in society. I can't help thinking that...
  25. H

    Quran Suran 2

    Quran Surah 2 Quran is filled with tons of contradictions and hate. Take this one for example http://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com/quran/2/int_list.html Use this source for objective verification http://www.project-reason.org/scripture_project/The_Quran:2_The_Cow What do you think ?
  26. Humes fork

    Islam has an image problem

    Recently a study was carried out in Sweden about the Swedes' views and attitudes toward different things in society. One of the issues was attitudes toward the five world religions as well as atheism (treated as the equivalent of a religion for the purposes of the study). About attitudes, not...
  27. T

    The Qur'an vs. the Hadiths

    One of the appeals of Islam would seem to be that it is (and particularly was during its initial spread) a fairly simple, straight forward faith, one free of a lot of conundrums, such as how God can be three people and one at the same time or how he can be at once a God ruling the universe and...
  28. T

    Contingency and the rise of Islam

    While I believe there are broad patterns to be perceived in history, I believe that contingency also plays a part. This is particularly true of the spread of Islam, largely through conquest, from the Arabian peninsula. Consider the following: 1) Two powerful empires that could have blocked...
  29. Brian-M

    Is Islam an evil religion?

    Before many of the posts were moved from Ask A Muslim Anything to Abandon All Hope, Bill Thompson was arguing about the evils of Islam (he never actually used the word "evil", but that's the general impression), so I thought I'd open up a thread specifically for people to voice their opinions on...
  30. Arcade22

    The Freedom Hating Muslims Are at it Again...

    http://www.siasat.com/english/news/tajikistan-bans-youth-mosques-0 This is clearly a insidious plot by the Muslims to give a fake impression that they can be moderate while they are really plotting to take over the whole world.

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