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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.


  1. d4m10n

    Cass Report

    Much sturm, drang, & buzz around the final Cass report these days, but I'd like to focus solely on the scientifically answerable questions raised therein or thereby, since the answers to those questions ought to inform medical best practices outside of the UK. Here is a brief summary of what...
  2. Dancing David

    [U]Why Gender Matters[/U} Anyone read?

    I heard the author of Why Gender Matters , Leonard S x MD, PHD and I think that he had some cogent points about the differences between male and female humans. And then at one point ghe totaly steped off the ddep end. First he started talking about potential evolutionary strategies for the...
  3. D

    Gender debate, Pinker vs Spelke.

    I thought some of you might find this interesting. At the popular science/reality website "The Edge" there is a debate hosted by Harvard Universty between the scientists Steven Pinker and Elizabeth Spelke. Pinker takes the side that innate statistical differences in cognitive thinking and goals...
  4. P

    "Gender Gap"

    According to the current issue of Time: "In early August, females gave Kerry a sizable lead over Bush: 50 to 36 percent. Now, women favor Bush over Kerry by 45 to 44 percent. Even in Florida, Kerry's 22 percent lead among women has been halved in the last few weeks. In the last presidential...
  5. C

    Gender Selection: Is it safe?

    The Fertility Institutes According to these folks, the process is 99% effective and safe. Any thoughts on this? I'm not only asking out of curiousity. My wife and I are thinking about this possibility. So, if anyone can shed some serious thoughts, I would very much appreciate it.
  6. B

    New NSF study on gender and science

    For those of us who like to track these things: http://www.nsf.gov/sbe/srs/nsf04323/htmstart.htm the 2004 analysis of gender and career success in science. This one focuses mainly on tenure and tenure track, and outcomes for midcareer scientists. Good news: more women are getting tenure than...
  7. TruthSeeker

    A lab of her own: On gender and careers in science

    All from this article
  8. L

    Gender Genie: Andrea Dworkin is a man. And Philip Roth is a woman.

    Andrea Dworkin is a man. And Philip Roth is a woman By_Leah McLaren The Globe And Mail Saturday, November 15, 2003 - Page L3
  9. V

    Amusing "Gender Guesser" on internet.

    Get some text together and run it through: http://www.bookblog.net/gender/genie.html And it will try to guess if the writer is male or female. At the end, you can tell the program whether it was right or wrong, and it shows you the total right vs. wrong. This is what I found amusing. The...

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