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financial crisis

  1. Donal

    Long Term Care Crisis

    I think it has ben brought up here before, but a search came up empty. Had this conversation with my wife and my mom this weekend. Two of my friends have parents that need serious medical care. One of my friends has a dad who has been living with Parkinson's disease. They are looking to move...
  2. S

    Government Regulations are the Basic Cause of the Financial Crisis

    This thread is a branch from this one: Why Do Conservatives Hate Obama? Rather than further derail the original topic, I decided to post this as a new thread: Actually, prices did rise universally across the country, in a sense. They rose in every state, and the average rose. (If this...
  3. JihadJane

    MSNBC - Banksters & Government Exposed FINALLY by Mainstream News!

    The Dylan Ratigan Show, In America Today: "...getting closer to fully exposing the greatest con and the cover-up in the history of this country. It involves our banks, the Federal Reserve, our Congress, and, of course, you and me." - ppkniGDDSV4
  4. Chaos

    An old remedy for a new problem?

    Studying economics during a major financial crisis, and hearing what people have to say about it, I cannot help but think, "All right, you´ve been learning this for several years, now what does all this hard-won knowledge tell you?" I think we can all agree that the crisis was not a good...
  5. B

    Statement Expiring in 3... 2... 1... (4)

    Link Link
  6. JihadJane

    Michael C. Ruppert’s “A Presidential Energy Policy” published today!

    ‘A Presidential Energy Policy. Twenty-five Points Addressing the Siamese Twins of Energy and Money.’ by Michael C. Ruppert http://rubiconworks.com/ “Michael Ruppert does not mince his words writing a stirring and uncompromising book on a vital issue. He addresses some simple but widely...
  7. Oliver

    Obama deceiving everyone?

    While I wonder that Obama-haters didn't jump on this one yet, in an interview between Bill Moyers and William Black, Mr. Black claims that Mr. Geithner is violating a law that requires him to let fraudulent/broke institutions fail. According to Mr. Black, Mr. Geithner ignores the law and...
  8. Oliver

    liars' loans fraud, deceiving Geithner and the stupid US-taxpayers

    Even if I didn't lose any money in the current crisis, the interview between Bill Moyers and William K. Black made me quite angry about the scope of WTF was - and according to him - STILL IS going on behind the scenes: Excerpts: Full Interview...
  9. mhaze

    Merko's link to article

    From another thread I submit this:MIT professor and former IMF chief economist Simon Johnson wrote perhaps the best piece I've seen on the causes of the crisis, what should be done, and the reasons for why it isn't done. This is a little funny, considering I've spent quite a bit of time during...
  10. applecorped

    Was Merkel right/wrong?

    http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/politics/G20/article5993184.ece "Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, last night led the assault on the prime minister’s “global new deal” for a $2 trillion-plus fiscal stimulus to end the recession. I will not let anyone tell me that we must spend more...
  11. Blue Mountain

    Canada thiving in the current crisis

    Newsweek's Fareed Zakaria has an interesting opinion piece on Canada's position in the current economic crisis: For most of the last 12 years, Canada has had a liberal minded government that kept the banking regulations in place and ran up budget surpluses instead of deficits. Only recently...
  12. T

    Highlights of Stimulus Plan

    Reid stated that this will stimulate the economy and produce 3.5 million new good paying jobs. What do you think? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/02/11/AR2009021103678_pf.html .
  13. B

    Obama is lying again!

    Heads up. Obama is LYING again, folks. http://www.nypost.com/seven/02092009/postopinion/opedcolumnists/its_a_recession_not_a_catastrophe_154174.htm This is an outright LIE. As pointed out in the above linked article, this downturn is no where near as bad as the ones in 1981-82 and 1973-75...
  14. K

    $780,000,000,000 give or take

    Thank goodness we are in a new era of prudent spending and no fear and panic. Right? Avoid reading this if you want to keep your blood pressure at healthy levels: 50 De-Stimulating Facts Looks like it's a done deal. If you thought Bush was a big wasteful spender, hold on to your shorts...
  15. S

    Overreaction to the Economic Stimulus Bill

    Most of the 50 outrageous facts about the bill in the national review's home page seem to be very much less than outrageous. Take a look yourself. What the bill is, is annoying: all kinds of good (or not so good) causes get money which they might well deserve, but that has nothing to do with...
  16. WildCat

    The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself...

