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  1. MatildaGage

    Ancient Rainbow Conscious Healing

    Thought you might get a little giggle about this one. Just when I think I've heard the silliest woo... Ancient Rainbow Conscious Healing (ARCH) Sounds sciencey! Said in the context of saying it's much more powerful than Reiki, seems a weak argument. Skittles!:wave1 Get a healing by email...
  2. Arcade22

    In A World Without Science

  3. J

    Lourdes miracle question

    I have researched Lourdes a bit and I find one of the claimed miracles especially interesting: I will copy and paste what I found: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mrs Marie BIRE LUCAS Born on 8.10.1866 in Vendee (France) Cured on 5.8.1908...
  4. K

    Stem Cells & Healing?

    Hello, Greetings!! As I am coming to your side, I want to understand more & more about stem cells relations to immune defence & uncompromised healing(without scar etc.). Although, I read basic informations about stem cells on internet(wikipedia etc.), still I want to learn more about stem...
  5. S

    How powerful is human immune system?

    I'm new here and because this seems like it might be a place open to discussing the body's natural ability to eliminate disease causing pathogens without any help from modern technology, gimmicks or gadgets I thought I would kick it around some here. It is my opinion Keven Trudeau has paved the...
  6. ravdin

    Scientologists 'heal' Haiti quake victims using touch

    It's probably best not to read this if you just ate something. http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5ivwpraZNS56O4hgGIjZvs-35mC1g
  7. thaiboxerken

    Chiro and "Zone" healing

    Wow, check this out. This "doctor" can poke people in the head with his fingers and diagnose if they have "unbalanced zones" and then heal them by poking them more and adjusting their spine. I thought that chiropractors were starting to move away from this kind of nonsense...
  8. P

    Geoff Boltwood / "Tareth" - Psyhic Healer

    Hi Forum, In a discussion with a friend at work, the subject of 'Faith Healing' came up when he mentioned that he'd visited a Psychic Healer who goes by the name of Tareth (previously, Geoff Boltwood). You can visit his webpage by googling 'Tareth' and going to the first link (apparently I...
  9. m_huber

    Quigong practitioner, don't know how he does it

    RAAB0dbc3Es I'm not sure how he does this. Setting a newspaper on fire is most likely a device or chemical of some sort, but when he is shocking/burning people when their hands are on his stomach, I have no idea. The chopstick through the table seems like a familiar magic trick, except that...
  10. empeake

    Woo and the flu

    As you may have heard, there's a flu epidemic in Mexico which is causing quite a bit of a scare. Even more scary is this email that not one, but two loons sent to the missus (translated from Spanish into English for your convenience): (If the English version at times does not seem to make...
  11. F

    Quantum Pendant Needs Debunking

    I recently hurt my back, and was laid up for a few days. Later, I was comisserating with my dentist, and she recommended that I purchase a "Quantum Pendant" because one of her other patients swears that it cured her back problems. Okay, so I'm now looking for a new dentist, but that's beside...
  12. Kuko 4000

    Nick Dutch, MDC applicant on YouTube

    Have you guys seen this yet? r5IozwbRA88&feature=channel I wish more claimants would do a journal like this on YouTube :) This is his homepage, I guess: http://www.nickdutch.co.uk/index.html
  13. Azrael 5

    Are angels real? *Daily Mail warning*

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1121331/Are-angels-real-With-more-people-putting-faith-LIZ-JONES-claims-test-.html One glaring paragraph of confirmation bias included,can you spot it? ;)
  14. Graham2001

    'Angel' caught on CCTV

    The linked item has become the most viewed story on the NineMSN website. It's just a 'light bloom', but it is being promoted as proof of divine intervention. When I see stories like this I get depressed. Is anyone else tracking this one...
  15. steenkh

    ROBERT TOBOLSON, Energy Healer

    It is refreshing to finally find somebody who claims to be able to heal near-sightedness of far-sightedness, because these are fairly easy to measure objectively. It would be interesting to know if he has actually done this before (Oh, well, we know he has not done it before!) What was the...
  16. R

    ROBERT TOBOLSON, Energy Healer

    Mr. Tobolson's full application file, including proof of media presence and affidavits, has been received. Mr. Tobolson claims the ability to heal with 'energy fields' since having a vision of Jesus in 1975. Included in the illnesses/disorders that Mr. Tobolson is able to heal are: -...
  17. m_huber


    I have an old friend who told me recently that she wants to go into pharmacognozy. The way I understand it, this is essentially herbal medicine, but I don't really know enough about it to understand what it is. Does anybody know if this is woo or if it is real? Thanks!
  18. C

    Can Moonbeams heal?

    First, watch this... Now, let's discuss. I say no. Moonlight is simply reflected sunlight, polarized by reflection IIRC (and I may very well be mistaken on that one), and according to that paragon of information Wikipedia, about 1/400 000 (or .00025%) as intense as sunlight. Of course...
  19. Richard

    Faith Healing Works! - Video

    This is the standard of some TV reporting in Australia. 89kVfyXHmEs
  20. fishbait

    New Age Hope for Serious Affliction

    A local hairstylist/reiki master is now doing: Healing Haircuts (not really worth reading, just citing to justify quote) A beacon of hope to stiff-haired artists everywhere! Hummm. Maybe, it was due to this: Must be why we never see any stiff-haired constipated Japanese artists out and about.

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