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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.


  1. Wowbagger

    I am founding my very own University!!

    Greetings, fellow science enthusiasts, autodidactics, and other assorted folks who love to learn! Today, as we start the second quarter of 2023, I am proud to introduce the introduction of my very own on-line University! I call it: MitchellClass! Because my real name is Mitchell, and not...
  2. J

    Are you a victim of the American class war?

    For the first time in our nation's history, the Forbes list of the 400 wealthiest Americans includes only billionaires. In fact, having only a billion dollars means you're not on the list. As a group, the Forbes 400 has a collective net worth of $1.25 trillion. So the rich are doing well. But...
  3. shecky

    Colorado Teacher removed for flying Mexican flag in class

    And a Chinese flag, too. It's against the law, you know. Even if it is a geography class...
  4. headscratcher4

    When they say it wasn't about race or class....

    Can you believe them.... "We finally cleaned up public housing in New Orleans. We couldn't do it, but God did." -- Rep. Richard Baker (R-LA), quoted by the Wall Street Journal, "overheard" in a conversation with lobbyists. "Baker explains later he didn't intend flippancy but has long wanted to...
  5. C

    Gym class vs. AP Biology

    http://apnews.myway.com/article/20050509/D89VBFK00.html Interesting definition of "Essential Skills." CBL
  6. headscratcher4

    Class Warefare

    We live in troubled time – terrorist abound and threaten civilization. We are spending billions we don’t have fighting to establish a free Iraq at the cost of now over 1500 young American lives. Social Security, the president says, is in crisis (though he’s yet to detail a plan for...
  7. O

    Speed Reading Class

    Speed Reading Class Here’s the situation. The place I work is having us set through the Evelyn Woods Reading Dynamics Video Class. It’s broken up into three separate classes each a couple of hours long. I’ve looked it up in the Skeptics Dictionary online and it gives a brief rundown...
  8. P

    John Edwards and the Lawyer Vulture Class

    One thing that seems to be lost in the presidential campaign is what John Edwards represents - the tort lawyer-vulture. Apparently his $20 million fortune is based on blood-sucking the medical industry. As I mentioned in another post, he represents one of the major factors dragging the U.S...
  9. C

    What class of lever (if any) is a catapult?

    :confused: :confused:
  10. E

    The Demise of the American Middle Class

    While some people regard this "jobless" recovery as an anomaly, I suspect it is just a preview of things to come. A number of political and economic realities are currently at work which, left unchecked, will lead to the demise of the American middle class. The first of these forces is job...
  11. S

    DEA Agent Shoots Self During Gun Safety Class

    Just needed a laugh to lighten my day: "ORLANDO, Fla. -- A federal drug agent shot himself in the leg during a gun safety presentation to children and his bosses are investigating. The Drug Enforcement Administration agent, whose name was not released, was giving a gun safety presentation to...
  12. V

    skeptic class

    has anyone developed a class on skepticism/ critical thinking for highschool or college. I would like to do same and hear about your work thanks Virgil
  13. Thanz

    McDonald's Class Action Settlement Madness

    A few years ago, employees of the promotions company that handled things like McDonald's Monopoly games were found to be stealing the winning pieces, giving them to their friends and splitting the winnings. Not surprisingly, a Class Action lawsuit sprang up and was eventually settled. Details...
  14. N

    High school biotech class challenges ideas about race

  15. Evolver

    Get ready to pay, Middle Class.

    From today's Boston Globe Oh, and by the way, we are not allowed to mention that the middle class is once again getting screwed over for the benefit of the ultra-rich. That's "class warfare".;)
  16. Rat

    Scripting the DOM by class in html

    I should know this, but it's driving me up the wall. I have several div enclosed blocks of text. Some of them have a class of win2k, and some have a class of winxp. I want a script which will detect the OS and display only those relevant to the OS. This will be in an environment where only...
  17. J

    The destruction of the US middle class 101

    How to destroy a middle class: 1) Tax them more heavily than the upper classes. 2) Manipulate the economy to cause massive inflation, thereby destroying their savings every 30 years. 3) Allow the rich to skim profits now against company futures, destroying job after job. 4) Get rid of corporate...

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