    ...and an irreversible economic collapse: Wasn't this supposed to be about hope and change, rather than pushing through the biggest pork-barrel budget in the nation's history through fearmongering and creating divisions?
  17. gumboot

    I Hate You America

    Dear Middle America, Your greedy and irresponsible acquisition of home loans you cannot afford, your insistence on living outside your means, and your support of an unjustified and costly war has caused your economy to stutter on the brink of collapse. But know, that in your selfishness and...
  18. T

    Andrew Cuomo wants $40 billion bonuses returned

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20090130/bs_nm/us_cuomo_merill;_ylt=As8dtyDoSgbKeeLhgcVlNdhZ.3QA All I gotta say is....."You go boy!!!" I know its a conspiracy theory, but I think the folks at Merrill Lynch KNEW they were gonna go bankrupt, and gave the bonuses away early because they KNEW they...
  19. Puppycow

    What are the Effects of the Financial Crisis on International Trade?

    I wonder what effects of the financial crisis have been on international trade and balace of payments, especially for Japan and the US (my own personal interest), but also for other countries.
  20. davefoc

    Do the Democrats really want the current car bailout to go forward?

    A Democratic politician finds himself in a bit of a tough spot with regard to the car bailout. His base absolutely expects him to vote for it with minimal or no concessions from the unions. But it is a simple fact that the Detroit car companies that have been failing for years will continue to...
  21. Fat Bottom Gurl

    If Only They Would Have Warned Us Before the Financial Crisis

    "In these times of economic uncertainty and bear markets, many of Saskatoon's professional psychics have taken on an unlikely role. They've become financial consultants." Read entire store here: http://tinyurl.com/5r2nmo Gotta love this prediction (last page) though... "Powell also...
  22. gumboot

    Is The End Nigh?

    The planet is facing a major environmental crisis. The world's economies are facing a major financial crisis. Piracy is on the rise. Societies are becoming increasingly violent. Terrorism. Genocide. Wars. Radical Religion. Pressure from the developing world. An aging population. Lowering birth...
  23. my_wan

    Market crash nobodies fault

    Most of us has heard about how shocked Greenspan was at the market crash. This sent me on a paper trail of the theory behind mortgage derivatives. It starts with an equation invented by economics Nobelists Robert Merton and Myron Scholes. I'll try to explain what's behind this equation. The...
  24. K

    How much will the lost 401K benefit cost you?

    Go ahead, give the democrats big majorities and enjoy the ride: House Democrats Contemplate Abolishing 401(k) Tax Breaks Discourage saving for retirement, that's sounds like a great plan. Sign me up! Changing all the hope, homie.
  25. Meadmaker

    Greenspan in shocked disbelief

    Big story today: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20081023/bs_nm/us_financial_greenspan_2 Greenspan "shocked" at credit system breakdown "Those of us who have looked to the self-interest of lending institutions to protect shareholder's equity (myself especially) are in a state of shocked...
  26. VanillaCone

    This economic crisis RULES!

    OK, so this might be one of those USA-centric posts, for which I apologize, which I guess makes me a traitor in the eyes of my countrymen. The housing and credit crisis we're experiencing now isn't a laughing matter by any means. A lot of people are suffering, and many are losing their homes...
  27. Francesca R

    Independent Scotland could not have rescued RBS, HBOS

    http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/a4c6cea0-9a51-11dd-bfe2-000077b07658.html Would Iceland's predicament have been the blueprint?
  28. P

    Ed Are you getting tired of those pictures of traders?

    http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/09/30/article-0-02D7C5B600000578-624_468x286.jpg http://www.huffingtonpost.com/huff-wires/20080205/wall-street/images/1429c037-f2bd-4fb5-b5c8-60745310217a.jpg http://img.src.ca/2008/10/08/480x270/AFP_081008bourse-allemagne_8.jpg...
  29. BenBurch

    My fears for this economy.

    Listening to financial analysts this morning, and, WOW do things sound bad. If what they were saying is at all true, I see this sort of thing coming; 1. "Bail Out" will fail to restore lending, and may make matters drastically worse. 2. Holiday season will founder. 3. Massive job losses...
  30. M

    crisis over?

    So the stock market lost almost TWICE as much yesterday then the proposed bailout that was supposed to save us all. Yet the world did not come to an end! The overseas markets, while not rose are still OK http://money.cnn.com/2008/09/30/markets/stockswatch/?postversion=2008093007...

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