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evidence based medicine

  1. E

    Survey shows pseudoscience in NHS cancer services

    Pseudoscience in Cancer Services; a survey of National Health Service Trusts in England A new paper (preprint) reports 13.6% of NHS England trusts contact through FOI requests were offering pseudoscientific clinical practices including reiki, aromatherapy, and reflexology to cancer patients.
  2. d4m10n

    Cass Report

    Much sturm, drang, & buzz around the final Cass report these days, but I'd like to focus solely on the scientifically answerable questions raised therein or thereby, since the answers to those questions ought to inform medical best practices outside of the UK. Here is a brief summary of what...
  3. Puppycow

    New Mammogram Guidelines

    So, these new mammogram guidelines came out and apparantly they are very controversial. On my way to work I was listening a radio program about it, and the doctor who was speaking for the people who wrote the new guidelines was viciously attacked, with all kinds of nasty aspersions thrown at...
  4. Puppycow

    Public unmoved by evidence-based medicine

    Did you know that there are medicines available that have been scientifically shown to prevent cancer? I didn't until I read this article. Most people don't seem to know or care, however. There seems to be more of a market for the fake supplements and new-age nonsense flogged by celebrities...
  5. Ashles

    Sense About Science - Online resource - Promoting evidence-based medicine

    I received this email today: Dear [Ashles] As you may have seen in our newsletter, Sense About Science is putting together an online resource to highlight the support that evidence-based medicine enjoys in our society today. We feel the promotion of evidence based medicine has lost public...
  6. P

    Migraines and triggers and misinformation

    Hi All! Haven't posted in a while, and I'm hoping the brilliant minds here can help me out a bit. I've been getting migraines with aura with increasing frequency. My primary care doc is going to send me to a neurologist in a couple months; meanwhile I'm supposed to keep a "headache diary" and...

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