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  1. Leumas

    [Moderated] Infinity!!!

    Christian and other apologists and casuists keep telling us that infinity is a nonsense concept that is not in reality. Of course they do this in the context of trying to cobble together coherent apologetics and sophistry for their gods. As is usually the case with apologetics... ironically...
  2. Badly Shaved Monkey

    "Finite but unbounded"

    I just read a passage in a book contrasting something that is infinite with something that is finite but unbounded. I submit myself to the hilarity of my peers: isn't unbounded the same as infinite, so "finite but unbounded" is an oxymoron? Thanks.
  3. Ambrosia

    to infinity, and then some...

    Just watched this Horizon program on infinity. Now my head hurts. Take the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 ... Now take only the even numbers 2,4,6,8,10 ... despite appearances, both these series of numbers are the same length :confused: infinity * infinity = infinity infinity + infinity =...
  4. Southwind17

    RIP Uncle Petros?

    Is anybody able to comment on the status of the disproving or otherwise of the "strong" or "binary" Golbach Conjecture subsequent to the expiry of Bloomsbury/Faber & Faber's $1 million challenge on 20 March 2002? I would have thought that, given today's computing power, the conjecture should...
  5. mummymonkey


    If there are an infinte number of owls; how many owl eyes are there?
  6. K

    Do Mathematical Entities Really Exist?

    Do mathematical entities really exist? Wowbagger's thread "Why is pi an irrational number" diverged at times into this topic. I found this former math professor's (@ University of Hawaii) essay on the subject ( http://www.math.hawaii.edu/~lee/exist.html ) pretty cool. It includes ramblings on...
  7. E

    Infinity water

    Please let this be an elaborate hoax... www.infinitywater.us "In the environment there are moments of ideal water motion as it crashes around in to ongoing flow, but there is a lack of perfect flow in creating reverse vortexing all the time – with a lot of randomness taking place" and...
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