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  1. Hercules56

    Vaccination does not prevent transmission

    The studies seem to be pretty clear that being vaccinated does not prevent transmission of Covid. Perhaps it reduces the timeframe of transmission, but being vaccinated does not prevent infection or transmission. That being said, do vaccine mandates still make sense? Wasn't the main purpose...
  2. Chanakya

    How do we know a pandemic's over?

    Does the WHO, for globally, and/or local authorities (including national authorities, or states, or whatever) go out and announce "All clear, as you were, everyone stop being psychotic germaphobes!")? Or are people expected to read the equivalent into a gradual dwindling of panic messages as...
  3. B

    Cont: Corona Virus Conspiracy Theories Part V

    Continued from here. You may freely quote from previous threads in this series. Oh sure, right....of course you were not cherry picking. I understand your point.
  4. Planigale

    Did HIV teach Omicron? A new more transmissible variant of HIV

    The last big viral pandemic was HIV back in the 1980s. Despite having effective therapies and it being harder to catch a blood borne / sexually transmitted virus than a respiratory virus we have failed to eliminate HIV and still just under a million people a year die from HIV infection...
  5. Fonebone

    update..CDC vaccine compliance

    This link was posted a half a year ago...May 2021 Testimony to an US congressman.. Senator Burr http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?postid=13603040#post13603040 A update is warranted... Nov 2021 Testimony to an US congressman.. Senator Cassidy...
  6. A

    Cont: Corona Virus Conspiracy Theories Part IV

    I still can´t believe there are people here saying the pandemic is fake and the deaths by Covid are overblown by this or that reason, and most people who died from Covid died from something else. I already posted graphs showing Excess Deaths curves closely match official COVID death statistics...
  7. Delvo

    Protests against doing anything to fight the plague... in Europe?!

    Why is this happening in Europe? Surely there can't be many there who listened to Trump. I heard that his Brazilian counterpart had behaved similarly, but that's not in Europe either. Who else has been pushing this kind of thing over there, and why?
  8. SteveAitch

    Covid CT - UK

    There is someone in our area putting up Covid-19 anti-vax stickers. I first saw one in May of this year. TWR Sticker - 1 by SteveH, on Flickr Saw another today. TWR Sticker - 2 by SteveH, on Flickr The group behind the stickers (though there may only be one person doing it around here, going...
  9. marting

    Cont: The One Covid-19 Science and Medicine Thread Part 4

    Headline writers do like clickbait. :) Seasonal influenza and many other diseases have a similar age gradient though not quite as pronounced as Covid-19. Continued from here.
  10. abaddon

    [Continuation]Corona Virus Conspiracy Theories Part III

    A bunch of unevidenced baloney. What individuals? You don't know. Who is advising both Biden and Trudeau? You don't know. Which drugs? You don't know. Who actually died? Got statistics? No, you have no clue. Currently, hospitals are full of idiots who refused vaccines, but you didn't know...
  11. acbytesla

    Who do you blame for the new surge of COVID?

    It looks like the country is heading towards a massive increase in COVID illnesses and deaths. Who do you blame and why?
  12. michael44

    Barrack Obama's 60th Birthday party

    I know, i'm not one to post much, yet have done so in round about ways not always liken to the topic at hand. Please forgive. So there's been much discourse surrounding Barrack Obama's 60th Birthday party, whereas one crowd cited it was nothing short of a mask-less crowd of elitists thumbing...
  13. shemp

    Who is responsible for more deaths, the Republican Party or the Taliban?

    The answer depends on how many Covid deaths you think could have been avoided if it weren't for the GQP's slash and burn strategy, plus any others you can think of (war in Iraq, results of global warming denial, war on drugs, etc.). I think the answer is pretty clear.
  14. acbytesla

    Update COVID 19 Vaccination status.

    Realizing that people's status may have changed I thought a second poll would be appropriate.
  15. Thor 2

    Efficacy of Vaccination.

    As a person of limited medical science knowledge I am puzzled by what I read about the different vaccines and their efficacy. What I read about the covid vaccines suggests to me, that they do not stop the vaccinated from being infected, but stop or lessen the severity of the effects of the...
  16. Hercules56

    Not vaccinated=selfish & irresponsible?

    Science seems to be clear that as long as there are sizeable numbers of people who are not vaccinated, Covid-19 will continue to mutate into more transmittable and more deadly variants. That being the case, and more than 600,000 people dead in the USA, is it a selfish and irresponsible act to...
  17. acbytesla

    Have you been vaccinated?

    I'm curious as this has political implications. Have you been vaccinated?
  18. PhantomWolf

    Best Covid-19 Vaccine CT

    So my wife and I came up with this one the other day after considering the various Covid-19 Vaccine Conspiracy theories. Let's say that Bill Gates and others really wanted to use the Vaccines to reduce the world population. When you did the reduction, who would you want to be left with? The...
  19. Athyrio

    Pastor Rick Wiles, anti-vaxer, may now have Covid

    After loudly condemning the Covid-19 vaccines and vowing not to be vaccinated because it is a global genocide plan being carried out by Satan’s minions on Earth, an outbreak of flu and Covid has struck his church hard enough to close down their offices until a TBA date and now prayers are being...
  20. Dumb All Over

    No More Masks! YAY!

    Take off your masks. Get close to people. Live your life like you did before COVID-19. Yippee yahoo!! New Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Guidelines

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