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  1. Gord_in_Toronto

    Food and fuel from cellulose

    Scientists Turn Corn Husks Into Dinner http://www.technewsdaily.com/17779-scientists-turn-corn-husks-into-dinner.html Does this mean the end of hunger and the creation of cheap fuel? I would have liked to see some idea of the cost of the process and for its scaling into a commercial...
  2. C

    FOOD - what is healthy eating, anyway?

    Hi, I'm brand new here. I found this forum last night, as I was searching for information about this very topic. So, given that this is a community of critical thinkers, I need you to help me out. I want to feed myself and my family food that will do the best possible job keeping us well --...
  3. Bodhi Dharma Zen

    monsanto and patenting food... what is all about?

    I have seen a lot of fuzz on the Internet regarding Monsanto and how it wants to patent food or something... I have read from conspiracy theories to the actual info in the site of Monsanto... what do you all think about it? I mean, if they (and I'm sure others) want to "patent food" roughly...
  4. Mr. Scott

    Sacrificing food for energy

    Just a mile from me is a large field that used to yield corn, soybeans and the like, and is converted into a solar energy farm -- a sea of electricity-generating solar panels. Does this food-for-energy trade-off make sense?
  5. Puppycow

    Food snobbery

    Mark Morford takes the "idiotic, obese, undereducated masses" to task for their contemptible fondness of awful, evil, corporate fast food. The KFC Double Down: One Sandwich To Kill You All . Mark, please don't pull your punches. Tell us what you really think of middle America.
  6. Greg_in_CO

    Legislation to ban salt in NYC restaurants

    First trans fats, now our beloved NaCl! http://open.nysenate.gov/legislation/api/html/bill/A10129 I'll go out on a limb that this guy hasn't been around a kitchen much in his life or he'd know there's more to most food preparation than throwing something in a pan and scraping it out when it's...
  7. Checkmite

    Some dweeb nobody knows whines about food in America

    Story America has a "food system"? We have health classes, cooking shows, and gymnasiums. Lots and lots of them. I'm sure the vast overwhelming majority of them can. And in any case, what's that going to accomplish? In home economics, I learned how to make low mein from scratch, and...
  8. Hokulele

    Getting fed at TAM 7

    Since there seem to have been a few discussions in various threads regarding meet-ups for the meals not provided as part of the conference, I thought I would try to organize this a little better. So far, we have suggestions for a Tuesday evening dinner at the 777 Brewery downtown, sushi, and...
  9. Temporal Renegade

    Kosher salt? How about Christian-ized salt?

    Seems someone is a tad upset about the 'De-Christianizing' of our condiments: http://www.slashfood.com/2009/03/04/christian-izing-salt-is-just-not-kosher/ Make sure you read the comments as well; they're a hoot. :D
  10. Gagglegnash

    January Early Morning... is that coffee done yet?!?!?

    Hi The wind blows cold... harsh, Chilling my poetic soul. Hot-choc'lit haiku!
  11. Puppycow

    Wheat, Soy Prices Double, Corn up 40%

    I saw this on NHK tonight. Compared to one year ago, wheat and soy have more than doubled, while corn is up 40%. They went to Nicaragua and looked at the situation there, and apparantly a lot of people can no longer afford food. The World Food Programme has stepped in, so there hopefully won't...
  12. S

    U.S. Olympics Team Brown Bagging it in China

    After a spate of still unresolved tainted human and dog food/medicine scandals, the U.S. Olympics team has decided to bring their own food to China when they participate in upcoming summer Olympics. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/09/sports/othersports/09olympics.html?th&emc=th Here's the...
  13. seismic_cowgirl

    A thanksgiving proposal

    So I'm slowly rounding out a second year of living in New England but I would rather not spend Thanksgiving by myself like I did last year (I have no family anywhere nearby). What I propose is a skeptics-Thanksgiving get together. It doesn't have to be on Thanksgiving, we can settle on one...
  14. schlitt


    Hey all, I am wondering if someone can shed some light on the science behind taste and food preference. I have been of the belief for a long time that any person can like any food, it is just a matter of conditioning. Here are a few simple examples which seem to show this; - Different...
  15. D

    Am I the only one who uses this definition of "Cure"?

    The word Cure. To me "curing" a disease or condition means something pretty narrow and explicit: You make it go away and it is completely corrected. A cure eliminates, reverses, corrects the condition. It is not a treatment, it does not help release some symptoms, help reduce the...
  16. K

    Alcohol, how much is too much?

    When I was last in Europe there was a show on television about how little alcohol people, especially women, could safely consume. I always thought if you weren't an alcoholic, and didn't drive drunk, it didn't matter how much you drank. Perhaps a worry about caloric content, but a few beers...
  17. Hardenbergh

    Joint Relief Formulas

    Do you think that arthritis and joint pain supplements are beneficial? My mother has osteoarthritis in her hips and spine as well as osteopenia and my father has arthritis in his hips and shoulders. I've been reading about Iceland Health Joint Relief and Zyflamend from New Chapter. A friend...
  18. D

    Medicine should be taught in high school

    Another thread was sidetracking, so I start this thread now. Medicine should be taught in schools. Drugs should no longer require a prescription. Why? Teaching medicine would help alleviate health costs and increase the health of a population. Free drug trade is a the only way to avoid the...
  19. Undesired Walrus

    This 'Sicko' film.

    So, I've watched it, all very well made and all, like most Moore films, but.... Again, Moore gives his old, boring viewpoint that the world owes you a living. With many of those people, if they were horrible ugly people without the charming American accent, I highly doubt Moore would be...
  20. B

    Facts About Living Longer.

    What are some of the facts about living better and longer that you have heard have been proved?
  21. The Mad Hatter

    Organic Sprouts

    A while ago, I decided I was going to make my sandwiches and stir-fries more interesting, and began looking for some extra vegetables I could put in. I heard that sprouts were very healthful, since they contained nutrients needed to help grow into a real plant. So I got a box of them, and...

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