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gay marriage

  1. M

    YES Vote to gay marriage

    So so so pleased to hear that In Australia's "non binding total waste of money, not a vote" if we should allow gay marriage it's been a conclusive YES!!!! I am so pleased, I feared the opposite result. Now let's see how long our dopey pollies can drag out the whole procedure...
  2. Swordfishtrombone

    Finland to adopt gender neutral marriage laws tomorrow

    About time, I say. Tomorrow, the law allowing gay marriages, on par with heterosexual marriages, will come to effect. Predictably, some religious communities are getting their panties in a twist about it. It is interesting that religion is such a big issue in the US, where you have separation...
  3. Travis

    A year of gay marriage and we are still here

    In case you missed it over the weekend we hit the one year anniversary of the infamous Obergefell ruling by the Supreme Court. For a whole year now America has been able to gay marry from sea to shining sea. Incredibly this has not led to disaster and/or tyranny. For example Mike Huckabee...
  4. Travis

    Santorum really doesn't understand how the Supreme Court works

    Rick Santorum was on the Rachael Maddow show recently talking up how he would take down the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage if he was president. That is somewhat astounding on its own. What was more interesting was how he clearly has no idea how our federal government works. Santorum...
  5. Ladewig

    Judge Roy "10 Commandments" Moore to speak in Austin, Texas about gay marriage

    Judge Roy "10 Commandments" Moore to speak in Austin, Texas about gay marriage Monday, March 23. Alabaman Roy Moore is going to give a two-hour talk on why gay marriage is a slippery slope to bigamy and incest; the end of America as we know it; and a mockery of Constitutional law. I am looking...
  6. Travis

    What will conservatives do when gay marriage is legal everywhere?

    There is evidence that some plan to abandon America altogether and seek shelter in places like Costa Rica. http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/right-wing-activist-flee-america-gay-marriage-causes-god-destroy-us So, if conservatives leave the country that they love....supposedly...what...
  7. Gulliver Foyle

    [Merged] Irish SSM referendum.

    With our glorious tree stump (seriously, listen to one of his speeches some time) announcing last year that Ireland will have it's referendum on allowing same sex marriage some time in the spring (I'm guessing May myself), all the nutjob christian groups are coming out the woodwork recently, as...
  8. Christian Klippel

    Brendan Eich steps down as Mozilla CEO due to his Prop 8 support

    After only being CEO for Mozilly for two weeks, Brendan Eich now steps down due to public pressure. https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2014/04/03/brendan-eich-steps-down-as-mozilla-ceo/ A little background. It was found out that in 2008 he supported proposition 8 with money. Criticism against him...
  9. Orphia Nay

    Same-Sex Marriage Legal in England and Wales - Saturday 29 March 2014

    Yay, UK is England and Wales are joining the rainbow ranks! :rainbow: As a member of the Commonwealth, I will be doing that, indeed! http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/mar/26/rainbow-flag-whitehall-same-sex-marriages The Archbishop of Canterbury has announced his approval, too.
  10. Travis

    Apparently the Grammys hate Christianity and "others"

    So, if you missed it the Grammys did a stunt at their award show where 33 same sex couples got married while Macklemore performed. Naturally elements of the right wing have gone batty about this. Jim Garrow thinks everyone should repent immediately. He also thinks we should boycott all the...
  11. Tricky

    Happy Thanksgiving in the Cheney Home!

    Gosh it's going to be a happy time in the Cheney family, but better let somebody else carve the turkey besides Dick's daughters, Liz and Mary. Seems there is a minor family squabble. You see, Mary is gay and married to a woman, while Liz is campaigning to let gay marriage be illegal in some...
  12. PhantomWolf

    Gay Marriage a reality for NZ

    Well today was the first day that Gay Marriage was legal in NZ. 30 couples took part in the first day celebrations, including one couple who won a Marriage flight from Auckland to Queenstown and were married at 30,00 feet. So far the country hasn't devolved into hell with demons stalking the...
  13. Puppycow

    [Merged] Supreme Court Rulings on Same-Sex Marriage

    The Supreme Court is expected to announce some big rulings soon on cases involving same-sex marriage. I'm not super knowledgeable of the details, but I think the main cases in question are: United States v. Windsor This could potentially strike down DOMA, or parts of DOMA and give legally...
  14. chillzero

    Proposed changes to UK marriage and civil partnerships are not about sex preferences

    There is a lot of talk about at the moment in the UK about changes to the laws around marriage, and civil partnership. What irks me is that these are regularly touted as being the options available to heterosexual couples and gay couples - though the latter is often further qualified as meaning...
  15. NoahFence

    Little Rhodie, lotsa gay....

    Reading CNN, looks like Rhode Island just became the 10th state to legalize gay marriage. Progress! Can't link as i'm on my phone. Then again its CNN... So you may want to confirm elsewhere.
  16. Orphia Nay

    New Zealand legalises gay marriage

    The Definition of Marriage bill just passed - 77 votes to 44. I was watching the vote online. The gallery went wild. :) Bravo, New Zealand!
  17. gumboot

    Same-Sex Marriage About to Be Legalised In New Zealand

    Hi all, For those interested in the slow march of equality and freedom around the world, tonight from about 9pm NZST, New Zealand's parliament is expected to hold its final reading and vote on a Bill which will legalise same-sex marriage. Granted, this probably isn't of huge interest to...
  18. A'isha

    Georgia GOP chair: Straight people will enter gay marriages to get "a free ride"

    Georgia GOP chair: Straight people will enter gay marriages to get "a free ride" http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/04/01/georgia-republican-party-chair-straight-people-will-enter-gay-marriages-to-get-a-free-ride/ Psst! Chairwoman Everhart! Straight people don't have to wait for gay marriage...
  19. Puppycow

    Republican Senator Portman Backs Gay Marriage

    I think the headline "Stunner" on this story is overblown. I'm actually not very surprised. I expected this to happen sooner or later. Just another sign of the times. Opposition to gay marriage is crumbling quite rapidly. I expect that Portman is just the first of many more to come. Stunner...
  20. S

    [Merged] CoE ban on gay marriage ceremonies.

    Call me confused. Last week, Dave wanted gay marriage to be available in Church, so long as it didn't upset any of the most dead-in-the-water reactionary people in Britain (particularly the CoE whose lay members had just voted against female bishops). Today it's actually illegal for the CoE to...
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