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  1. Ranb

    John Cadogan and Entropy

    When I come home from work I'll turn on the TV and watch youtube videos for a little while to unwind. I recently started to watch John Cadogan's videos on cars. He is very opinionated to say the least. In one of his videos he brought up entropy as a reason for things breaking down. He also...
  2. R

    Entropy and the Big Bang

    It seems that an important question in physics is "why did the universe start in a state of low entropy?". I'd like to ask a related question: given an expanding universe, is there a relationship between density and entropy? The early universe was in a state of high density and high...
  3. Q

    The math of making a mess:

    Sometimes, when I get up in the morning, my house looks like Texans had come in the night and partied in it, while I was sleeping. Bringing it back to order; doing the dishes, sweeping the floor, returning items from point "B" back to point "A", where they belong, seems tedious and demanding...
  4. aggle-rithm

    Loophole in the laws of thermodynamics?

    http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-06-quantum-knowledge-cools-entropy.html This certainly SEEMS legit, but it's a little unsettling to see the same kind of language used here as is used frequently by woos ("quantum entanglement" and "determined by the observer"). I know these are legitimate...
  5. rocketdodger

    What causes entropy?

    It is hard for me to understand the wikipedia entries regarding entropy and thermodynamics but it seems that the fundamental cause has something to do with probability. Is this correct? Could someone with more knowledge in the subject elaborate, in an easy to understand manner?
  6. T

    Entropy and entropy

    There is an interesting thread here: http://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=361792 The question is whether there is a difference in mass between empty and full memory. There seems to be a consensus that 0's and 1's can have different energies, and that can cause a mass difference, but a...
  7. S

    Is entropy a misundertood concept?

    This is a really short thread, compared to my superfluously-long threads i have made in the past... so.. is, entropy, the measure of ''disorder'' misunderstood? It must be. I entice this conversation because of my magnaminity of percpetion, and why these gifts are percieved to me under a direct...
  8. andyandy

    Entropy and The Information Paradox

    Ok, having just watched a horizon program on Hawkings, the below equation is referred to as leading to Hawkings' theory re the information paradox - ie that information could be lost in a black hole. $$ S=\frac{kc^3A}{4\hbar G} $$ Where S= entropy of a black hole k=Boltzman constant c=speed of...
  9. The Mad Hatter

    Entropy Levels and the Big Bang

    A few days ago at my university, I went to a lecture on the existence of God, thinking it would be some neutral thing examining both sides of the issue. Of course, it turned out to be organized by the school's Christian club, and I should have known better. The speaker gave the usual arguments...
  10. J

    Entropy is counterintuitive to me - help?

    It's the question of order and chaos. The universe is ruled by entropy; entropy ultimately results in order in the sense that eventually everything will reach the same high-order low-energy state uniformly, etc. I understand that entropy will also cause highly-order complex systems to...

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